Japanese by Example
Learning through examples in manga

ふだつきのキョーコちゃん 2 Vocabulary

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Word English Frequency Mark as Known SRS
ウリ we; us 50 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お兄ちゃんおにいちゃん (one's) older brother 46 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日々ひび daily; everyday 44 Mark as Known Add to SRS
する to do; to carry out; to perform 41 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 39 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 37 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言ういう to say; to utter; to declare 26 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オレ I; me 24 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食べるたべる to eat 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっと a little; a bit; slightly 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんで why?; what for? 22 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日きょう today; this day 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふだつき tagged (esp. with a price) 19 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぼう bonze; monk 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホント truth; reality; actuality; fact 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思うおもう to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いる to be (of animate objects); to exist 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クッキー cookie; biscuit 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろ seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るみる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
be; is 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
花壇かだん flower bed 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来るくる to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう now; soon; shortly; before long; presently 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コト thing; matter 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へん strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昨日きのう yesterday 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな such; that sort of; that kind of; like that 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お前おまえ you 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大丈夫だいじょうぶ safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
犯人はんにん offender; criminal; culprit 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪いわるい bad; poor; undesirable 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
blood 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょ it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ああ like that; so 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃんと diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作るつくる to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
美味しいおいしい good(-tasting); nice; delicious; tasty 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ this; this one 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いわ rock; boulder 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はら field; plain; prairie; tundra; moor; wilderness 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この this 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もっと (some) more; even more; longer; further 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別にべつに (not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぎ next; following; subsequent 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行くいく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
待つまつ to wait 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達ともだち friend; companion 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マズイ bad (taste); unpalatable; unsavoury; unsavory; awful; terrible; unpleasant 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それ that; it 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっごい terrible; dreadful 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なる to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すごい terrible; dreadful 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コイツ he; she; this fellow; this guy; this person 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可愛いかわいい cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
また again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かける to hang up (e.g. a coat, a picture on the wall); to let hang; to suspend (from); to hoist (e.g. sail); to raise (e.g. flag) 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どう how; in what way; how about 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
噛むかむ to bite 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あじ flavor; flavour; taste 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶対ぜったい absolutely; definitely; unconditionally 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんな this sort of; this kind of; like this; such 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっと surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
謝るあやまる to apologize; to apologise 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にいっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放課後ほうかご after school (at the end of the day) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひと person; someone; somebody 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飼うかう to keep (a pet or other animal); to have; to own; to raise; to rear; to feed 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
名前なまえ name 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いま now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな that sort of; that kind of; like that; such; so 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何かなにか something; some; any 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヒドイ cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
吸うすう to smoke; to breathe in; to inhale 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しいうれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホントに really; truly 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違うちがう to differ (from); to vary 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの子あのこ that child; that kid; that boy; that girl; that young lady 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近づくちかづく to approach; to draw near; to get close 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだ still; as yet; only 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体当たりたいあたり ramming attack; hurling oneself (at) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
空手からて karate 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰るかえる to return; to come home; to go home; to go back 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話しかけるはなしかける to address (someone); to accost a person; to talk (to someone) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仲良くなかよく on good terms (with); on friendly terms (with); (getting along) well; in harmony; happily; peacefully 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしかして perhaps; possibly; maybe; by any chance; if I'm not mistaken 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぎる to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出すだす to take out; to get out 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動くうごく to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全いまったい complete; whole; perfect; entire 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うっさい noisy; loud 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも always; all the time; at all times 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知るしる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい consequence; outcome; result; blame 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しょうがない there's no (other) way 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その that; the 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱり as expected; sure enough; just as one thought 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっさ promptly; immediately; quickly; without delay 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いもうと younger sister 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やめる to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to end; to quit 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっき a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビビる to feel nervous; to feel afraid; to feel self-conscious; to lose one's nerve; to get cold feet; to get the jitters 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなに so much; so; like that 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたの what's the matter?; what's wrong? 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれ who 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先生せんせい teacher; instructor; master 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怒るおこる to get angry; to get mad 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウワサ rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱ too; also; likewise; either 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しいたのしい enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
荒らすあらす to lay waste; to devastate; to damage 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
疑ううたがう to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつけるきをつける to be careful; to pay attention; to take care 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不良ふりょう bad; poor; inferior; defective 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覚えるおぼえる to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
攻撃こうげき attack; assault; raid; onslaught; offensive 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どっか somewhere 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こえ voice 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気にするきにする to mind (negative nuance); to care about; to worry; to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞くきく to hear 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色々いろいろ various; all sorts of; variety of 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかしい funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヤバイ dangerous; risky 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あと behind; rear 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
捨てるすてる to throw away; to cast away; to dump; to discard 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
味見あじみ tasting; sampling 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゃないか isn't it? 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はなし talk; speech; chat; conversation 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうぞ please; kindly; pray; I beg (of you) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
傷つくきずつく to be wounded; to get injured 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝えるつたえる to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教えるおしえる to teach; to instruct 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今度こんど this time; now 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ように in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんでも any; anything; whatever; whatever one likes; everything; all 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こっち this way; this direction 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まあ just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; now, now 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
リボン ribbon 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
周りまわり circumference; girth 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
される to be done (to someone or something) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとか something; something or other; so-and-so 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ here; this place 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最近さいきん recently; lately; these days; nowadays; right now 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういえば now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんまり (not) very; (not) much 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困るこまる to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪さわるさ badness; mean mischief 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嫌うきらう to hate; to dislike; to loathe 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とき time; hour; moment 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下に見るしたにみる to look down on; to condescend 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
台本だいほん script; libretto; scenario 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
セリフ (spoken) line (in a play, film, comic, etc.); one's lines 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
撫でるなでる to stroke; to caress; to brush gently; to pat; to rub 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
欲しいほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そりゃあ very; extremely 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休み時間やすみじかん recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まど window 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教室きょうしつ classroom; lecture room 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
spirit; mind; heart 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頼むたのむ to request; to beg; to ask 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アンタ you 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もし if; in case; supposing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きらう to hate; to dislike; to loathe 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣くなく to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
兄貴あにき elder brother 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キー key (lock, keyboard, piano, clue, island, cay, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
倒すたおす to throw down; to bring down; to blow down; to fell; to knock down; to set (something) down on its side; to turn (something) on its side; to recline (e.g. a seat) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あれ that; that thing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コレ this; this one 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飲み込むのみこむ to gulp down; to swallow deeply 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見た目みため appearance; (outward) looks; exterior appearance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
表情ひょうじょう facial expression; countenance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あに older brother; elder brother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体調たいちょう physical condition; state of health 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手かって one's own convenience; one's way; selfishness 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事だいじ important; serious; crucial 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思わずおもわず unconsciously; involuntarily; instinctively; reflexively; spontaneously; unintentionally; in spite of oneself 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持つもつ to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だよね it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit? 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全然ぜんぜん (not) at all; (not) in the slightest 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼ぶよぶ to call out (to); to call; to invoke 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
始めるはじめる to start; to begin; to commence; to initiate; to originate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
量るはかる to measure; to weigh; to survey; to time (sound, gauge, estimate) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むしろ rather; better; instead; if anything 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遠慮えんりょ reserve; constraint; restraint; modesty; diffidence; hesitation; holding back; discretion; tact; thoughtfulness 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウマ points paid and received at the end of a game of mahjong based on position (rank) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生徒会せいとかい student council 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっかい meddling; interference; making a pass at someone 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分でじぶんで by myself; in person; by oneself 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あむ to knit; to plait; to braid 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
早起きはやおき early rising 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優しいやさしい tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何よりなにより above anything else; above all; more than anything 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
けっこう splendid; nice; wonderful; delicious; sweet 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕業しわざ deed (esp. negative); act; action; one's doing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
水道すいどう water supply; water service; waterworks; tap water 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理科りか science (inc. mathematics, medicine, etc.); natural science 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恥ずかしいはずかしい embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学校がっこう school 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝わるつたわる to be handed down; to be introduced; to be transmitted; to be circulated; to go along; to walk along 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歩くあるく to walk 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はな flower; blossom; bloom; petal 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寝るねる to sleep (lying down) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はは mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎日まいにち every day 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見に来るみにくる to come and see (someone, something); to visit 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつ he; she; that guy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほっと with a feeling of relief; with a sigh of relief 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
良いよい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好くすく to like; to love; to be fond of 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
捕まえるつかまえる to catch; to capture; to arrest; to seize; to restrain 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方がいいほうがいい had better ... 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上手いうまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
危ないあぶない dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
隠れるかくれる to hide; to be hidden; to conceal oneself; to disappear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっぱい one cup (of); one glass (of); one bowl (of); cupful; glassful; bowlful; spoonful 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いきなり abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
原因げんいん cause; origin; source 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワケ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
実はじつ​‌は as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イノシシ wild boar; wild pig 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい子いいこ good boy; good girl 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スマン sorry; excuse me 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おいで coming; going; being (somewhere) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
素直すなお obedient; meek; docile; unaffected 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決まるきまる to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed; to be arranged 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
返すかえす to return (something); to restore; to put back 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引っ張るひっぱる to pull; to draw; to pull tight 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようにする (following a verb) to be sure to; to do (something) so that ...; to make sure to; to try to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうにか in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
置くおく to put; to place 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
買うかう to buy; to purchase 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
離れるはなれる to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何もなにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
洗うあらう to wash; to cleanse; to rinse 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
立場たちば position; situation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いぬ dog (Canis (lupus) familiaris) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
態度たいど attitude; manner; behaviour; demeanour; bearing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なに what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
堅いかたい hard; solid; tough 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
許すゆるす to permit; to allow; to approve; to consent to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これで here; with this 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうだね sure; yeah; I know 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつでも (at) any time; always; at all times; whenever 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遠いとおい far; distant; far away; a long way off; in the distance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こいつ he; she; this fellow; this guy; this person 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
取るとる to take; to pick up; to grab; to catch 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見学けんがく inspection; study by observation; field trip; tour; review 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
野郎やろう guy; fellow; chap; buddy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
シスコン sister complex; excessive attachment to one's sister 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寄るよる to approach; to draw near; to come near; to be close to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ネコ cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明日あした tomorrow 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女子じょし woman; girl 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どする to redeem (from sin); to save 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かまう to mind; to care about; to be concerned about; to have a regard for 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クラス class 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体育たいいく physical education; PE; gym (class) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そろそろ soon; before long; any time now; momentarily 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
秘策ひさく secret plan; secret scheme; secret stratagem; secret method 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この前このまえ the other day; previously; before; earlier; recently 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アイツ he; she; that guy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配しんぱい worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あめ rain 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どういう what kind of; what sort of; what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ノート notebook; copy-book; exercise book 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
写すうつす to transcribe; to duplicate; to reproduce; to imitate; to trace 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
払うはらう to pay (e.g. money, bill) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃げるにげる to escape; to run away 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話すはなす to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スゲー incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初めてはじめて for the first time 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お互いおたがい each other; one another 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大変たいへん very; greatly; terribly; awfully 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手作りてづくり handmade; homegrown; hand-crafted; homemade 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幸せしあわせ happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感想かんそう impressions; thoughts; feelings; reactions 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いろ colour; color; hue; tint; tinge; shade 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
