Why is it you're here with いんの
Grammar Explanation: Contracting いる+の to いんの

Aru returns to her classroom after club. Expecting the classroom to be empty, she’s singing a song about herself as she enters the room. There, she finds her friends idling away the time.
- アル:
- 「なな 何で皆いんのよ!(誰もいないと思ってた!)」
- "Wh- why is it that you all are here?! (I was thinking no one was here!)"
- なこ:
- 「(なんだ今の歌…)」
- "(What was with that song just now...)"
- ソトカ:
- 「師匠がアルを待つって」
- "Master said she'd wait for you."
- アル:
- 「でも私部活あるわよ」
- "But I'm in a club!"
Note: Sotoka refers to Bocchi as 師匠.