Japanese by Example
Learning through examples in manga

君に届け リマスター版 9 Vocabulary

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Word English Frequency Mark as Known SRS
思うおもう to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 46 Mark as Known Add to SRS
する to do; to carry out; to perform 39 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 33 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 29 Mark as Known Add to SRS
黒いくろい black 27 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言ういう to say; to utter; to declare 25 Mark as Known Add to SRS
早いはやい fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy; brisk; prompt 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おれ I; me 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんた you 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう now; soon; shortly; before long; presently 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いる to be (of animate objects); to exist 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誤解ごかい misunderstanding 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
be; is 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷惑めいわく trouble; bother; annoyance; nuisance; inconvenience 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちがう to differ (from); to vary 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なる to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クラス class 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違うちがう to differ (from); to vary 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃんと diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かける to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to suspend (from); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag) 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっと a little; a bit; slightly 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おまえ you 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かお face; visage 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るみる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな such; that sort of; that kind of; like that 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょ it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずっと continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
平等びょうどう equality; impartiality; evenness 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひと person; someone; somebody 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分じぶん myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっぱい one cup (of); one glass (of); one bowl (of); cupful; glassful; bowlful; spoonful 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つもる to pile up; to accumulate 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱり as expected; sure enough; just as one thought 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オレ I; me 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何かなにか something; some; any 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かべ wall; partition 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感じるかんじる to feel; to sense; to experience 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱ too; also; likewise; either 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
んな such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
修羅場しゅらば fighting scene; scene of carnage (bloodshed) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞くきく to hear 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
余計よけい extra; more; too much; too many; excessive; superfluous; spare; surplus 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝えるつたえる to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あきらめる to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
立派りっぱ splendid; fine; handsome; elegant; imposing; prominent; impressive 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも always; all the time; at all times 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういう such; like that; that sort of 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
爽やかさわやか fresh; refreshing; invigorating 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑うわらう to laugh 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それ that; it 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪いわるい bad; poor; undesirable 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんで why?; what for? 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好くすく to like; to love; to be fond of 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごめんなさい I'm sorry; my apologies; excuse me; pardon me 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あたし I; me 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
山車だし parade float; festival float 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
邪魔じゃま hindrance; obstacle; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; interference 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
黒魔術くろまじゅつ black magic 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
浮くうく to float 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しいうれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつだって always; at any time 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただ ordinary; common; usual 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れるわすれる to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何もなにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それはそれ​‌は very; extremely 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
接しるせっしる to touch; to come in contact with; to border on; to adjoin; to be adjacent; to be close 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こえ voice 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ちきもち feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すきになる to come to like; to become fond of; to fall in love 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行くいく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もっと (some) more; even more; longer; further 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぎる to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣くなく to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アレ that; that thing 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好意こうい kindness; favor; favour; friendliness 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ような like; similar to 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当たり前あたりまえ natural; reasonable; obvious 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
告白こくはく confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.); admission 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いま now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その that; the 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頑張るがんばる to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっと surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろ seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いう to say; to utter; to declare 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やめる to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to end; to quit 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
彼女かのじょ she; her 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じむ office work; clerical work; administration; business; affairs 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ this; this one 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気づくきづく to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize; to realise 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
憧れるあこがれる to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
に対してにたいして towards; against; regarding; in contrast with 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明るいあかるい light; well-lit; well-lighted 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分でじぶんで by myself; in person; by oneself 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悲しいかなしい sad; miserable; unhappy; sorrowful 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これから from now on; after this; in the future; in future 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこ where; what place 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほんと truth; reality; actuality; fact 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あう to meet; to encounter; to see 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大丈夫だいじょうぶ safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可愛いかわいい cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来るくる to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まじ serious; not joking; straight 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかしい funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なか relation; relationship 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつかうきをつかう to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まあ just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; now, now 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放課後ほうかご after school (at the end of the day) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備じゅんび preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暗いくらい dark; gloomy; murky 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつ he; she; that guy 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ here; this place 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はずかしい embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あたしたち we; us 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そこ there (place relatively near listener) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だよね it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit? 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この this 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
