Leaving the futon out with 〜っぱなし
Grammar Explanation: Leaving something as-is with 〜っぱなし

Yotsuba invites her neighbors over for coffee. She first gives the three a tour of the house, leading up to the kitchen.
- 風香:
- 「洗い物がたまってるのが気になる…」
- "It bothers me that these dishes are piled up..."
- あさぎ:
- 「私は廊下のスミにホコリがたまってるのが気になる」
- "What bothers me is the dust built up in the hallway."
- 恵那:
- 「おふとんだしっぱなしが気になる」
- "It bothers me that the futon is left laying out."