委員長いいんちょう (committee) chairman; president 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毒薬どくやく poison 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えるみえる to be seen; to be in sight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ものにする to get; to secure; to take possession of; to make one's own; to win (someone's heart) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あからさま plain; frank; candid; open; direct; straightforward; unabashed; blatant; flagrant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
殺すころす to kill; to slay; to murder; to slaughter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
苦いにがい bitter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうか please 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホントー truth; reality; actuality; fact 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけない easy; simple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ギリギリ just barely; only just; at the very limit; at the last moment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冷や汗ひやあせ cold sweat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
腹いっぱいはらいっぱい full stomach; bellyful; (eat) heartily 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お腹おなか belly; abdomen; stomach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
空くすく to become less crowded; to thin out; to get empty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夕飯ゆうはん evening meal; dinner; supper 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
料理りょうり cooking; cookery; cuisine; meal; food; dish; item on a menu 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
余計よけい extra; more; too much; too many; excessive; superfluous; spare; surplus 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感じるかんじる to feel; to sense; to experience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よっか 4th day of the month 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食うくう to eat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
拾い食いひろいぐい scavenging for food 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大したことじゃないたいしたこと​じゃない trivial; not amounting to much; not a big deal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大したたいした considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食事しょくじ meal; dinner 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
翌朝よくあさ next morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目にあうめにあう to go through; to suffer; to experience (something unpleasant) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
朝飯あさめし breakfast 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
朝ご飯あさごはん breakfast 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以外いがい with the exception of; excepting; excluding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの thing; object; article; stuff; substance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
stomach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようになる to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんの what; what kind of; what sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気まぐれきまぐれ whim; caprice; whimsy; fickle; moody; uneven temper 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特にとくに particularly; especially; in particular; expressly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味いみ meaning; significance; sense 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足りるたりる to be sufficient; to be enough 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自業自得じごうじとく paying for one's mistakes; getting one's just deserts; suffering the consequences (of one's own actions); reap what you sow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
変わったかわった unusual; abnormal; strange; odd; peculiar; weird; different 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お願いだからおねがいだから please; I beg you; for mercy's sake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
焼くやく to burn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゲホゲホ (wet) cough; (sound of) coughing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
責任せきにん duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
処理しょり processing; dealing with; treatment; disposition; disposal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それにしても nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やんわり softly; mildly; gently; politely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カー car 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イン in (of a ball, in tennis, etc.); inside the line 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何回もなんかいも time and time again; many times; a number of times 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
申し訳ないもうしわけない I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; I feel regretful; I feel guilty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お弁当おべんとう bento; Japanese box lunch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うんそう transport; freight; shipping 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作り方つくりかた style of building; construction; workmanship; way of making 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
調理室ちょうりしつ cook-house; galley; kitchen 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
という called; named; that says; that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当ほんとう truth; reality; actuality; fact 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エプロン apron 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姿すがた figure; form; shape 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
レア rare; uncommon; unusual 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
虫よけむしよけ insecticide; insect repellent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
材料ざいりょう materials; ingredients 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
破れるやぶれる to get torn; to tear; to rip; to break; to wear out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんもない there is nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうして how; in what way; by what means 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転ぶころぶ to fall down; to fall over 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うつわ bowl; vessel; container 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重さおもさ weight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大さじおおさじ tablespoon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
混ぜるまぜる to mix; to stir; to blend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卵の殻たまごのから eggshell 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まくる to turn up; to roll up (e.g. sleeves) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダマ lump (of flour, etc.); clump (of ground meat, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
傷つけるきずつける to wound; to injure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せずに without (doing); instead of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ママ mama; mamma; mom; mommy; mum; mummy; mother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほとんど mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but; just about; almost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当たり前あたりまえ natural; reasonable; obvious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげ grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
料理上手りょうりじょうず being good at cooking; good cook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
運動うんどう exercise; physical training; workout; sports; athletics 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その上そのかみ a long time ago; in those days; once upon a time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
想いおもい thought 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うらやましい envious; jealous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いただく to receive; to get; to accept; to take; to buy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一組ひとくみ one class; one set; a pair; a suite; a series 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
至急しきゅう urgent; pressing; immediate; prompt; express 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日中にきょうじゅうに by today; before the day is over 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
書類しょるい document; official papers 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れるわすれる to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人前でひとまえで in public; in company 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつら they; those guys; those fellows 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恥ずいはずい embarrassing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうやったら how (can); by what means 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カツアゲ extortion; shakedown 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
法に触れるほうにふれる to violate the law; to have a brush with the law; to have a run-in with the law 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悩み事なやみごと matter causing distress; something causing worry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考え込むかんがえこむ to ponder; to brood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
眠そうねむそう sleepy-looking; sleepy-sounding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今朝けさ this morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悩むなやむ to be worried; to be troubled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ジュース juice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゴミ rubbish; trash; garbage; refuse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業じゅぎょう lesson; class work; teaching; instruction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備じゅんび preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポイ捨てポイすて littering; (carelessly) tossing away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪びれるわるびれる to act timid (about doing); to show diffidence; to feel ashamed; to feel guilty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ニラ garlic chives (Allium tuberosum); Chinese chives; Chinese leek 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でる to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怖いこわい scary; frightening; eerie; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やらかす to do (something negative); to make (a blunder); to commit (an error) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全部ぜんぶ all; entire; whole; altogether 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かぶる to put on (one's head); to wear; to have on; to pull over (one's head); to crown (oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これなら this one 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
簡単かんたん simple; easy; uncomplicated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪評が立つあくひょうがたつ to gain a bad reputation; to fall into ill repute 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方法ほうほう method; process; manner; way; means; technique 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
痛むいたむ to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イス swords (playing card suit) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガタ gutter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
文句もんく complaint; grumbling; objection 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あん red bean paste; red bean jam; anko 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みず water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出にくいでにくい can't occur easily; difficult to happen 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
階段かいだん stairs; stairway; staircase 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
西山にしやま western mountains; mountains to the west 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コケ moss 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ドジ blunder; bungle; clumsiness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰かだれか someone; somebody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
押すおす to push; to press 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くく multiplication table; times table 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガラス glass; pane 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
割るわる to divide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういや which reminds me ...; come to think of it ...; now that you mention it ...; on that subject ...; so, if you say ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
rice field 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別れるわかれる to part (usu. of people); to part from; to part with; to be apart from 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
効果こうか effect; effectiveness; efficacy; result 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バツグン outstanding; excellent; exceptional; surpassing; extraordinary; distinguished 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけにはいかないわけ​に‌は​いかない cannot (due to external circumstances); cannot afford to; must not; impossible to; no way one can (do) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぶっ壊すぶっこわす to destroy; to crush; to break by striking; to wreck 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くれる to give; to let (one) have 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
倒れるたおれる to fall (over, down); to collapse; to take a fall; to topple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手にかってに arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんどん drumming (noise); beating; pounding; banging; booming; stamping 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひどい cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事にするだいじにする to take good care of; to treasure; to value; to hold dear; to prize; to cherish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
屋上おくじょう rooftop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人気があるにんきがある to be popular 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこでも anywhere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
曲がるまがる to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
偶然ぐうぜん coincidence; chance; accident; fortuity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
水やりみずやり watering (plants) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うっかり carelessly; thoughtlessly; inadvertently 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
世話せわ care; looking after; help; assistance; aid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
任すまかす to entrust; to leave to a person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キレイ pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女の子おんなのこ girl; daughter; baby girl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすが as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆっくり slowly; unhurriedly; without haste; leisurely; at one's leisure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成長せいちょう growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
限界げんかい limit; bound 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
用事ようじ tasks; things to do; errand; business (to take care of); affairs; engagement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
窓ガラスまどガラス windowpane; window glass 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゴミ箱ゴミばこ garbage can; rubbish bin; trash can; dustbin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪評あくひょう bad reputation; infamy; ill repute; unfavorable criticism; unfavourable criticism 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勢いいきおい force; vigor; vigour; energy; spirit; life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
名乗り出るなのりでる to introduce oneself; to announce oneself (e.g. as the person sought); to come forward (e.g. as a witness, with a claim, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イヤ disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんなに to that extent; to that degree; so much; so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
立つたつ to stand; to rise; to stand up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういう such; like that; that sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
散歩さんぽ walk; stroll 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せっかく with trouble; at great pains 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のま kanji repetition mark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょうどいい just right (time, size, length, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下手へた unskillful; poor; awkward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
扱うあつかう to deal with (a person); to treat; to handle; to take care of; to entertain 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
といえば speaking of ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
途中とちゅう on the way; en route 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
職質しょくしつ questioning (e.g. by police) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よる evening; night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そと outside; exterior 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぽい carelessly (throwing, tossing, etc.); nonchalantly; casually 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まずい bad (taste); unpalatable; unsavoury; unsavory; awful; terrible; unpleasant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
状況じょうきょう state of affairs; situation; conditions; circumstances 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カンペキ perfect; complete; flawless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フォロー follow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だめ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使えるつかえる to be usable; to be serviceable; to be useful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はずかしい embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
犯人捜しはんにんさがし searching for the culprit; trying to find out who did something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心細いこころぼそい helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging; disheartening 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るからみるから at a glance; obviously 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごく quite; very 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色んないろんな various 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かばう to protect (someone); to look after (e.g. an injured leg); to defend; to cover for; to stand up for; to stick up for 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
広がるひろがる to spread (out); to extend; to stretch; to reach to; to get around; to fill (e.g. a space) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
調べるしらべる to examine; to look up; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
他にほかに in addition; besides 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それだけ that much; as much; to that extent; only that; that alone; no more than that; that is all (when finished speaking) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけじゃない it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ややこしい puzzling; tangled; complicated; complex 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すんな don't 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
案外あんがい unexpectedly; surprisingly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人なつっこいひとなつっこい friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こういう such; this sort of; like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そう in that way; thus; such 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最安さいやす cheapest; least expensive; lowest-price 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガチで truly; in earnest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フカ (large) shark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆめ dream 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あさ morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
えらい great; excellent; admirable; remarkable; distinguished; important; celebrated; famous; eminent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付けるつける to attach; to join; to add; to append; to affix; to stick; to glue; to fasten; to sew on; to apply (ointment) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言い間違いいいまちがい slip of the tongue; misstatement; verbal slip-up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はう to crawl; to creep; to go on all fours 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
凶暴きょうぼう ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おとなしい obedient; docile; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思いっきりおもいっきり to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; with all one's strength; to the best of one's ability; to the utmost; with determination; hard; heavily 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怖がるこわがる to be afraid of; to fear; to dread; to be nervous (about); to be shy (of) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と言ってといって however; because; as 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コイ Khoi (people); Khoikhoi; Khoi-khoin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別にいいけどべつにいいけど I don't care; fine, whatever; that's okay; sure, go ahead 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夜中よなか middle of the night; dead of night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寒いさむい cold (e.g. weather) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会うあう to meet; to encounter; to see 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何かの縁なにかのえん chance encounter (worth treasuring); a connection made with another person by chance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あとで afterwards 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チュー kiss 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんなん such a thing; something like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムリ unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうかした is something wrong?; what's wrong?; what's the matter? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただ ordinary; common; usual 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女好きおんなずき fondness for women; woman admirer; lustful man 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
トイレ toilet; restroom; bathroom; lavatory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もむ to rub; to crumple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頭いいあたまいい bright; intelligent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そいつ he; she; that person; that guy; that fellow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
レベル level; standard; amount; degree; grade; rank; class 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上がるあがる to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
におう to be fragrant; to smell (good) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
風呂ふろ bath; bathing; bathtub; bathroom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からだ body 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく言うよくいう to say enough (as much as required); to say plenty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お父さんおとうさん father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪くなるわるくなる to get worse; to deteriorate; to go from bad to worse; to become worse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つまる to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケンカ quarrel; brawl; fight; squabble; scuffle; argument 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワザ technique; art; skill; move 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
負けるまける to lose; to be defeated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手加減てかげん measuring by feel; adjusting by feel; doing by feel; knack; skill 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お茶おちゃ tea (usu. green) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぬるい lukewarm; tepid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃ tea 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐに immediately; right away; at once; instantly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
淹れるいれる to make (tea, coffee, etc.); to brew a beverage (with hot water) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
直すなおす to cure; to heal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメダメ entirely useless; completely worthless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相手あいて companion; partner; company 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コドモ child 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
繰り返すくりかえす to repeat; to do something over again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなん such a thing; something like that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今回こんかい this time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ありがとうございます thank you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すげー incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
疲れるつかれる to get tired; to tire; to get fatigued; to become exhausted; to grow weary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホラ boasting; bragging; big talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
触るさわる to touch; to feel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いいから never mind that; don't worry about that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしや perhaps; possibly; by some chance; by some possibility 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じーっと motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応えるこたえる to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゃま hindrance; obstacle; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; interference 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お邪魔おじゃま hindrance; intrusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今更いまさら now (when it is already much too late); at this stage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ご両親ごりょうしん (someone else's) parents; both parents 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すんなり slim; slender; lithe; supple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
二人暮らしふたりぐらし living together (with one more person) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生きるいきる to live; to exist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
慣れるなれる to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
hand; arm 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一匹いっぴき one animal (small) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
増えるふえる to increase; to multiply 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ばいばい trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
解決かいけつ settlement; solution; resolution 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
安心あんしん relief; peace of mind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
過ごすすごす to pass (time); to spend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
芝居しばい play; drama 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムカつく to feel irritated; to feel offended; to feel angry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飲むのむ to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
根に持つねにもつ to hold a grudge; to hold something against someone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しつけ discipline; training; teaching manners 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必要ひつよう necessary; needed; essential; indispensable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすがに as one would expect; naturally; indeed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
赤いあかい red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; vermillion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強いつよい strong; potent; competent; domineering; tough 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一回いっかい once; one time; one round; one game; one bout; one heat; one inning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
諦めるあきらめる to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追っかけるおっかける to chase; to run after; to pursue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
eye; eyeball 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合わすあわす to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恐ろしいおそろしい terrible; dreadful; terrifying; frightening 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全校ぜんこう the whole school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
問題もんだい question (e.g. on a test); problem 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見かけるみかける to (happen to) see; to notice; to catch sight of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その時そのとき at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
してやる to do for (someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヒマ spare time; free time; leisure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気を抜くきをぬく to lose focus; to let one's mind wander; to relax one's attention 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気分きぶん feeling; mood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配事しんぱいごと worries; cares; troubles 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
減るへる to decrease (in size or number); to diminish; to abate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ちきもち feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆとり elbowroom; leeway; room; reserve; margin; allowance; latitude; time (to spare) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違和感いわかん uncomfortable feeling; feeling out of place; sense of discomfort 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気のせいきのせい in one's imagination 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アイス ice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うるさい noisy; loud 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いけない wrong; not good; of no use 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰にもだれにも to anyone; to everyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただいま here I am; I'm home! 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しすこし small quantity; little; few; something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キミ you; buddy; pal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんにせよ at any rate; anyhow; anyway; in any case; because 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なくなる to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
着替えるきがえる to change (one's clothes) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達がいともだちがい true friendship 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたん what's the matter?; what's wrong? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出て行くでていく to go out and away; to leave 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
長いながい long (distance, length) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備体操じゅんびたいそう warm-up exercises 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やろ seems; I think; I guess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
組むくむ to cross (legs or arms); to link (arms) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間じかん time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
始めははじめ​‌は at first; in the beginning; originally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まったい complete; whole; perfect; entire 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
んな such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面倒くさいめんどくさい bothersome; tiresome; bother to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忙しいいそがしい busy; occupied; hectic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
移動教室いどうきょうしつ study camp; overnight field trip; travelling class 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞き覚えるききおぼえる to be familiar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ような like; similar to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休むやすむ to be absent; to take a day off 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分じぶん myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻るもどる to turn back (e.g. half-way) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
都合つごう circumstances; condition; convenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度もなんども many times over; often; repeatedly; time after time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思いつくおもいつく to think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to be struck with an idea 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃げ切るにげきる to make good one's escape; to get away; to outrun 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自信じしん self-confidence; confidence (in oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほっといて back off!; leave me alone! 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気が向くきがむく to feel like; to feel inclined to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部活ぶかつ club activities; extracurricular activities 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヤバい dangerous; risky 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヘビ snake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つえ cane; walking stick; staff; wand 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅いおそい slow; time-consuming; sluggish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覗き見るのぞきみる to peek; to peep 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たまたま occasionally; once in a while; seldom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
座るすわる to sit; to squat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転ばすころばす to knock down; to topple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考え事かんがえごと something to think about; one's thoughts; concern; worry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お風呂おふろ bath 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういうことか I got it; I see; I now know; So that's the reason 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まず first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キツい tough; hard; severe; demanding; harsh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい天気いいてんき fine weather; fair weather 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夕方ゆうがた evening; dusk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かさ umbrella; parasol 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持ってくるもってくる to bring; to take (something) along; to fetch; to get 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
神経しんけい nerve 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何か用なんかよう what do you want?; can I help you? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数学すうがく mathematics 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お願いおねがい request; favour (to ask); wish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わるおわる to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そこ there (place relatively near listener) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワニ crocodile; alligator 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
過保護かほご overprotective; excessive care; overprotection; overprotectiveness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうじゃなくて no, not like that (but like this) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これから from now on; after this; in the future; in future 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くち mouth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大分だいぶ considerably; greatly; a lot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
内緒ないしょ secrecy; confidentiality; privacy; secret 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急にきゅうに swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily; hurriedly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メチャクチャ absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical; preposterous; incoherent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寄りつくよりつく to approach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アホ fool; idiot; simpleton 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追いかけるおいかける to chase; to run after; to pursue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本人ほんにん the person in question; the person themselves; said person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うわさ rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
した方がいいしたほうがいい had better do so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かなり considerably; fairly; quite; rather; pretty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
脅すおどす to threaten; to menace; to frighten (into doing) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ショック shock (psychological) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
げん word; remark; statement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やりすぎる to overdo; to go too far; to go to excess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近づけるちかづける to bring near; to bring close; to let go near 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いわ rock; boulder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小学校しょうがっこう primary school; elementary school; grade school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
尻拭いしりぬぐい cleaning up someone else's mess; carrying the can 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こう in this way; thus; such 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高校こうこう senior high school; high school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おとうと younger brother; little brother; kid brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合わせるあわせる to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
兄弟きょうだい siblings; brothers and sisters 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さんち producing area 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
子供こども child 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突進とっしん rush; charge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人しいおとなしい obedient; docile; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たまに occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑うわらう to laugh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうちょっと a bit more; a bit longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ライ lie 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずれる to slide; to slip off; to get dislocated; to be out of alignment; to get dislodged; to deviate; to shift (position); to be out of sync.; to be slightly off; to be off-point 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
襲うおそう to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
固いかたい hard; solid; tough 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結ぶむすぶ to tie; to bind; to link 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
外れるはずれる to be disconnected; to get out of place; to be off; to be out (e.g. of gear) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
我慢がまん endurance; patience; perseverance; bearing (with something) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理由りゆう reason; pretext; motive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
止むやむ to cease; to stop; to be over 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かお face; visage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
多分たぶん perhaps; probably 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただでさえ even at the best of times; already; (even) under normal circumstances; in addition to; as it is 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スル to do; to carry out; to perform 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もん thing; object; article; stuff; substance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せめて at least; at most; (even) just 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
度にたびに each time; every time; whenever (something happens); on the occasion of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お喋りおしゃべり chattering; talk; idle talk; chat; chitchat; gossip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なさる to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷惑めいわく trouble; bother; annoyance; nuisance; inconvenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いいって言ういいっていう to say something is all right; to give the all-clear (e.g. to do something) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コーン cone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ていうん low-hanging clouds 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
天気てんき weather; the elements 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その後そのあと after that; afterwards; thereafter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS