Visiting at every break with 〜ごとに
Grammar Explanation: Every 〜 with 〜ごとに

Due to concern about his sister’s ribbon, which seals away her need to attack people for their blood, Kenji takes every opportunity he can to check up on her in at school.
- キョーコ:
- 「休み時間ごとに来ないでって言ってるでしょー、そんなに心配しなくても大丈夫だって!」
- "I'm telling you, you don't need to check up on me every break period. I'll be fine even without you worrying about me!"
- ケンジ:
- 「いや… リボンが緩んだりしてないかと。」
- "No, I'm just checking whether your ribbon's come loose."
- キョーコ:
- 「それくらい自分でやるよ!」
- "I can handle that much on my own!"