Japanese by Example
Learning through examples in manga

ひとりぼっちの○○生活(7) Vocabulary

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Word English Frequency Mark as Known SRS
わたし I; me 75 Mark as Known Add to SRS
する to do; to carry out; to perform 46 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 38 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 37 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study 34 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その that; the 33 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達ともだち friend; companion 33 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なる to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain 28 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 28 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勉強べんきょう study 25 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それ that; it 25 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思うおもう to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも always; all the time; at all times 22 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面接めんせつ interview (e.g. for a job) 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
書くかく to write; to compose; to pen 19 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言ういう to say; to utter; to declare 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クラス class 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いる to be (of animate objects); to exist 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大丈夫だいじょうぶ safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頑張るがんばる to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
be; is 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卒業そつぎょう graduation; completion (of a course) 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行くいく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考えるかんがえる to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろ seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持つもつ to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃんと diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強いつよい strong; potent; competent; domineering; tough 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
撮るとる to take (a photo) 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼ぶよぶ to call out (to); to call; to invoke 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょ it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自信じしん self-confidence; confidence (in oneself) 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女子じょし woman; girl 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高校こうこう senior high school; high school 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな such; that sort of; that kind of; like that 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いう to say; to utter; to declare 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんた you 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
また again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ this; this one 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
名前なまえ name 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生活せいかつ living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この this 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受験じゅけん taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university) 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いま now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喋るしゃべる to talk; to chat; to chatter 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
得意とくい satisfaction; pride; triumph; elation 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教えるおしえる to teach; to instruct 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんで why?; what for? 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好くすく to like; to love; to be fond of 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつ he; she; that guy 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わるおわる to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先生せんせい teacher; instructor; master 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来るくる to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最後さいご end; conclusion 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ノート notebook; copy-book; exercise book 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すごい terrible; dreadful 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
野球部やきゅうぶ baseball club (at a university, corporation, etc.); baseball team 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それはそれ​‌は very; extremely 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
撮影さつえい photography (still or motion); photographing; filming; shooting; (video) recording 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事だいじ important; serious; crucial 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉ことば language; dialect 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とき time; hour; moment 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寝るねる to sleep (lying down) 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おに ogre; demon; oni 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学期がっき school term; semester 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カリカリ crisp (e.g. potato chip, fried fish, etc.); crunchy 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
委員長いいんちょう (committee) chairman; president 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せき seat 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
英語えいご English (language) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話すはなす to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やめる to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to end; to quit 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はなし talk; speech; chat; conversation 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれ who 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動くうごく to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
甲子きのえね Wood Rat (1st year of the sexagenary cycle, e.g. 1924, 1984, 2044) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るみる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
苦手にがて poor (at); weak (in); not very good (at) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶対ぜったい absolutely; definitely; unconditionally 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部活ぶかつ club activities; extracurricular activities 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あげる to raise; to elevate 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
働くはたらく to work; to labor; to labour 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部屋へや room; chamber 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
古賀こが Koga (city), Fukuoka Prefecture 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かける to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to suspend (from); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日本語にほんご Japanese (language) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
敬語けいご honorific; term of respect; polite expression; honorific language 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バレる to leak out (a secret); to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.); to be found out 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
タメ語タメご casual language 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日きょう today; this day 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なに what 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自己紹介じこしょうかい self-introduction 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たしか sure; certain; positive; definite 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まあ just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; now, now 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知るしる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気がするきがする to feel (as if); to have a feeling (that); to have a hunch (that); to get a sense (that) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間じかん time 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
トーク talk (esp. by a talk-show host, or by a stage musician to the audience between songs); banter; chat 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぎ next; following; subsequent 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
返事へんじ reply; answer; response 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしい good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
がんばる to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞くきく to hear 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ here; this place 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こす to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
深呼吸しんこきゅう deep breath 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひとつ one 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最初さいしょ beginning; outset; first; onset 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特訓とっくん special training; intensive training; crash course 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
世界せかい the world; society; the universe 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこ where; what place 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テニス tennis 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
登校拒否とうこうきょひ truancy 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホントに really; truly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
壊れるこわれる to be broken; to break 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進学校しんがくこう school centred on preparing students to get into university 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだ still; as yet; only 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ああ like that; so 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お前おまえ you 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出るでる to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっと a little; a bit; slightly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしくお願いしますよろしくおねがいします please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝えるつたえる to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しいうれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ついに finally; at last 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違うちがう to differ (from); to vary 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全員ぜんいん all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転校てんこう changing schools 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生徒せいと pupil; student; schoolchild 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決めるきめる to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進路しんろ route; course; path 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
後悔こうかい regret; repentance; remorse 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夏休みなつやすみ summer vacation; summer holiday 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業じゅぎょう lesson; class work; teaching; instruction 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明日あした tomorrow 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ちきもち feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰るかえる to return; to come home; to go home; to go back 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一番いちばん number one; first; first place 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急にきゅうに swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily; hurriedly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
習字しゅうじ penmanship; calligraphy 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれません may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合格ごうかく passing (an exam); pass; success; passing grade 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
練習れんしゅう practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受けるうける to receive; to get 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
静かにしずかに calmly; quietly; gently; peacefully 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面接官めんせつかん interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
私たちわたしたち we; us 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お部屋おへや room 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
秘密ひみつ secret; secrecy; confidentiality; privacy 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当にほんとうに really; truly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつけるきをつける to be careful; to pay attention; to take care 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まき roll (e.g. of cloth) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
紹介しょうかい introduction; presentation; referral; listing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受験勉強じゅけんべんきょう studying for a test (esp. school or university entrance examinations) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忍者にんじゃ ninja; person trained in ninjutsu and employed for covert purposes in feudal Japan 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
謎いなぞい mystifying; puzzling; perplexing; baffling; bewildering 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こう in this way; thus; such 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まえ in front (of); before (e.g. a building) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
to; traditional unit of volume, approx. 18 litres 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱり as expected; sure enough; just as one thought 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
セリフ (spoken) line (in a play, film, comic, etc.); one's lines 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
赤点あかてん failing mark (e.g. in exam) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
半年はんとし half a year; six months 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休み時間やすみじかん recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつか sometime; someday; one day; some time or other; the other day; in due course; in time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まま as it is; as one likes; because; as 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やすい easy 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただ ordinary; common; usual 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
残念ざんねん regrettable; unfortunate; disappointing; vexing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
義務教育ぎむきょういく compulsory education 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えるみえる to be seen; to be in sight 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バカ idiot; moron; fool 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分でじぶんで by myself; in person; by oneself 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不思議ふしぎ wonderful; marvelous; strange; incredible; amazing; curious; miraculous; mysterious 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全部ぜんぶ all; entire; whole; altogether 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
という called; named; that says; that 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
待つまつ to wait 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中学ちゅうがく junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その時そのとき at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サッカー部サッカーぶ soccer club (at a school); football club 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これで here; with this 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことができる to be able (to); to be possible (to) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現実げんじつ reality; actuality; hard fact 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
公立こうりつ public (institution) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お金おかね money 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おや parent; parents; mother and father 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全てすべて everything; all; the whole 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理由りゆう reason; pretext; motive 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学力がくりょく scholarly ability; scholarship; knowledge; literary ability 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ありがとうございました thank you 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にも also; too; not ... either; as well; even 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これから from now on; after this; in the future; in future 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夏いなつい blisteringly hot; relentlessly hot; scorching 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遊ぶあそぶ to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to have a good time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うみ sea; ocean; waters 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中学生ちゅうがくせい junior high school student; middle school pupil 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そこ there (place relatively near listener) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすが as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
早いはやい fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy; brisk; prompt 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぎる to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会うあう to meet; to encounter; to see 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
敗けるまける to lose; to be defeated 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほとんど mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but; just about; almost 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なきゃいけない cannot do without something; indispensable; absolutely necessary 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ピンポン ping-pong; table tennis 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見つけるみつける to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アルバム album 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中学受験ちゅうがくじゅけん taking a junior high-school entrance examination 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落ちるおちる to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あう to meet; to encounter; to see 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つる crane (any bird of the family Gruidae, esp. the red-crowned crane, Grus japonensis) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おもしろい interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
敗訴はいそ loss of a (legal) case 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重要じゅうよう important; momentous; essential; principal; major 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
緊張きんちょう tension; strain; nervousness; stress 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
貸すかす to lend; to loan 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
取るとる to take; to pick up; to grab; to catch 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
賀すがす to congratulate 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
図書館としょかん library 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ある to be; to exist; to live 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
推薦すいせん recommendation; referral; endorsement 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
推薦入試すいせんにゅうし entrance examination for selected candidates (who have been recommended to the university) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失礼しますしつれいします excuse me; pardon me; I beg your pardon 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ドア door (Western-style, car, etc.) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れるわすれる to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
是非ぜひ certainly; without fail 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人おとな adult; grown-up 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冬休みふゆやすみ winter vacation; winter holidays 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
打ち上げるうちあげる to launch; to shoot up 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずっと continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
観察かんさつ observation; survey; watching 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの person 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視力しりょく eyesight; vision; visual acuity 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
主人公しゅじんこう protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようやく finally; at last 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からだ body 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
乱れるみだれる to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be disarrayed; to be disheveled; to be dishevelled 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
風紀ふうき public morals; discipline; rules governing social behavior 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幼なじみおさななじみ childhood friend; friend from infancy; old playmate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担任たんにん being in charge of (esp. a class or subject); taking charge of 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
憧れるあこがれる to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
委員いいん committee member 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おもい thought 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
交信こうしん telecommunications; correspondence 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハイ high (e.g. spirits); merry 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふたご twins; twin 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
双子ふたご twins; twin 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人気者にんきもの popular person; favorite; favourite 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さくら cherry tree; cherry blossom 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中学校ちゅうがっこう junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
危ないあぶない dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
間違えるまちがえる to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかしい funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しそ founder; originator; pioneer 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
爆笑ばくしょう roar of laughter (from multiple people); burst of laughter; uproarious laughter 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゅく cram school; private tutoring school; juku 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
入学にゅうがく admission (to a school or university); entrance; enrolment; enrollment; matriculation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ってのはっての​‌は means; is; as for 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
完璧かんぺき perfect; complete; flawless 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頼むたのむ to request; to beg; to ask 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけじゃない it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そりゃ very; extremely 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まったい complete; whole; perfect; entire 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飛び火とびひ leaping flames; flying sparks 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっそ rather; sooner; preferably 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マスター to master (a skill) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分じぶん myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コツを掴むコツをつかむ to get the hang of; to learn the secret to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やばい dangerous; risky 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんせ at any rate; anyhow 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感じるかんじる to feel; to sense; to experience 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いくら how much 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追試ついし supplementary examination 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みな everyone; everybody; all 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同じようおなじよう similar 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成長せいちょう growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おれ I; me 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結婚けっこん marriage 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この人このひと this person; he; she 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大会たいかい mass meeting; convention; rally; conference; assembly; gathering 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全国ぜんこく the whole country 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決まるきまる to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed; to be arranged 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もっと (some) more; even more; longer; further 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとか something; something or other; so-and-so 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい consequence; outcome; result; blame 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しゅん season (e.g. fruit, fish) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんな this sort of; this kind of; like this; such 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
eye; eyeball 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
答えるこたえる to answer; to reply 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とっても very; awfully; exceedingly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だめ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆめ dream 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつ when; at what time; how soon 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言いづらいいいづらい difficult to speak about 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アホ fool; idiot; simpleton 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集中しゅうちゅう concentration; focusing; convergence; centralization; integration; gathering together 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
間違うまちがう to make a mistake; to be incorrect; to be mistaken 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バー bar; tavern; saloon; barroom 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悩むなやむ to be worried; to be troubled 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放送ほうそう broadcasting; broadcast; program; announcement 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女の子おんなのこ girl; daughter; baby girl 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正直しょうじき honest; frank; candid; straightforward 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しんどい tired; frazzled 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
経過時間けいかじかん elapsed time 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑顔えがお smiling face; smile 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
私立しりつ private (establishment) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪いわるい bad; poor; undesirable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無いない nonexistent; not being (there) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
参考にするさんこうにする to refer to; to use as reference 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学校がっこう school 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進路指導しんろしどう guidance counseling 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことがある (for something) to have occurred; to have done (something) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先にさきに previously; before; earlier; formerly; recently 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相談そうだん consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (someone) for advice 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さき point; tip; end; nozzle 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんでやねん what the hell?; what are you going on about?; what the hell are you doing?; you've got to be kidding 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
流すながす to drain; to pour; to spill; to shed (blood, tears) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冷たいつめたい cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; freezing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のみもの drink; beverage 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いかが how; in what way; how about 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
買うかう to buy; to purchase 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
千円せんえん 1000 yen 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふたつ two 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くださる to give; to confer; to bestow 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応援おうえん aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見せるみせる to show; to display 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
試合しあい match; game; bout; contest 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かっこいい attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣くなく to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何もなにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
惜しいおしい regrettable; disappointing; unfortunate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とする to try to ...; to be about to do ... 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポーズ pose 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配しんぱい worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっと surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人生じんせい (one's) life 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にいっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
難しいむずかしい difficult; hard; troublesome; complicated; serious (disease, problem, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いぬ dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
流れるながれる to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to run (ink) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だっけ was it?; I think it was ...; if I've got it right; if I'm not mistaken; remind me; tell me again 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寂しいさびしい lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いきなり abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カシャ freight car; van 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なま raw; uncooked; fresh 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
後ろうしろ back; behind; rear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かべ wall; partition 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
貼るはる to stick; to paste; to affix 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気に入るきにいる to like; to be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to; to suit one's fancy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
折るおる to break; to fracture; to break off; to snap off; to pick (e.g. flowers) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
移動いどう movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よっか 4th day of the month 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝訴しょうそ winning a (legal) case; victory (in a legal case) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
表現ひょうげん expression; presentation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケータイ mobile phone; cell phone 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
漢字かんじ kanji; Chinese character 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゅう dwelling; living 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
過ごすすごす to pass (time); to spend 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失敗しっぱい failure; mistake; blunder 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの thing; object; article; stuff; substance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ロボ robotics 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
化すかす to change into; to convert to; to transform; to be reduced; to influence; to improve (someone) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
teacher; master; mentor 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人間にんげん human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
リラックス relax 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホント truth; reality; actuality; fact 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
納得なっとく consent; agreement; acceptance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場所ばしょ place; location; spot; position 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向かうむかう to face 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動画どうが video (esp. digital); video clip; clip 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
修学旅行しゅうがくりょこう excursion; field trip; school trip 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しみたのしみ enjoyment; pleasure; diversion; amusement; hobby 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ストレート straight 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐ immediately; at once; right away; directly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
内申点ないしんてん school grades; academic results 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷うまよう to lose one's way; to get lost 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
返すかえす to return (something); to restore; to put back 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
将来しょうらい future (usually near); prospects 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
