Kindred spirits in golf with 気が合う
Idiom Explanation: Getting along with 気が合う

Takeo’s girlfriend Rinko visits to study with him, but Takeo’s parents take turns interrupting them to get to know her better. Takeo’s father, Yutaka, asks if she watches golf.
- 凛子:
- 「あ ゴルフですか。あんまり見ないです」
- "Ah, golf? I don't watch a lot of it."
- 豊:
- 「おもしろいよー!石川くんとか知ってる?」
- "It's fun! Do you know about Ishikawa-kun?"
- 凛子:
- 「ハイ。家でお父さんが観てます」
- "I do. My father watches it at home."
- 豊:
- 「お父さん ゴルフする人なの。気が合うね」
- "So your dad's a golf guy. We're kindred spirits, eh?"