Keeping still while her ribbon dries with 〜間
Grammar Explanation: During the same time with 〜間(に)

Kyouko’s ribbon needs to be washed. Since she is a jiāngshī (vampire), she will uncontrollably attack people to drink their blood when her ribbon is removed. For this reason, her brother tries to tie her up with a rope. Kyouko hides in the bathroom, then sneaks out the window only to find Kenji waiting outside.
- ケンジ:
- 「干してる間じっとしてればすぐ済むだろ。」
- "While it's drying, if you'd just keep still it'd be over soon."
- ケンジ:
- 「なんで毎回そんなにイヤがる!!」
- "Why do you seem to hate it so much every time?!"
Here, 間 marks an exact overlap between the events of Kyouko’s ribbon drying and her keeping still.