Selling bananas with 〜のだ
Grammar Explanation: Reasoning with 〜のだ

Sacchan receives an urgent message from her mother. She and her friends hurry to Sacchan’s mother’s fruit store to find out what the issue is. Sacchan’s mother explains that the store has too many unsold bananas. If they don’t sell out today, Sacchan will be eating bananas for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a while.
- お母さん:
- 「ということでバナナを売り歩いてくるのだカラーズ諸君」
- "That said, you're going around selling the bananas for me, my dear Colors."
- Literal: "That said, it is that you're going around selling the bananas for me, my dear Colors."
Sacchan learns that she was called because there was an overstock of bananas, but she doesn’t know why she was called over this reason. Her mother fills in the cause of the call, that Sacchan (and her friends) will be tasked with selling the extra bananas.