解き方ときかた manner of solving 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おる to be (animate); to be; to exist 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同じおなじ same; identical; equal; uniform; equivalent; similar; common (origin); changeless; alike 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食べるたべる to eat 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このまま as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶交ぜっこう breaking off a relationship; permanent breach of friendship; rupture 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムリ unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やく role; assignment; responsibility; duty; function; job; service 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
閉めるしめる to close; to shut 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しすこし small quantity; little; few; something 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へん strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
天才てんさい genius; prodigy; natural gift 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
弱音よわね feeble complaint; whine 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集まるあつまる to gather; to collect; to assemble 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
認めるみとめる to recognize; to recognise; to observe; to notice 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パパ papa; dad; daddy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ママ mama; mamma; mom; mommy; mum; mummy; mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
探すさがす to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to seek 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気付くきづく to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize; to realise 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突然とつぜん abrupt; sudden; unexpected 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気絶きぜつ faint; swoon 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体調管理たいちょうかんり health management; health maintenance; health care 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パンケーキ pancake 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんな what kind of; what sort of; what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
声をかけるこえをかける to greet; to call out (to); to start talking (to) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボク I; me 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっかけに with ... as a start; taking advantage of; inspired by 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仲良くなかよく on good terms (with); on friendly terms (with); (getting along) well; in harmony; happily; peacefully 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最終さいしゅう last; final; closing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バッドエンド bad ending (in a film, novel, etc.); unhappy ending 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
健康けんこう health 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
読むよむ to read 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アイフ AIFF 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フル full 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
驚異きょうい wonder; miracle; amazement; prodigy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うた song; singing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
通学つうがく commuting to school; school commute 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幼馴染みおさななじみ childhood friend; friend from infancy; old playmate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガン gun 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バル balcony 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チャージ charge (electrical); recharging 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おしえる to teach; to instruct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お嬢さまおじょうさま (another's) daughter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
説明せつめい explanation; exposition; description; account; caption; legend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特徴とくちょう feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誕生日たんじょうび birthday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちしき knowledge; information 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かわいい cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いけない wrong; not good; of no use 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マッドサイエンティスト mad scientist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いなか rural area; countryside; the sticks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なまる to speak with an accent; to be corrupted (of word); to mispronounce 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上京じょうきょう going (up) to the capital; going to Tokyo 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
図書としょ books 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お姫さまおひめさま princess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
希望きぼう hope; wish; aspiration 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
げん word; remark; statement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テンション (emotional) tension; anxiety 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むすめ daughter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふとう injustice; impropriety; unreasonableness; undeserved; unfair; invalid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あね older sister; elder sister 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おなか belly; abdomen; stomach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
甘党あまとう person who prefers sweet things to alcoholic drinks; person with a sweet tooth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すなお obedient; meek; docile; unaffected 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぐ to pour (into a vessel); to fill (a cup, bowl, etc.) with; to dish out (food or drink) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いもうと younger sister 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
となり next (to); adjoining; adjacent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当番とうばん being on duty; person on duty; one's turn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
第三だいさん the third 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落ち着くおちつく to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大変たいへん very; greatly; terribly; awfully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こか solidification 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休むやすむ to be absent; to take a day off 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休憩きゅうけい rest; break; recess; intermission 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気分転換きぶんてんかん change of pace; change of mood; (mental) break (e.g. going for a walk); refreshment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
開校かいこう opening a school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なかなか very; considerably; easily; readily; fairly; quite; highly; rather 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しいたのしい enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時にはとき​に‌は at times; occasionally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結構けっこう splendid; nice; wonderful; delicious; sweet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
科目かもく (school) subject; curriculum; course 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理解りかい understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
深まるふかまる to deepen; to heighten; to intensify 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なな seven 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
国語こくご national language 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
満点まんてん perfect score; full marks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
獲れるとれる to be harvested; to be reaped; to be yielded 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かな kana; Japanese syllabary (i.e. hiragana, katakana) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつまで経ってもいつまでたっても no matter how much time passes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恥ずかしいはずかしい embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんの what; what kind of; what sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言われてみればいわれてみれば now that you say that; now that you mention it 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐに immediately; right away; at once; instantly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
永遠えいえん eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しかた way; method; means; resource; course 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正確せいかく accurate; correct; precise; exact 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合うあう to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まず first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普段ふだん usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出て来るでてくる to come out; to appear; to turn up; to emerge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
順調じゅんちょう favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優しいやさしい tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まさに exactly; surely; certainly; just 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くも cloud 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
掴むつかむ to seize; to catch; to grasp; to grip; to grab; to clutch; to hold; to catch hold of; to lay one's hands on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
様なような like; similar to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大概たいがい generally; mainly; usually; normally; mostly; for the most part 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教室きょうしつ classroom; lecture room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そと outside; exterior 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勿体無いもったいない wasteful; a waste 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶妙ぜつみょう exquisite; superb; perfect; miraculous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バカっぽい stupid; silly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつづける to stay on (e.g. at one's friends house); to remain in the same neighborhood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
久しぶりひさしぶり a long time (since the last time); first in a long time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かさねる to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to put on top of another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目指すめざす to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
試むこころむ to attempt; to try 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
通訳つうやく interpretation (i.e. oral translation) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
testing; experiment; test; examination; exam; trial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重ねるかさねる to pile up; to heap up; to stack up; to put on top of another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
経つたつ to pass (of time); to elapse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もとる to go against; to act contrary to; to run counter to; to deviate from 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もし if; in case; supposing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ねつい zeal; enthusiasm; ardor; ardour 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃げるにげる to escape; to run away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
らくさん butyric acid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっき a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞こえるきこえる to be heard; to be audible; to reach one's ears 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のです the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; the explanation is that ...; it is that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけない easy; simple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むかし olden days; former 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行きいき the way there; outbound leg; outbound trip; departing leg 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お話しおはなし story; tale 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お祝いおいわい congratulation; congratulations; celebration; festival 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
してやる to do for (someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よる to be due to; to be caused by 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな that sort of; that kind of; like that; such; so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
男子だんし boy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ring; circle; loop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういう such; like that; that sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんなん such a thing; something like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どする to redeem (from sin); to save 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こいつら these guys; these fellows 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだい difficult problem; challenge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
居場所いばしょ whereabouts; place; location 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からど hinged door 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい人いいひと good-natured person; good person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思うままおもうまま as one wishes; as one pleases; to one's heart's content 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
邪魔じゃま hindrance; obstacle; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; interference 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
モチベーション motivation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
保つたもつ to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまいこと successfully; nicely; skillfully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ということだ I've heard that ...; rumour has it that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話をするはなしをする to have a talk; to tell a story 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引き延ばすひきのばす to stretch larger 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全国大会ぜんこくたいかい national convention; national competition; national athletic meet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉通りことばどおり exactly as stated; verbatim 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
告るこくる to confess one's love; to profess one's feelings 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本気ほんき seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お陰でおかげで thanks to ...; owing to ...; because of ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷惑めいわく trouble; bother; annoyance; nuisance; inconvenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことになる to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うしく Ushiku (city), Ibaraki Prefecture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初めてはじめて for the first time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげで thanks to ...; owing to ...; because of ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キャッチボール catch; playing catch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手裏剣しゅりけん shuriken; small throwing blade; throwing star 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関するかんする to concern; to be related 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やりとり giving and taking; exchange (of letters); arguing back and forth; (conversational) exchange 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心の声こころのこえ (one's) inner voice; voice of one's heart; what one really thinks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっかり all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
打ち解けるうちとける to open one's heart; to throw off reserve; to be frank 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勇気ゆうき courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くれる to give; to let (one) have 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげ grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お返しおかえし return gift; return favour (favor) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまくいく to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱ too; also; likewise; either 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目標もくひょう goal; target; aim; objective 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そのため hence; for that reason 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
道筋みちすじ path; route; itinerary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ピザ pizza 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くすむ to be dark; to be dull 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あらゆる all; every 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可能性かのうせい potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
広がるひろがる to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みち road; path; street; lane; passage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
年収ねんしゅう annual income 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
によって according to; by (means of); due to; because of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
送り出すおくりだす to send out; to forward; to show (a person) out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかんない not understanding; not knowing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとなく somehow or other; for some reason or another; without knowing why 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんまり (not) very; (not) much 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相談にのるそうだんにのる to give advice; to counsel; to take part in a consultation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことはないこと​‌は​ない there is no need to ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
辞表じひょう letter of resignation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出すだす to take out; to get out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだまだ still; much more; (not) yet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
志望しぼう wish; desire; ambition 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつでも (at) any time; always; at all times; whenever 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かなり considerably; fairly; quite; rather; pretty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
厳しいきびしい severe; strict; rigid; unsparing; relentless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オススメ recommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教え方おしえかた method of teaching 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教師きょうし teacher (classroom) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あさる to fish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しばらく for a moment; for a minute 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おまえ you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
格好かっこう shape; form; figure; posture; pose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
禁止きんし prohibition; inhibition; ban 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごくらくごくらく It's absolute heaven; It's sheer bliss 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さえあれば if only (you) have; as long as (you) have; whenever (you) have 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泳ぐおよぐ to swim 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イコール equal; equivalent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
捉えるとらえる to catch; to capture; to seize; to arrest; to grab; to catch hold of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぷかぷか lightly (floating); buoyantly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たすかる to be saved; to be rescued; to survive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重みおもみ weight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好きにするすきにする to do as one likes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やりすぎる to overdo; to go too far; to go to excess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のど throat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
乾くかわく to get dry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ジャンケン rock-paper-scissors (game); janken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
負けるまける to lose; to be defeated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飲み物のみもの drink; beverage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勿論もちろん of course; certainly; naturally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワリカン splitting the cost; Dutch treat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワタシ I; me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヒトリデ alone; by oneself; on one's own 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
代金だいきん price; cost; charge; payment; bill; fee 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しゃーない it can't be helped; so it goes; c'est la vie 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こっそり stealthily; secretly; in secret 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
後をつけるあとをつける to tag along; to follow; to tail; to shadow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お願いおねがい request; favour (to ask); wish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困るこまる to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビーム beam 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょうど exactly; precisely; just; right 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お水おみず water; (drinking) water; (glass of) water 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お茶おちゃ tea (usu. green) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コーラ cola (carbonated soft drink) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サマー summer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バケーション vacation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昨日きのう yesterday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ペットボトル PET bottle (clear plastic beverage bottle) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出おもいで memories; recollections; reminiscence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だからって even so; all the same; nevertheless; yes, but ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
りく land; shore 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
二度とにどと never again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんか private house 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まっくろい pitch black; deep black 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真面目まじめ serious; honest; sober; grave; earnest; steady 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
屋外おくがい outdoors; outside 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暑いあつい hot; warm; sultry; heated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
室内しつない indoor; inside the room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コテンパン completely (beaten, defeated, etc.); thoroughly; utterly; black and blue; to a pulp 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よしよし there, there 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つもる to pile up; to accumulate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サボる to be truant; to slack off; to play hooky; to skip school; to cut class; to skip out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
半分はんぶん half 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受かるうかる to pass (examination) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
信じるしんじる to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以外いがい with the exception of; excepting; excluding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
驚くおどろく to be surprised; to be astonished 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
整理せいり sorting; arrangement; organization; putting in order; adjustment; regulation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色々いろいろ various; all sorts of; variety of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
新しいあたらしい new; novel; fresh; recent; latest; up-to-date; modern 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヘアスタイル hairstyle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カンペキ perfect; complete; flawless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
似合うにあう to suit; to match; to become; to be like 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と言えばといえば speaking of ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
訓練くんれん training; drill; practice; discipline 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
続けるつづける to continue; to keep up; to keep on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それまで until then; till then; up to that time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
慣れるなれる to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場合ばあい case; situation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
問題もんだい question (e.g. on a test); problem 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人になるおとなになる to grow up; to become an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自己じこ self; oneself 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アピール appeal (e.g. to public opinion); plea; request 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
機会きかい chance; opportunity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度もなんども many times over; often; repeatedly; time after time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
避けるさける to avoid (physical contact with) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突破とっぱ breaking through; breakthrough; penetration 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いらん I don't need it; I don't want it 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でもある to also be (implies that as well as the earlier stated this is also the case) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こそこそ sneakily; secretly; stealthily; on the sly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう now; soon; shortly; before long; presently 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅いおそい slow; time-consuming; sluggish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
鍛えるきたえる to forge; to temper 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
対策たいさく measure; step; countermeasure; counterplan; countermove; strategy; preparation (e.g. for a test) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さとり Satori; folklore monster that can read minds 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現実味げんじつみ (sense of) reality; realness; realism; authenticity; viability 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゴーン dong (of a bell or gong) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転入生てんにゅうせい transfer student 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビン bottle; jar; decanter; flagon; phial; vial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑えるわらえる to laugh; to break into laughter; to be made to laugh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担当たんとう being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワイロ bribe; sweetener; douceur 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まるい round; circular; spherical 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どれどれ which 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
picture; drawing; painting; sketch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終えるおえる to finish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せっかく with trouble; at great pains 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あたし I; me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
判決はんけつ judicial decision; judgement; judgment; sentence; decree 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業中じゅぎょうちゅう while in class 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
裁判さいばん trial; judgement; judgment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へそ navel; belly button 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たの indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
積み重ねるつみかさねる to pile up; to accumulate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かぶる to put on (one's head); to wear; to have on; to pull over (one's head); to crown (oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
簡単かんたん simple; easy; uncomplicated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
字書じしょ dictionary of Chinese characters; kanji dictionary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いただける to be able to receive; to be able to take; to be able to accept 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とても very; awfully; exceedingly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
多いおおい many; numerous; a lot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からこ boy or doll dressed in ancient Chinese clothes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くち mouth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
読み込みよみこみ reading; loading 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必死ひっし frantic; frenetic; desperate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その結果そのけっか as a result 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
反転はんてん rolling over; turning over 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よこ horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カタカナ katakana; angular Japanese syllabary used primarily for loanwords 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手かって one's own convenience; one's way; selfishness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
前進ぜんしん advance; moving forward; progress 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
皆さんみなさん all; everyone; everybody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冗談じょうだん joke; jest; funny story 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学生生活がくせいせいかつ student (college) life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
隠密おんみつ secret; clandestine; covert 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
りょう good (quality, condition, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょう 10^12; 1,000,000,000,000; trillion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通ふつう normal; ordinary; regular; usual; common; average 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
改心かいしん conversion; reform; correcting someone's conduct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ギンギン ecstatic; ecstatically 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
角度かくど angle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
校則こうそく school rules; school regulations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違反いはん violation; offense; offence; breach; transgression; infringement; contravention 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
である be; is 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムダ futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガンバル to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
妖精ようせい fairy; sprite; elf 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
デス death 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻るもどる to turn back (e.g. half-way) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見習うみならう to follow another's example 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑うわらう to laugh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出席番号しゅっせきばんごう student number (for seating, etc. in class) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意外いがい unexpected; surprising 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽勝らくしょう easy victory; walkover 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じっと motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
らしい -ish; like a ...; typical of ...; appropriate for ...; becoming of ...; worthy of the name ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもね maybe; could be; might 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
タスキ cord used to tuck up the sleeves of a kimono 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もはや already; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一部いちぶ one part; one portion; one section; some 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歌ううたう to sing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
セット set 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お先におさきに before; previously 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イメトレ training method in sports, etc. where one imagines how a scenario would play out; mental rehearsal; mental preparation; visualization (for practicing a skill in one's mind)(practising); practicing under simulated conditions (e.g. while watching a video) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
順番じゅんばん turn (in line); order of things; sequential order 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しおり bookmark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あと behind; rear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全然ぜんぜん (not) at all; (not) in the slightest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強いるしいる to force; to compel; to coerce; to press; to impose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カメラマン photographer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カメラ camera 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向こう側むこうがわ other side; opposite side; other party 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あなた you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動揺どうよう shaking; trembling; pitching; rolling; oscillation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
写真しゃしん photograph; photo; picture; snapshot; snap 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卒業式そつぎょうしき graduation ceremony; commencement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの thing; object; article; stuff; substance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どり bird's lungs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見やすいみやすい easy to see; easy to read 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
借りるかりる to borrow; to have a loan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パーマ perm (hairstyle); permanent wave 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
写すうつす to transcribe; to duplicate; to reproduce; to imitate; to trace 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最近さいきん recently; lately; these days; nowadays; right now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
熱心ねっしん zealous; enthusiastic; ardent; fervent; keen; eager 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引っ越すひっこす to move (house); to change residence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引っ越しひっこし moving (dwelling, office, etc.); changing residence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつかはいつか​‌は sooner or later; in due time; in due course 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなに so much; so; like that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大反対だいはんたい strong opposition 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
座るすわる to sit; to squat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特殊とくしゅ special; particular; peculiar; unique 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
約束やくそく promise; agreement; arrangement; one's word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement; date 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放課後ほうかご after school (at the end of the day) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教科書きょうかしょ textbook; coursebook; schoolbook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕事しごと work; job; labor; labour; business; task; assignment; occupation; employment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
増えるふえる to increase; to multiply 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケーキ屋ケーキや cake shop; pastry shop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クレープ crêpe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最高さいこう best; supreme; wonderful; finest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やく to burn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
朝イチあさイチ first thing in the morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大好きだいすき liking very much; loving (something or someone); adoring; being very fond of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだっけ what is it? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数学すうがく mathematics 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今すぐいますぐ at once; immediately; right now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうにない showing no signs of (verb); extremely unlikely to (verb) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メモ note; memo; memorandum 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
挟まるはさまる to get between; to be caught in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度なんど how many times 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さくら cherry tree; cherry blossom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
十五じゅうご 15; fifteen 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
モギ imitation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いろいろ various; all sorts of; variety of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あそこ there; over there; that place; yonder; you-know-where 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お手洗いおてあらい toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さそう to invite; to ask (someone to do); to call (for); to take (someone) along 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わざわざ expressly; especially; taking the trouble (to do); going to the trouble of (doing); going out of one's way (to do) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
効率こうりつ efficiency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
リウ six 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホット hot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先程さきほど a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結局けっきょく after all; in the end; ultimately; eventually 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケーキ cake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メッセージ message 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使うつかう to use (a tool, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ねる to knead; to thicken into a paste (stirring over a flame) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成績せいせき results; record; grades; marks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝つかつ to win; to gain victory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めん dismissal; discharge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しゃべる to talk; to chat; to chatter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
判断はんだん judgment; judgement; decision; conclusion; adjudication 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
志望校しぼうこう school of one's (first, second) choice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
水洗すいせん washing with water; rinsing; flushing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作文さくぶん writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重視じゅうし regarding as important; attaching importance to; taking a serious view of; putting emphasis on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほぼ almost; roughly; approximately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
断ることわる to refuse; to reject; to dismiss; to turn down; to decline 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でかい huge; big; gargantuan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別々にべつべつに separately; apart; severally; individually 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことにする to decide to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ところから from the place (where) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
始まるはじまる to begin; to start; to commence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出すおもいだす to recall; to remember; to recollect 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゃないか isn't it? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人っぽいおとなっぽい grown-up (manner, etc.); mature; adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見た目みため appearance; (outward) looks; exterior appearance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
割とわりと comparatively; relatively; fairly; rather; pretty; unexpectedly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
微妙びみょう subtle; delicate; fine 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
てん dot; spot; point; speck; mark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
印象いんしょう impression 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポセイドン Poseidon (Greek god) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相手にするあいてにする to keep company; to listen to; to associate with; to take notice of; to deal with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すばらしい wonderful; splendid; magnificent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作戦さくせん tactics; strategy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コンコン tap-tap; knock-knock; bang-bang 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失礼しましたしつれいしました my apologies; I'm sorry; excuse me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バタン bang; slam; thud; crash 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
第二だいに second 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本日ほんじつ today; this day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パタン with a snap; with a bang; with a plonk; with a click 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上出来じょうでき good performance; good work; great success 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんなに so; like this; in this way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
弾みをつけるはずみをつける to provide momentum; to give a boost to; to encourage; to spur; to stimulate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
入試にゅうし entrance examination 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やく approximately; about 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キリ end; ending; bottom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不合格ふごうかく (examination) failure; rejection; disqualification 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言わすいわす to get someone to say; to make someone say 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつの間にかいつのまにか before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方がいいほうがいい had better ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話しかけるはなしかける to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
リピート repeating; repetition 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アフター after 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
率直そっちょく frank; candid; straightforward; openhearted; direct; outspoken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あとで afterwards 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
弱音を吐くよわねをはく to whine; to make feeble complaints 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ながらも though; although; notwithstanding; in spite of; despite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本音ほんね real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
油断ゆだん negligence; carelessness; inattention; unpreparedness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あっという間にあっというまに just like that; in the twinkling of an eye; in the blink of an eye; in the time it takes to say "ah!" 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほど extent; degree; measure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
残るのこる to remain; to be left 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はす sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera); Indian lotus; lotus 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずるい sly; cunning; sneaky; crafty; unfair; dishonest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞き方ききかた way of asking 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わりおわり end; ending; close; conclusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
実家じっか (one's parents') home 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一人でひとりで alone; by oneself; on one's own 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハッピー happy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卒業旅行そつぎょうりょこう graduation trip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
広いひろい spacious; vast; wide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰かだれか someone; somebody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気まずいきまずい unpleasant; awkward; embarrassing; uneasy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スケール scale; vernier 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ないといけない have to (verb); must (verb) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
隠密行動おんみつこうどう covert action; covert operations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
修得しゅうとく learning; acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ため good; advantage; benefit; welfare 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
弟子入りでしいり becoming a pupil (of); becoming an apprentice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味いみ meaning; significance; sense 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
弟子でし pupil; disciple; adherent; follower; apprentice; young person; teacher's student-helper 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もちろん of course; certainly; naturally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一人前いちにんまえ one portion; one serving; one person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気になるきになる to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to worry about; to be concerned about; to care about; to feel uneasy; to be anxious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以前いぜん ago; since; before; previous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進学しんがく entering a higher-level school, esp. going on to university 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
通うかよう to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.); to ply between 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同意どうい agreement; consent; approval; assent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目的もくてき purpose; goal; aim; objective; intention 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行動こうどう action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
存在そんざい existence; being 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かぎ key 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ドキドキ thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; pitapat; pitter-patter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あき autumn; fall 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きゃく guest; visitor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つきとめる to determine (esp. a culprit or underlying cause); to pin down; to ascertain; to locate; to identify 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぜ why; how 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
回るまわる to turn; to revolve 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
では無いで‌はない is not; am not; are not 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フリーズ freezing; turning into ice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終業式しゅうぎょうしき ceremony held at the end of a school term; end-of-term ceremony 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特にとくに particularly; especially; in particular; expressly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
に向けてにむけて towards (a destination); for the purpose of; with the goal of; targeting (a group, a demographic) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
万全ばんぜん perfection; flawlessness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備じゅんび preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大体だいたい outline; main points; gist; substance; essence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
がく learning; scholarship; study; erudition; knowledge; education 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自然体しぜんたい natural posture (esp. in judo); natural stance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最強さいきょう strongest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うんよく luckily 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意識いしき consciousness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わんちゃん doggie; pooch; bow-wow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
年が明けるとしがあける the New Year begins; the New Year starts 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恒例こうれい established practice; custom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ある人あるひと someone (unspecified, but someone in particular); a certain person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悔いるくいる to regret 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来年らいねん next year 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姿すがた figure; form; shape 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引き出しひきだし drawer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面倒めんどう trouble; bother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持って来るもってくる to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おか hill; height; knoll; rising ground 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今までいままで until now; so far; up to the present 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今年ことし this year 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすがに as one would expect; naturally; indeed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場面ばめん scene; setting; place (where something happens); scenario; case 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コツ knack; skill; trick; secret; know-how; the ropes; hang 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボクっ娘ボクっこ young woman who uses the first person pronoun "boku" 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
周りまわり circumference; girth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関わるかかわる to be affected; to be influenced 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心を開くこころをひらく to divulge one's true feelings; to open one's heart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一年前いちねんまえ one year ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チャンス chance; opportunity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何かなにか something; some; any 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
参加さんか participation; joining; entry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サゴ sago (edible sago palm starch) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょろい easy; simple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ラスボス final boss 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なくす to lose (something); to mislay 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ラス lath 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
レス reply (on an Internet message board, chat client, etc.); response; comment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
hand; arm 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このように in this manner; in this way; like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さす to make (someone) do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バット bat (in baseball, cricket, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
職人しょくにん craftsman; artisan; tradesman; worker; workman 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つばめ swallow (bird of the Hirundinidae family); martin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はう to crawl; to creep; to go on all fours 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むら unevenness (of colour, paint, etc.); irregularity; nonuniformity; blotchiness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スラッガー slugger 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キャッチャー catcher 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きんし prohibition; inhibition; ban 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
死ぬしぬ to die; to pass away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かしこい wise; clever; smart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひがし east 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういえば now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうですね that's so, isn't it 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょうか don't you think?; indicates question 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっち coincidence; agreement; union; match 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真剣しんけん serious; earnest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうもう dense (e.g. fog, dust, etc.); thick 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つま wife 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ななこ decorating a metal surface with small dots resembling fish eggs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ように in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よくなる to become better; to improve 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と同じようにとおなじように in the same way as; just like 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まと mark; target 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カツ cutlet (usu. crumbed and fried) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
りょう finish; completion; the end 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ございます to be; to exist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
残すのこす to leave (behind) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かつ living; life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
三月さんがつ March 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
次巻じかん next volume (of a book, comic, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
予定よてい plans; arrangement; schedule; program; programme; expectation; estimate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ラスト last; final 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
描くえがく to draw; to paint; to sketch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
半信半疑はんしんはんぎ half in doubt; half-convinced; dubious; incredulous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
単行本たんこうぼん tankōbon; (manga) volume; (comic) trade paperback 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎回まいかい every time; each round 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
締めくくるしめくくる to bring to a finish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今回こんかい this time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正真正銘しょうしんしょうめい genuine; authentic; true; real 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
励むはげむ to strive; to endeavour; to endeavor; to make an effort; to be zealous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
皆さまみなさま everyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すくすく (growing) quickly (esp. children, plants); (developing) quickly; fast; rapidly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頂くいただく to receive; to get; to accept; to take; to buy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボス boss; leader; head 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手前てまえ before oneself; in front of one; nearby 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる気やるき willingness (e.g. to do something); eagerness; motivation; inspiration; determination; high aspirations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS