Difficult to call out with 〜にくい
Grammar Explanation: Difficult to do with 〜にくい

A trip to the vet reveals to Alice that her kitten Maa-kun is a girl, not a boy.
- アリス:
- 「どうしましょう。「まぁちゃん」じゃ語呂が悪くて呼びにくいです」
- "What should I do? "Maa-chan" sounds bad and is difficult to call out."
- 灯里:
- 「(そっちなの?)」
- "(That's the issue?)"
- 藍華:
- 「今まで通り『まぁくん』でいいんじゃない」
- "Isn't it fine to stick with 'Maa-kaun'?"