多いおおい many; numerous; a lot 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
渡すわたす to ferry across (e.g. a river); to carry across; to traverse 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つきあう to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go steady with; to get on with 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カフェ café; cafe; coffeehouse 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作るつくる to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰るかえる to return; to come home; to go home; to go back 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まま as it is; as one likes; because; as 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かまう to mind; to care about; to be concerned about; to have a regard for 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
陰気いんき gloomy; dismal; miserable; melancholy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほっとく to leave alone; to leave as is; to ignore; to neglect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんまり (not) very; (not) much 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすが as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考えるかんがえる to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれ who 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいさつ greeting; greetings; salutation; salute; condolences; congratulations 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それだけ that much; as much; to that extent; only that; that alone; no more than that; that is all (when finished speaking) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手にかってに arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くち mouth 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出すだす to take out; to get out 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ以上これいじょう any more; any further; any better; any longer 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近づくちかづく to approach; to draw near; to get close 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お互いおたがい each other; one another 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふる to fall (of rain, snow, ash, etc.); to come down 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
似合うにあう to suit; to match; to become; to be like 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無理むり unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今までいままで until now; so far; up to the present 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気を遣うきをつかう to pay attention to another's needs; to attend to; to fuss about; to take into consideration 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怒るおこる to get angry; to get mad 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なに what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おま you 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言い方いいかた way of saying (something); way of putting it; wording; phrasing; language; expression 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嫌うきらう to hate; to dislike; to loathe 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味いみ meaning; significance; sense 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そう言えばそういえば now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
予鈴よれい bell signalling that work, class, etc. will formally begin shortly; first bell; warning bell 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お開きおひらき breakup (of a ceremony, wedding, party, meeting, etc.); closure 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな風にそんなふうに in that manner; like that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけじゃない it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一度もいちども (not) even once; (not) ever 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くそく standard; rule 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最初さいしょ beginning; outset; first; onset 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こっち this way; this direction 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さぼる to be truant; to slack off; to play hooky; to skip school; to cut class; to skip out 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コーン cone 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
若干じゃっかん some; few; a number of; a little (bit) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一応いちおう more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業じゅぎょう lesson; class work; teaching; instruction 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とりあえず first of all; at once; right away 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒いっしょ together 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
待つまつ to wait 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つまる to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すげ sedge (Cyperaceae spp., esp. members of genus Carex) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よそ another place; somewhere else; strange parts 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はなし talk; speech; chat; conversation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学校祭がっこうさい school festival 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
spirit; mind; heart 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はは mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひどい cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わざわざ expressly; especially; taking the trouble (to do); going to the trouble of (doing); going out of one's way (to do) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はりきる to be in high spirits; to be full of vigor (vigour); to be enthusiastic; to be eager; to stretch to breaking point 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
走るはしる to run 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな that sort of; that kind of; like that; such; so 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担任たんにん being in charge of (esp. a class or subject); taking charge of 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
離すはなす to separate; to part; to divide; to keep apart 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とんだ unthinkable; unimaginable; inconceivable; unexpected 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こう in this way; thus; such 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
産むうむ to give birth; to bear (child); to lay (eggs) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんどん drumming (noise); beating; pounding; banging; booming; stamping 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気に入るきにいる to like; to be pleased with; to be delighted with; to take a liking to; to suit one's fancy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達ともだち friend; companion 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつまで how long?; till when? 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下げるさげる to hang; to suspend; to wear (e.g. decoration) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生きていくいきていく to subsist; to keep on living 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
慣れるなれる to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげ grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おいで coming; going; being (somewhere) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
確かにたしかに surely; certainly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たの indicates emotion, admiration, emphasis, etc. 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶対ぜったい absolutely; definitely; unconditionally 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今年ことし this year 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんなに to that extent; to that degree; so much; so 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ライバル rival; competition 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
闘うたたかう to make war (on); to wage war (against); to go to war (with); to fight (with); to do battle (against) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
