Yui's grandmother's place with 〜んち
Grammar Explanation: One's house with 〜んち

As the end of the year approaches, Yui and her friends discuss which New Year foods they like and dislike.
- 結衣:
- 「おばあちゃんち行くと微妙なご飯たくさん出てくるよね」
- "When I go to my grandma's house, a lot of not-so-good food is served."
- さっちゃん:
- 「なかなかひどいな結衣」
- "That's pretty bad, Yui."
- 琴葉:
- 「結衣はおばあちゃんち行くのか?」
- "Are you going to your grandma's house, Yui?"
「おばあちゃんのうち」 is contracted into 「おばあちゃんち」.