【初恋の彼との再会が、まさかの失恋の始まり?】白雪姫は奏(かな)、王子様は航生(こうき)。幼稚園のおゆうぎ会で熱演した幼なじみの2人は、もちろん実生活でもラブラブ…のはずだったのに! 中学2年生になって再会した彼の態度がなんだか冷たい! 航生の彼女だという女子も現れて…大混迷の初恋ストーリー。
Frequency lists and some stats moved to Manga Kotoba.
Vocabulary coverage
If you learn the highest frequency words in this series or a specific volume, here is how many words you will need to learn for various amounts of coverage.
Coverage Required Words %
75% 1,049 40%
80% 1,266 48%
85% 1,532 57%
90% 1,832 70%
95% 2,159 82%
96% 2,236 85%
97% 2,324 89%
98% 2,406 92%
99% 2,488 95%
Coverage Required Words %
75% 619 51%
80% 708 57%
85% 823 67%
90% 946 77%
95% 1,073 88%
96% 1,094 89%
97% 1,124 92%
98% 1,149 94%
99% 1,177 96%
Coverage Required Words %
75% 649 51%
80% 751 59%
85% 857 67%
90% 974 76%
95% 1,113 87%
96% 1,139 89%
97% 1,172 91%
98% 1,199 94%
99% 1,230 96%
Coverage Required Words %
75% 646 48%
80% 770 57%
85% 893 67%
90% 1,026 77%
95% 1,161 87%
96% 1,188 89%
97% 1,221 92%
98% 1,256 94%
99% 1,288 97%