続けるつづける to continue; to keep up; to keep on 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可哀想かわいそう poor; pitiable; pathetic; pitiful 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すんな don't 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっと softly; gently; quietly; lightly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
間に合うまにあう to be in time (for) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとか something; something or other; so-and-so 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
基本きほん basics; fundamentals; basis; foundation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合うあう to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼ぶよぶ to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一言ひとこと single word; a few words; brief comment 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかんない not understanding; not knowing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集まるあつまる to gather; to collect; to assemble 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学祭がくさい school festival 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
多分たぶん perhaps; probably 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しれる to become known; to come to light; to be discovered 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
縫いつけるぬいつける to sew on 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困るこまる to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あと behind; rear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
また again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ののしる to abuse (verbally); to curse at; to shout abuse at; to speak ill of 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
負けるまける to lose; to be defeated 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
衣装いしょう clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うか emergence (of insects); eclosion; growing wings 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
壁画へきが fresco; mural; wall painting 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人間にんげん human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
憎いにくい hateful; abominable; poor-looking; detestable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うわさ rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぎ next; following; subsequent 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
という called; named; that says; that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
萌えるもえる to burst into bud; to sprout 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正反対せいはんたい exactly opposite (of) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
尊敬そんけい respect; esteem; reverence; honour; honor 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷うまよう to lose one's way; to get lost 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
満面まんめん (the) whole face 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑顔えがお smiling face; smile 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全部ぜんぶ all; entire; whole; altogether 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうすっかり already completed (arrived, happened, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なじむ to become familiar with; to fit in; to adapt oneself; to get used to; to grow accustomed to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うま horse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆめ dream 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目標もくひょう goal; target; aim; objective 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
憧れあこがれ yearning; longing; aspiration; adoration; admiration 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
基本的きほんてき fundamental; basic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だからって even so; all the same; nevertheless; yes, but ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特典とくてん privilege; special favor; special favour; benefit; prerogative; perk; amenity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自然しぜん nature 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだか (a) little; somewhat; somehow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コソ kousso (African flowering plant, Hagenia abyssinica); kosso; cusso; koso; brayera 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ショック shock (psychological) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スパー spar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ああ like that; so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かなり considerably; fairly; quite; rather; pretty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪気わるぎ ill will; malice; evil intent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな風にあんなふうに in that way; like that; that way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バレる to leak out (a secret); to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.); to be found out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無神経むしんけい insensitive; inconsiderate; callous; thick-skinned 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喋るしゃべる to talk; to chat; to chatter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
信じるしんじる to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生まれて初めてうまれてはじめて for the first time in one's life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
満足まんぞく satisfaction; contentment; gratification 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすがに as one would expect; naturally; indeed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
べん speech; tongue; talk; eloquence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きまえ generosity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
けなげ admirable; commendable; praiseworthy; laudable; brave; heroic; noble; courageous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かばう to protect (someone); to look after (e.g. an injured leg); to defend; to cover for; to stand up for; to stick up for 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つみ crime; sin; wrongdoing; indiscretion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一番いちばん number one; first; first place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
独り立ちひとりだち being independent; standing on one's own; becoming independent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
青春せいしゅん youth; springtime of life; adolescent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エンジョイ enjoying; enjoyment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぎゃく reverse; opposite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
互いたがい each other; one another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
役目やくめ duty; role; function 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わるおわる to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっきり refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなに so much; so; like that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふりまわす to wield; to brandish; to flourish; to wave (about); to swing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とっくに long ago; already; a long time ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
らく comfort; ease; relief; (at) peace; relaxation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かわった unusual; abnormal; strange; odd; peculiar; weird; different 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気分きぶん feeling; mood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恋愛れんあい love; love-making; passion; emotion; affections 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本気ほんき seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣かすなかす to make someone cry; to move someone to tears 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アリアリ clearly; distinctly; vividly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まん 10,000; ten thousand 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうにか in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しかない having no choice but to ...; all one can do is ...; there's nothing to do except ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
甘えるあまえる to behave like a spoiled child; to fawn on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ついに finally; at last 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自信じしん self-confidence; confidence (in oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持つもつ to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なるべく as (much) as possible; as (much) as one can; wherever practicable; if possible 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようにする (following a verb) to be sure to; to do (something) so that ...; to make sure to; to try to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むしろ rather; better; instead; if anything 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
励ますはげます to encourage; to cheer; to raise (the voice) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふたりとも both (people) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
べつに (not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰もだれも everyone; anyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このへん this area; around here 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いきなり abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せっかく with trouble; at great pains 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほめる to praise; to commend; to compliment; to speak well of; to speak highly of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
風見かざみ weather vane 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つい just (now) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんつって just kidding; not! 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冗談じょうだん joke; jest; funny story 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボス boss; leader; head 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奪い合ううばいあう to scramble for; to struggle for; to contend for; to fight for 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
モテモテ sexy; popular; well-liked 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まず first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐに immediately; right away; at once; instantly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くっく shoes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まちがえる to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そぐ to chip (off); to shave (off); to slice (off); to sharpen 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっす to die (esp. of nobility, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ろう corridor; passage; hall 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高級こうきゅう high-class; high-grade; high-quality; high-end; luxury 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ドキン being startled; getting a shock 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追いかけるおいかける to chase; to run after; to pursue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたらいい what's the best thing to do?; what to do? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひとりじめ hogging; having all to oneself; monopolising; monopolizing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下手したらへたしたら if one is unlucky; if one is careless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言わすいわす to get someone to say; to make someone say 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
原因げんいん cause; origin; source 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぐさめる to comfort; to console; to amuse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
起立きりつ standing up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
れい thanks; gratitude 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
欠席けっせき absence; non-attendance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一大事いちだいじ important matter; matter of great importance; serious affair; major incident; emergency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
切れるきれる to break; to snap; to be cut; to split; to crack 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だっけ was it?; I think it was ...; if I've got it right; if I'm not mistaken; remind me; tell me again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つっこむ to thrust (something) into (something); to cram; to stuff; to shove 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通にふつうに normally; ordinarily; usually; generally; commonly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どする to redeem (from sin); to save 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっき a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ならう to imitate; to follow; to emulate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケント prefectural capital 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最後さいご end; conclusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会うあう to meet; to encounter; to see 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そと outside; exterior 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昼休みひるやすみ lunch break; noon recess; noon rest period 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
花壇かだん flower bed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
情報じょうほう information; news; report; intelligence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしんない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうすぐ soon; shortly; before long; nearly; almost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はたす to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out; to fulfill; to fulfil; to realize; to execute; to perform; to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出るでる to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい顔いいかお big-shot; influential person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろうか don't you think?; indicates question 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい加減にするいいかげんにする to put an end to something; to get something over with; to quit something one has been engaged in too long or to an excessive degree 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いけない wrong; not good; of no use 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間じかん time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たった only; merely; but; no more than 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
息の根いきのね life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最近さいきん recently; lately; these days; nowadays; right now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんな this sort of; this kind of; like this; such 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
てじめ ceremonial hand-clapping (e.g. at end of event, meeting, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まぎる to plow through (a wave) (plough); to tack (against the wind) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そろう to be complete; to be all present; to make a full set; to be satisfied (of conditions) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰りかえり return; coming back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と思ったらとおもったら no sooner than; as soon as; immediately after 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほれたはれた head over heels; madly (in love) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おもい heavy; weighty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
居場所いばしょ whereabouts; place; location 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足げにするあしげにする to kick 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふきこむ to blow into; to breathe into 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まげる to bend; to crook; to bow; to curve; to curl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
探すさがす to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to seek 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事になることになる to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まったい complete; whole; perfect; entire 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日本にほん Japan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日本人にほんじん Japanese person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なさる to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当にほんとうに really; truly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごぶさた not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大変たいへん very; greatly; terribly; awfully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お金おかね money 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お兄ちゃんおにいちゃん (one's) older brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あに older brother; elder brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いの Ino (town), Kochi Prefecture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うぬぼれる to be conceited 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それぞれ each; respectively 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チキる to chicken out; to get scared 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
前部ぜんぶ front part; fore; front 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれません may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
続くつづく to continue; to last; to go on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしい good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理論りろん theory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
皆さんみなさん all; everyone; everybody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
痛いいたい painful; sore 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつけるきをつける to be careful; to pay attention; to take care 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へだてる to separate (by distance, time, etc.); to isolate; to partition; to divide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい気いいき easygoing; optimistic; conceited 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教えるおしえる to teach; to instruct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
消えるきえる to disappear; to vanish; to go out of sight; to go away; to become lost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ない nonexistent; not being (there) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落ちつくおちつく to calm down; to compose oneself; to regain presence of mind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
腹立つはらだつ to get angry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
態度たいど attitude; manner; behaviour; demeanour; bearing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの子あのこ that child; that kid; that boy; that girl; that young lady 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通ふつう normal; ordinary; regular; usual; common; average 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悔しいくやしい frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed; frustrating; annoying; regrettable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キレる to get angry; to snap; to blow one's top; to lose one's temper; to flip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あれ that; that thing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配しんぱい worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今ではいま​で‌は now; nowadays 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知るしる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大好きだいすき liking very much; loving (something or someone); adoring; being very fond of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勇気ゆうき courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何もないなにもない there is nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気になるきになる to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to worry about; to be concerned about; to care about; to feel uneasy; to be anxious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先にさきに previously; before; earlier; formerly; recently 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
洗うあらう to wash; to cleanse; to rinse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
間違えるまちがえる to make a mistake (in); to commit an error (e.g. in calculation) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きる to wear (from the shoulders down); to put on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よしよし there, there 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言いかけるいいかける to start to say; to attempt to say; to be about to say; to break off (mid-sentence) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さえぎる to interrupt; to obstruct (a view, someone's way, etc.); to block (light, wind, etc.); to intercept; to cut off 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
げん word; remark; statement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とする to try to ...; to be about to do ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっかな what kind of; whatever sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何でなんで why?; what for? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結局けっきょく after all; in the end; ultimately; eventually 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全てすべて everything; all; the whole 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いろいろ various; all sorts of; variety of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまくいく to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出来るできる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
山草やまくさ mountain grass; mountain weed; mountain plant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生きるいきる to live; to exist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだ still; as yet; only 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひっぱる to pull; to draw; to pull tight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ついてる to be lucky; to be in luck 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色々いろいろ various; all sorts of; variety of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作業さぎょう work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たに valley 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぶっちゃける to speak frankly; to put things bluntly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
念押しねんおし reminder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
押さえるおさえる to pin down; to hold down; to press down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きつい tough; hard; severe; demanding; harsh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほど extent; degree; measure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困らせるこまらせる to trouble with questions; to embarrass; to put out; to put on the spot; to inconvenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アマ amateur 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仲間なかま companion; fellow; friend; mate; comrade; partner; colleague; coworker; associate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にするいっしょにする to unite; to join; to do together 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うっとおしい gloomy (e.g. mood); depressing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
傷つくきずつく to be wounded; to get injured 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きず wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
世話せわ care; looking after; help; assistance; aid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
鈍感どんかん thickheaded; insensitive; dull; thick-skinned 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やね roof 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にいっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おまえら you (plural) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たしか sure; certain; positive; definite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持ち出すもちだす to take out; to carry out; to bring out from where it belongs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
禁止きんし prohibition; inhibition; ban 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見逃しみのがし overlooking 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ピン pin (e.g. hairpin, bowling pin, golf pin, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おっとり gently; quietly; calmly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別にべつに (not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
興味ねーきょうみねー uninterested (in); having no interest (in) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
というもの something like ...; something called ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教師きょうし teacher (classroom) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
りひ right and wrong 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつの間にいつのまに when; at what point 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成長せいちょう growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遂げるとげる to accomplish; to achieve; to carry out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
させる to make (someone) do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恐ろしいおそろしい terrible; dreadful; terrifying; frightening 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無事ぶじ safety; security; peace; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっかり all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だます to trick; to cheat; to deceive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
将来しょうらい future (usually near); prospects 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ジゴロ gigolo 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホスト host (of a party, summit, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
鼻くそはなくそ nasal discharge; nasal mucus; snot; booger; bogey 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっぽ (a) step; one step 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いだ Veda 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハカ haka (dance) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生地きじ cloth; fabric; material; texture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出しゃばるでしゃばる to intrude; to butt in; to meddle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サン sun 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日きょう today; this day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おうち your home; your family; their home; their family 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仲良くなかよく on good terms (with); on friendly terms (with); (getting along) well; in harmony; happily; peacefully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初めてはじめて for the first time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの thing; object; article; stuff; substance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
良いよい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きげん term; period; time frame 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
単純たんじゅん simple; plain; uncomplicated; straightforward; simple-minded; naive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉ことば language; dialect 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぱったり unexpectedly; suddenly; abruptly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見そこなうみそこなう to misjudge; to mistake; to misread 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
醜態しゅうたい disgraceful behavior; disgraceful behaviour; shameful sight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見せるみせる to show; to display 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よくも how dare ...; how could ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何のなんの what; what kind of; what sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よう business; task; errand; engagement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大声おおごえ loud voice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うそ lie; fib; falsehood; untruth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウワサ rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なになに what 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
告るこくる to confess one's love; to profess one's feelings 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
否定ひてい denial; negation; repudiation; disavowal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何何なになに what 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事だいじ important; serious; crucial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コレ this; this one 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やばい dangerous; risky 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
黙るだまる to be silent; to say nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくむ to devise; to plot; to plan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だまる to be silent; to say nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんもねー there is nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めだし sprouting; sprout 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとかなる to be able to manage somehow or another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガセ fake; something false; sham; deception 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まえ in front (of); before (e.g. a building) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ばら loose articles (not packaged with other things); bulk items; individual items 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よる evening; night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
徹夜てつや staying up all night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱし too; also; likewise; either 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉足らずことばたらず lack of words; being tongue-tied; suppressing what you want to say 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このまま as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
背中せなか back (of body) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
eye; eyeball 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とき time; hour; moment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話しかけるはなしかける to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まずい bad (taste); unpalatable; unsavoury; unsavory; awful; terrible; unpleasant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正直しょうじき honest; frank; candid; straightforward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どく to step aside; to move (i.e. out of the way); to make way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕事中しごとちゅう at work; in the midst of work; working 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
rice field 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ナル narcissistic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダイマ direct marketing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小さいちいさい small; little; tiny 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たまたま occasionally; once in a while; seldom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チャリン with a clink (of metal); with a chink 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくらむ to scheme; to plan; to play a trick; to invent; to conspire; to frame up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連日れんじつ day after day; every day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
発明はつめい invention 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あなた you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くに country; state 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
予感よかん presentiment; premonition; hunch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くれる to give; to let (one) have 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のです the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; the explanation is that ...; it is that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゲーム game 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アニメ animation; animated film; animated cartoon; anime 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もむ to rub; to crumple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何年なんねん how many years; how long 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みなさん all; everyone; everybody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ある to be; to exist; to live 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだと what did you just say (to me)?; what's that? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バレンタイン (Saint) Valentine 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チョコ chocolate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヘタレる to be sloppy; to be lazy; to be no good 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい consequence; outcome; result; blame 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だから何だだからなんだ so what!; who gives a damn? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しってん lost point (in a game); point given away; conceded goal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手応えてごたえ response (felt in the hands); resistance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガッカリ to be disappointed; to be dejected; to be downhearted; to lose heart; to feel let down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
周りまわり circumference; girth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進むすすむ to advance; to go forward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小物こもの accessories; small articles 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一生懸命いっしょうけんめい very hard; with utmost effort; as hard as one can; with all one's might; for dear life; eagerly; desperately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進めるすすめる to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
押しのけるおしのける to push aside; to brush aside 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
総合優勝そうごうゆうしょう overall victory; victory in the overall standings 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目指すめざす to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うお fish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
壁新聞かべしんぶん wall newspaper; wall poster 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
順調じゅんちょう favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ルフ circulation; dissemination 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
期待きたい expectation; anticipation; hope 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進行しんこう moving forward (e.g. vehicle); onward movement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅れるおくれる to be late; to be delayed; to fall behind schedule; to be overdue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
若いうちわかいうち period of youth; while young 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
買うかう to buy; to purchase 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事情じじょう circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
変わったかわった unusual; abnormal; strange; odd; peculiar; weird; different 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
働きアリはたらきアリ worker ant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みず water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
teacher; master; mentor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大量たいりょう large quantity; massive (quantity); mass (e.g. mass production, mass transit, mass destruction) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
資料しりょう materials; data; document 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
魔術まじゅつ black magic; sorcery 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハーブティー herbal tea; herb tea; tisane 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テーブル table 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつ when; at what time; how soon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
荒いあらい rough; wild; violent; rude; coarse; harsh; fierce; heavy (e.g. breathing) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くるま car; automobile; vehicle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お客様おきゃくさま guest; visitor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家事かじ housework; domestic chores 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むらさき purple; violet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
fruit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
demon; devil; evil spirit; evil influence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相談そうだん consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (someone) for advice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
実施じっし enforcement; implementation; putting into practice; carrying out; operation; working (e.g. working parameters); enactment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
国軍こくぐん national armed forces 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
申すもうす to say; to be called 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かれ he; him 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おとしいれる to trap (into a difficult situation); to put (in a fix); to throw (e.g. into turmoil); to trick (into doing); to lure (into a trap); to frame (for a crime) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奴らやつら they; those guys 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
れつ row; line; file; column; queue; rank; procession 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テスト examination; quiz; test 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正々堂々せいせいどうどう fair and square; open and aboveboard 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぜか somehow; for some reason; without knowing why 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毒気を抜かれるどっきをぬかれる to be taken aback; to be dumbfounded 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たな shelf; ledge; rack 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うらみっこなし with no hard feelings 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しそ founder; originator; pioneer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃ tea 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
薬草やくそう medicinal herb 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
効能こうのう effect; efficacy; virtue; benefit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
便秘べんぴ constipation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ジャンケン rock-paper-scissors (game); janken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一段落いちだんらく reaching a stopping place; settling down (before the next stage); getting to a point where one can rest; completing the first stage (of the work) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なにか something; some; any 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恋の悩みこいのなやみ pain of love; love troubles 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おそらく perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
短期たんき short-term 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時代じだい period; epoch; era; age 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビュー view 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休憩きゅうけい rest; break; recess; intermission 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハイ high (e.g. spirits); merry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本音ほんね real intention; motive; true opinion; what one really thinks 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落とすおとす to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムリ unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ように in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えるみえる to be seen; to be in sight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意外いがい unexpected; surprising 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せめて at least; at most; (even) just 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とけこむ to melt into; to dissolve into; to merge into 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よる to be due to; to be caused by 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑わせるわらわせる to make laugh; to set to laughing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応援おうえん aid; assistance; help; support; reinforcement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かたくな obstinate; stubborn; mulish; die-hard; bigoted 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょう Chinese "Extended Net" constellation (one of the 28 mansions) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
交代こうたい alternation; change; relief; relay; shift; substitution (sports, etc.); taking turns 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パワー power 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
電車でんしゃ train; electric train 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
素直すなお obedient; meek; docile; unaffected 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ともだち friend; companion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつのまにか before one knows; before one becomes aware of; unnoticed; unawares 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分からじぶんから willingly; voluntarily; of one's own accord 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応えるこたえる to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐ immediately; at once; right away; directly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嫉妬しっと jealousy; envy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カフェー café; cafe; coffeehouse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
効き目ききめ effect; virtue; efficacy; impression 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すげー incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだっけ what is it? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ニス varnish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
神様かみさま God; god 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中心ちゅうしん center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本番ほんばん performance (as opposed to practice); going before an audience or on-air; take 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明日あした tomorrow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
男子だんし boy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女子じょし woman; girl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うわき extramarital sex; affair; fooling around 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一旦いったん once 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集合しゅうごう meeting up; gathering; assembly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
男の子おとこのこ boy; son; baby boy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食うくう to eat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フロ bath; bathing; bathtub; bathroom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハッパ leaf; blade (of grass); (pine) needle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大根だいこん daikon (variety of large white Oriental radish, Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
死ぬしぬ to die; to pass away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教室きょうしつ classroom; lecture room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最上さいじょう best 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どう how; in what way; how about 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
後ろ姿うしろすがた retreating figure; appearance from behind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あわてる to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised); to be flustered; to panic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真剣しんけん serious; earnest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怒った顔おこったかお angry face (countenance) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
横顔よこがお profile; face in profile; face seen from the side 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まじめ serious; honest; sober; grave; earnest; steady 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真っ正面まっしょうめん directly opposite; right in front 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんな what kind of; what sort of; what 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かお face; visage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
届くとどく to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めいわく trouble; bother; annoyance; nuisance; inconvenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エビ prawn; shrimp; lobster; crayfish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ソード sword 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エピソード episode; anecdote; vignette 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS