Japanese by Example
Learning through examples in manga

夢みる太陽 8 Vocabulary

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Word English Frequency Mark as Known SRS
おれ I; me 86 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大家さんおおやさん landlord; landlady 67 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言ういう to say; to utter; to declare 61 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 47 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 39 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いる to be (of animate objects); to exist 31 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おまえ you 30 Mark as Known Add to SRS
be; is 27 Mark as Known Add to SRS
する to do; to carry out; to perform 27 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にいっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 26 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 25 Mark as Known Add to SRS
待つまつ to wait 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好くすく to like; to love; to be fond of 22 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃんと diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日きょう today; this day 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なる to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思うおもう to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 19 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るみる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 19 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それ that; it 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いま now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう now; soon; shortly; before long; presently 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行くいく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな such; that sort of; that kind of; like that 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
親父おやじ one's father; one's old man; dad; pops 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞くきく to hear 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
離れるはなれる to be separated; to be apart; to be distant 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずっと continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知るしる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ here; this place 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふじ wisteria (esp. Japanese wisteria, Wisteria floribunda); wistaria 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はら field; plain; prairie; tundra; moor; wilderness 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つきあう to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go steady with; to get on with 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ちきもち feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝えるつたえる to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この this 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出るでる to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その that; the 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰るかえる to return; to come home; to go home; to go back 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当ほんとう truth; reality; actuality; fact 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来るくる to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんな this sort of; this kind of; like this; such 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだ still; as yet; only 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お父さんおとうさん father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ this; this one 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろ seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話すはなす to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶対ぜったい absolutely; definitely; unconditionally 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひと person; someone; somebody 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大丈夫だいじょうぶ safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作戦さくせん tactics; strategy 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
父親ちちおや father 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学校がっこう school 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっと a little; a bit; slightly 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱり as expected; sure enough; just as one thought 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しいうれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも always; all the time; at all times 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違うちがう to differ (from); to vary 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
また again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
別にべつに (not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会うあう to meet; to encounter; to see 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全部ぜんぶ all; entire; whole; altogether 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
売るうる to sell 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はは mother 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マジ serious; not joking; straight 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好きになるすきになる to come to like; to become fond of; to fall in love 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
父さんとうさん father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食べるたべる to eat 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大好きだいすき liking very much; loving (something or someone); adoring; being very fond of 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
花火はなび fireworks 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しいたのしい enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょ it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当にほんとうに really; truly 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
rice field 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はなし talk; speech; chat; conversation 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんで why?; what for? 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あげる to raise; to elevate 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこ where; what place 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何でなんで why?; what for? 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考えるかんがえる to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お母さんおかあさん mother; mom; mum; ma 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ように in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
邪魔じゃま hindrance; obstacle; nuisance; disturbance; interruption; interference 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気づくきづく to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize; to realise 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すんな don't 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たま ball; sphere; globe; orb 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先輩せんぱい senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの子あのこ that child; that kid; that boy; that girl; that young lady 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すげぇ incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方がいいほうがいい had better ... 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事になることになる to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何のなんの what; what kind of; what sort of 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんな what kind of; what sort of; what 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっき a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作るつくる to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オレ I; me 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バカ idiot; moron; fool 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
浴衣ゆかた yukata (light cotton kimono worn in the summer or used as a bathrobe) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅いおそい slow; time-consuming; sluggish 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優しいやさしい tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だよね it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit? 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えるみえる to be seen; to be in sight 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎日まいにち every day 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
半分はんぶん half 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一番いちばん number one; first; first place 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただ ordinary; common; usual 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気になるきになる to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to worry about; to be concerned about; to care about; to feel uneasy; to be anxious 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いや disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どう how; in what way; how about 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お好み焼きおこのみやき okonomiyaki; savoury pancake fried on an iron griddle with vegetables, meat and/or seafood and topped with various sauces and condiments 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしかして perhaps; possibly; maybe; by any chance; if I'm not mistaken 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
髪型かみがた hair style; coiffure; hairdo 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑うわらう to laugh 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むすめ daughter 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕事しごと work; job; labor; labour; business; task; assignment; occupation; employment 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かわいい cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかんない not understanding; not knowing 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全然ぜんぜん (not) at all; (not) in the slightest 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おっさん middle-aged man 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪いわるい bad; poor; undesirable 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
元気げんき lively; full of spirit; energetic; vigorous; vital; spirited 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっと surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あと behind; rear 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱ too; also; likewise; either 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幸せしあわせ happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可愛いかわいい cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無理むり unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
従兄弟いとこ cousin (male) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
花火大会はなびたいかい display of fireworks; firework(s) display 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつか sometime; someday; one day; some time or other; the other day; in due course; in time 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もっと (some) more; even more; longer; further 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
素直すなお obedient; meek; docile; unaffected 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分じぶん myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
母親ははおや mother 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さみしい lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しずつすこしずつ little by little 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出おもいで memories; recollections; reminiscence 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何かなにか something; some; any 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たぶん perhaps; probably 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
似合うにあう to suit; to match; to become; to be like 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
んな such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とねー (within) the (Tokyo) metropolitan area 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使うつかう to use (a tool, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あっし crushing to death 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ついてる to be lucky; to be in luck 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この人このひと this person; he; she 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ある to be; to exist; to live 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いう to say; to utter; to declare 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
送るおくる to send (a thing); to dispatch; to despatch; to transmit 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あっち that way; that direction; over there; yonder 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつ when; at what time; how soon 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迎えに行くむかえにいく to go to meet someone 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よう business; task; errand; engagement 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味いみ meaning; significance; sense 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その人そのひと the person in question 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの人あのひと he; she; that person 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それはそれ​‌は very; extremely 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関係ないかんけいない unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事だいじ important; serious; crucial 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
期待きたい expectation; anticipation; hope 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喜ぶよろこぶ to be delighted; to be glad; to be pleased 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帽子ぼうし hat; cap 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かお face; visage 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小さいちいさい small; little; tiny 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相談そうだん consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (someone) for advice 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達ともだち friend; companion 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
親友しんゆう close friend; bosom friend; buddy; crony; chum 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怒るおこる to get angry; to get mad 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落とすおとす to drop; to lose; to let fall; to shed (light); to cast (one's gaze); to pour in (liquid); to leave behind 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハッピーエンド happy ending 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最後さいご end; conclusion 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とき time; hour; moment 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れるわすれる to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持つもつ to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれ who 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなん such a thing; something like that 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バレる to leak out (a secret); to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.); to be found out 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お父様おとうさま father 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付き合うつきあう to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go steady with; to get on with 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
紅いあかい red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; vermillion 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
許すゆるす to permit; to allow; to approve; to consent to 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい consequence; outcome; result; blame 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
tree; shrub; bush 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヤツ fellow; guy; chap 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっち that way; that direction 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
返事へんじ reply; answer; response 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誘うさそう to invite; to ask (someone to do); to call (for); to take (someone) along 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失敗しっぱい failure; mistake; blunder 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
告白こくはく confession (to a crime, wrongdoing, etc.); admission 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悲しいかなしい sad; miserable; unhappy; sorrowful 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまくいく to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夢見るゆめみる to dream (of) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フロート float; raft; pontoon 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お金おかね money 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あう to meet; to encounter; to see 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
始まるはじまる to begin; to start; to commence 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
距離を置くきょりをおく to distance oneself (from); to keep (something or someone) at a distance; to maintain a distance (from) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恋愛対象れんあいたいしょう object of romantic interest 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優しくするやさしくする to be kind to; to treat kindly 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にとって to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本気ほんき seriousness; earnestness; truth; sanctity 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初めてはじめて for the first time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな that sort of; that kind of; like that; such; so 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しでもすこしでも even a little; any at all; if only a little; no matter how little 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今までいままで until now; so far; up to the present 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どういう what kind of; what sort of; what 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
異動いどう change (personnel); transfer; reshuffle 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
問題もんだい question (e.g. on a test); problem 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
沖縄おきなわ Okinawa Prefecture 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間じかん time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何もなにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おや parent; parents; mother and father 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昨日きのう yesterday 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あれ that; that thing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぎ next; following; subsequent 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
居るいる to be (of animate objects); to exist 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっか is that so? (generally rhetorical) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっと at last; finally 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手にかってに arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
セット set 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ねぐせ bed hair; hair disarranged during sleep 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしよう what to do 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真面目まじめ serious; honest; sober; grave; earnest; steady 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さむらい warrior (esp. of military retainers of daimyos in the Edo period); samurai 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せめて at least; at most; (even) just 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
彼女かのじょ she; her 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
door (esp. Japanese-style) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしくお願いしますよろしくおねがいします please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; I look forward to working with you 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最近さいきん recently; lately; these days; nowadays; right now 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冷たいつめたい cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; freezing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい子いいこ good boy; good girl 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パパ papa; dad; daddy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まじ serious; not joking; straight 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
美人びじん beautiful woman; (a) beauty 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ミス mistake; error; blunder 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
早いはやい fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy; brisk; prompt 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
げん word; remark; statement 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これから from now on; after this; in the future; in future 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バイト part-time job; side job 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻るもどる to turn back (e.g. half-way) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くるま car; automobile; vehicle 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ありがとうございます thank you 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あやしい suspicious; dubious; questionable; dodgy; shady; fishy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みなみ south 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
校舎こうしゃ school building; schoolhouse 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思いおもい thought 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真顔まがお serious look (on one's face); straight face 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
棒読みぼうよみ reading in a monotone 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アイツ he; she; that guy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
回し者まわしもの spy; secret agent 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今すぐいますぐ at once; immediately; right now 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヒゲ moustache; beard; whiskers 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
味方みかた friend; ally; supporter 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先生せんせい teacher; instructor; master 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
乗り越えるのりこえる to climb over; to get over; to ride across 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ムリ unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
公園こうえん (public) park 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喜んでよろこんで with pleasure ... 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くれる to give; to let (one) have 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
限界げんかい limit; bound 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんどん drumming (noise); beating; pounding; banging; booming; stamping 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つらい painful; bitter; heart-breaking; difficult (emotionally) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寝るねる to sleep (lying down) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかんねー not understanding; not knowing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何てなんて how ...!; what ...! 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
着るきる to wear (from the shoulders down); to put on 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ご飯ごはん cooked rice 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落ちるおちる to fall down; to drop; to fall (e.g. rain); to sink (e.g. sun or moon); to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze); to be used in a certain place (e.g. money) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
襲うおそう to attack; to assail; to make an assault; to strike; to hunt down 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボー bow (weapon) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
警官けいかん police officer; policeman; constable 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しつ loss (of something); disadvantage 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
信じるしんじる to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけじゃない it does not mean that ...; I don't mean that ...; it is not the case that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キュウリ cucumber (Cucumis sativus) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
差すさす to shine 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
美味しいおいしい good(-tasting); nice; delicious; tasty 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クラス class 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しょく food; foodstuff 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キモイ gross; disgusting 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連れて来るつれてくる to bring someone along 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポジティブ positive (e.g. thinking) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビビる to feel nervous; to feel afraid; to feel self-conscious; to lose one's nerve; to get cold feet; to get the jitters 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のむ to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ああ like that; so 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出すおもいだす to recall; to remember; to recollect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
太陽たいよう Sun 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
検察けんさつ examination; investigation; prosecution 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事務官じむかん administrative official; secretary; commissioner 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
提案ていあん proposal; proposition; suggestion 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お話おはなし story; tale 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうして how; in what way; by what means 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関係かんけい relation; relationship; connection 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういう such; like that; that sort of 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
交換こうかん exchange; interchange; switching; reciprocity; barter; substitution; replacement; clearing (of checks, cheques) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻すもどす to put back; to return; to give back; to restore (to a previous state, e.g. defrosting, reconstituting, reconciling); to turn back (e.g. clock hand) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
eye; eyeball 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考えかんがえ thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一応いちおう more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
回るまわる to turn; to revolve 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
母さんかあさん mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人おとな adult; grown-up 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なきゃいけない cannot do without something; indispensable; absolutely necessary 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お世辞おせじ flattery; compliment 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しょうがねぇ there's no (other) way 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
てる to shine 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ギリギリ just barely; only just; at the very limit; at the last moment 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
断ることわる to refuse; to reject; to dismiss; to turn down; to decline 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
似るにる to resemble; to look like; to be like; to be alike; to be similar; to take after 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だめ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
タメ good; advantage; benefit; welfare 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞こえるきこえる to be heard; to be audible; to reach one's ears 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言わすいわす to get someone to say; to make someone say 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たまに occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
渡すわたす to ferry across (e.g. a river); to carry across; to traverse 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
拾うひろう to pick up; to find; to gather 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
報告ほうこく report; information 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
パンダ panda 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
hand; arm 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なに what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イチゴ strawberry (esp. the garden strawberry, Fragaria x ananassa) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もし if; in case; supposing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ない nonexistent; not being (there) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ストロー drinking straw 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
台無しだいなし mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑顔えがお smiling face; smile 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
住むすむ to live (of humans); to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高校生こうこうせい senior high school student 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よっか 4th day of the month 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見つけるみつける to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちがう to differ (from); to vary 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転ぶころぶ to fall down; to fall over 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
裁判さいばん trial; judgement; judgment 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
純正じゅんせい genuine; pure; perfect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
混乱こんらん disorder; chaos; confusion; mayhem 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつでも (at) any time; always; at all times; whenever 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結局けっきょく after all; in the end; ultimately; eventually 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉ことば language; dialect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
答えるこたえる to answer; to reply 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
諦めるあきらめる to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
電話でんわ telephone call; phone call 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝うつたう to go along; to walk along; to follow 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相手あいて companion; partner; company 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度もなんども many times over; often; repeatedly; time after time 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お祭りおまつり festival; feast; carnival 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここから from here; from this place 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成功せいこう success; hit 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ショック shock (psychological) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やきそば yakisoba; fried noodles, usu. with vegetables and meat 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一週間いっしゅうかん one week 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
タイトル title 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マッチ match (to light fire with) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遊びに来るあそびにくる to come and stay; to drop in; to visit 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
反抗はんこう opposition; resistance; insubordination; defiance; hostility; rebellion 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姉弟してい older sister and younger brother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かなう to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to be fulfilled 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大切たいせつ important; significant; serious; crucial 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わがまま selfish; egoist 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
水曜すいよう Wednesday 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたらいい what's the best thing to do?; what to do? 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日曜にちよう Sunday 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方法ほうほう method; process; manner; way; means; technique 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しっかり tightly (holding on); firmly; securely 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人生じんせい (one's) life 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キャンプ camp; camping 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう一回もういっかい one more time; once more; once again 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いいこと good thing; nice thing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しゃれる to dress stylishly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困った事にこまったことに the trouble is that ...; the problem is that ...; unfortunately; annoyingly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面と向かうめんとむかう to meet face-to-face 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
堂々どうどう magnificent; grand; impressive; dignified; majestic; imposing; stately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頭くるあたまくる to get mad; to be highly offended; to get pissed off; to get angry; to lose one's cool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕掛けしかけ device; contrivance; mechanism; gadget 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かこ the past; bygone days 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
守るまもる to protect; to guard; to defend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワックス wax (for polishing) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備じゅんび preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さき point; tip; end; nozzle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
掻っ攫うかっさらう to snatch (and run); to carry off; to swipe; to nab 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必死ひっし frantic; frenetic; desperate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追いかけるおいかける to chase; to run after; to pursue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ファン fan; enthusiast; lover (of) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕事場しごとば place where one works; construction site; working area 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こっこ national treasury 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にち Sunday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
トキ Japanese crested ibis (Nipponia nippon); crested ibis 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めいてん well-known store 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キュン with a pitter-patter; choked up (with emotion); heart-wringing; momentary tightening of one's chest caused by powerful feelings (e.g. parting with a loved one) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウザい annoying; noisy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せつねぇ painful; heartrending; trying 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
がっこう school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うお fish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さんいつ being scattered and ultimately lost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
としても even if ...; even supposing that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最初さいしょ beginning; outset; first; onset 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事にすることにする to decide to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しすこし small quantity; little; few; something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やろう guy; fellow; chap; buddy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたの what's the matter?; what's wrong? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ババ old woman 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
警告けいこく warning; advice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わるおわる to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
厄介やっかい trouble; burden; nuisance; bother; worry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これなら this one 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めずらしい unusual; rare; curious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かっこいい attractive; good-looking; stylish; cool; smooth; neat; with-it; groovy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連れ戻すつれもどす to bring back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐ immediately; at once; right away; directly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
事情じじょう circumstances; conditions; situation; reasons; state of affairs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わからん I don't know 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
乗るのる to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.); to get in; to board; to take; to embark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃げるにげる to escape; to run away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
べつ distinction; difference; discrimination 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場所ばしょ place; location; spot; position 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お菓子おかし confections; sweets; candy; cake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだか (a) little; somewhat; somehow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんなに so; like this; in this way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
名前なまえ name 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ものすごい terrific; staggering; tremendous; incredible; extreme 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向くむく to turn toward; to look (up, down, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おいで coming; going; being (somewhere) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大学だいがく university; college 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
玄関げんかん entrance; front door; entryway; entranceway; entry hall; vestibule; porch; foyer; mud room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そこ there (place relatively near listener) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あさ morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こいつ he; she; this fellow; this guy; this person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひどい cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こころざし will; resolution; intention; ambition; aim; goal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ear (of a cereal plant); head; spike 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お世話になるおせわになる to receive favor; to receive assistance; to receive help; to be looked after; to be taken care of; to become dependent (on); to become much obliged (to someone); to become indebted 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お前おまえ you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よっぽど very; greatly; much; considerably; to a large extent; quite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だっけ was it?; I think it was ...; if I've got it right; if I'm not mistaken; remind me; tell me again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この先このさき beyond this point; ahead 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
裏切るうらぎる to betray; to turn traitor to; to double-cross 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その度そのたび each time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うれる to sell (well) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたん what's the matter?; what's wrong? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
落ち込むおちこむ to feel down; to feel sad; to be depressed; to be in low spirits 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頼むたのむ to request; to beg; to ask 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連れ出すつれだす to take (someone) out (for a walk, to lunch, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よる evening; night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きる to cut; to cut through; to perform (surgery) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
デート date (with someone); (social) outing (for two); date night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
プレゼント present; gift 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おととい day before yesterday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無限むげん infinity; infinitude; eternity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でっかい huge; big; gargantuan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もん thing; object; article; stuff; substance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いよいよ more and more; all the more; increasingly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頑張るがんばる to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰にもだれにも to anyone; to everyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
背中せなか back (of body) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
声をかけるこえをかける to greet; to call out (to); to start talking (to) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同情どうじょう sympathy; compassion; pity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スッキリ refreshingly; with a feeling of relief; pleasantly; (a weight) off one's shoulder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
腹減ったはらへった I'm hungry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかわり another helping; second helping; seconds; refill 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そういえば now that you mention it; come to think of it; that reminds me; on that subject; speaking of which 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あそこ there; over there; that place; yonder; you-know-where 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へん strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おじいちゃん grandpa; granddad 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特大とくだい extra-large; king-size 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
届けるとどける to deliver; to forward; to send 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その日そのひ that day; the very same day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寒いさむい cold (e.g. weather) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と言うという called; named; that says; that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
協力きょうりょく cooperation; collaboration; help; support 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しつこい insistent; obstinate; persistent; tenacious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウザイ annoying; noisy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かっこ悪いかっこわるい unattractive; ugly; unstylish; uncool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
比べるくらべる to compare; to make a comparison 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小さなちいさな small; little; tiny 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お気に入りおきにいり favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もらう to receive; to take; to accept 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目障りめざわり eyesore; unpleasant sight; obstructing a view 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
脱げるぬげる to come off; to slip down; to slip off 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かぶる to put on (one's head); to wear; to have on; to pull over (one's head); to crown (oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はな flower; blossom; bloom; petal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
枯れるかれる to wither (of a plant); to be blasted; to die 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
がる to show signs of being; to feel; to think 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大規模だいきぼ large-scale 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
単純たんじゅん simple; plain; uncomplicated; straightforward; simple-minded; naive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
竹輪ちくわ chikuwa; tube-shaped fish paste cake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
文句もんく complaint; grumbling; objection 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会話かいわ conversation; talk; chat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夫婦ふうふ married couple; husband and wife; man and wife 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そう in that way; thus; such 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小枝こえだ twig; spray 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おもしろい interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごい vocabulary; lexicon; lexis; terminology 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エコー echo 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげで thanks to ...; owing to ...; because of ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすが as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
水筒すいとう canteen; flask; water bottle; thermos 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほんと truth; reality; actuality; fact 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よこ horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うるさい noisy; loud 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れ物わすれもの lost article; something forgotten 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
善いよい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごめんなさい I'm sorry; my apologies; excuse me; pardon me 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ような like; similar to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コーン cone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
補習ほしゅう supplementary lessons 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お茶おちゃ tea (usu. green) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしや perhaps; possibly; by some chance; by some possibility 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
久しぶりひさしぶり a long time (since the last time); first in a long time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
他校たこう another school; other schools 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
制服せいふく uniform 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
彼氏かれし boyfriend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覚えるおぼえる to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もじる to screw; to twist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イド id 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知り合うしりあう to get to know each other; to make acquaintance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしい good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うっさい noisy; loud 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メガネ glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
申すもうす to say; to be called 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担当たんとう being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
検事けんじ public prosecutor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
指示しじ indication; denotation; designation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
参るまいる to go; to come; to call 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現在げんざい the present; present time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
傷心しょうしん heartbreak; grief; sorrow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今回こんかい this time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
口をきくくちをきく to speak; to talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悲嘆ひたん grief; sorrow; anguish; lamentation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目に浮かぶめにうかぶ to picture; to come into one's mind; to remember 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヒドイ cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のです the expectation is that ...; the reason is that ...; the fact is that ...; the explanation is that ...; it is that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
される to be done (to someone or something) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぜ why; how 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
させて頂くさせていただく to have the privilege of doing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
というと when it comes to ...; if one were to speak of ...; when one hears ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
実はじつ​‌は as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
皆様みなさま everyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
住うすまう to live; to reside; to inhabit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
住宅じゅうたく residence; housing; residential building 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
購入こうにゅう purchase; buy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現れるあらわれる to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お宅おたく your house; your home; your family 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
売却ばいきゃく selling off; disposal by sale; sale 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はずです be supposed or expected to (do); be sure to (do); ought to (do) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家主やぬし landlord; landlady 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
早乙女さおとめ young female rice planter; young girl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進むすすむ to advance; to go forward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
親密しんみつ intimacy; friendship 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
撤回てっかい withdrawal; retraction; revocation; repeal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おっしゃる to say; to speak; to tell; to talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おる to be (animate); to be; to exist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いけない wrong; not good; of no use 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
男の人おとこのひと man 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突然とつぜん abrupt; sudden; unexpected 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
困るこまる to be troubled; to have difficulty; to be in a fix; to be at a loss; to be stumped; to be embarrassed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
携番けいばん mobile phone number 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
番号ばんごう number; series of digits 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しち seven 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケータイ mobile phone; cell phone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
馬の骨うまのほね person of doubtful origin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あん red bean paste; red bean jam; anko 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以外いがい with the exception of; excepting; excluding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
騙すだます to trick; to cheat; to deceive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
装うよそおう to dress (oneself in); to attire oneself in; to adorn; to decorate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そう言うそういう such; like that; that sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方向ほうこう direction; orientation; bearing; way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
がたん with a bang; with a crash; with a bump; with a jolt 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キッカケ chance; start; cue; excuse; motive; impetus; occasion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
冗談じょうだん joke; jest; funny story 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だよねー it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケラケラ cackling (sound of shrill laughter) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとかなる to be able to manage somehow or another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やきもち jealousy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
焼くやく to burn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
展開てんかい development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クレジットカード credit card 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうにか in some way or other; one way or another; somehow; only just; barely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そりゃ very; extremely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
用意ようい preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready; laying out (e.g. a meal) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼ぶよぶ to call out (to); to call; to invoke 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
慣れるなれる to get used to; to grow accustomed to; to become familiar with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
着付けるきつける to put on; to wear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻ってくるもどってくる to come back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日帰りひがえり day trip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言う事を聞くいうことをきく to do what one is told to; to take someone's advice; to listen to what someone says 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イメージ image (in one's mind); impression; mental image; (mental) picture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅れるおくれる to be late; to be delayed; to fall behind schedule; to be overdue 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テレ tele 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
望むのぞむ to desire 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
約束やくそく promise; agreement; arrangement; one's word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement; date 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付け足すつけたす to add (to); to add on; to append 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まず first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やってみる to have a go; to try and do (something); to take a chance with something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同居人どうきょにん person living with a family; lodger 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にらむ to glare at; to scowl at; to glower at 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
屋台やたい cart (esp. a food cart); stall; stand 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ついて来るついてくる to follow; to come along with one; to accompany 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どける to put something out of the way; to move (something, someone) aside 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今度こんど this time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はぐれる to lose sight of (one's companions); to stray from 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつけるきをつける to be careful; to pay attention; to take care 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突き飛ばすつきとばす to thrust away; to send flying 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とくし special envoy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遂行すいこう accomplishment; execution 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メロ Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意外いがい unexpected; surprising 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい人いいひと good-natured person; good person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
始めるはじめる to start; to begin; to commence; to initiate; to originate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
周りまわり circumference; girth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バッチリ perfectly; right on the mark; spot on; bang on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こもる to shut oneself in (e.g. one's room); to be confined in; to seclude oneself; to hide away; to stay inside (one's shell) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これで here; with this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
完了かんりょう completion; conclusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それだけ that much; as much; to that extent; only that; that alone; no more than that; that is all (when finished speaking) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
駆け回るかけまわる to run around; to bustle about 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いす chair; stool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ツライ painful; bitter; heart-breaking; difficult (emotionally) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
辛いからい spicy; hot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
救うすくう to rescue from; to help out of; to save 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気がするきがする to feel (as if); to have a feeling (that); to have a hunch (that); to get a sense (that) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かっこつける to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show off 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通ふつう normal; ordinary; regular; usual; common; average 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奇跡きせき miracle; wonder; marvel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不安ふあん anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity; suspense 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
について concerning; regarding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下さるくださる to give; to confer; to bestow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応えるこたえる to respond; to answer; to meet (e.g. demands, expectations) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特別とくべつ special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
十分じゅうぶん enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうか please 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかしい funny; amusing; comical; laughable; ridiculous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
rook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
死んでもしんでも at the risk of one's life; even if (I) die; even if it kills one (me, him, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手を引くてをひく to withdraw from (a deal); to wash one's hands of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しそううれしそう delightful; glad-looking 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほめる to praise; to commend; to compliment; to speak well of; to speak highly of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆめ dream 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう少しもうすこし a bit more; a bit longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このまま as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
預けるあずける to leave (in someone's keeping); to put (in someone's care); to place (in someone's custody); to entrust (someone) with; to deposit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっさ promptly; immediately; quickly; without delay 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クジ lottery; lot; raffle; draw 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やろ seems; I think; I guess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クック cook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こおり ice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全財産ぜんざいさん everything one owns 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心ないこころない thoughtless; inconsiderate; tasteless; cruel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出すだす to take out; to get out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
けす to erase; to delete; to cross out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高いたかい high; tall 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あじ flavor; flavour; taste 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おじさん uncle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎度まいど each time; always; often 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カレシ boyfriend 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひとつ one 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飲むのむ to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みつめあう to stare at each other; to lock eyes with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ドキドキ thump-thump; bang-bang; pit-a-pat; pitapat; pitter-patter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生きるいきる to live; to exist 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
低いひくい low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そろそろ soon; before long; any time now; momentarily 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こうゆう such; this sort of; like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ないと have to (verb); must (verb) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
移動いどう movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そりゃあ very; extremely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
演技えんぎ acting; performance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな風にあんなふうに in that way; like that; that way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生まれて初めてうまれてはじめて for the first time in one's life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
似合いにあい well-matched (esp. of a couple); becoming; suitable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全力ぜんりょく all one's power (strength, energy, efforts); one's utmost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まるい round; circular; spherical 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不足ふそく insufficiency; deficiency; shortage; lack; scarcity; deficit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悩ますなやます to afflict; to torment; to harass; to molest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
限るかぎる to restrict; to limit; to confine 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうすぐ soon; shortly; before long; nearly; almost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
良い事よいこと good thing; nice thing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とは限らないと‌は​かぎらない not necessarily so; is not always true 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なおさら still more; even more; all the more 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
認めるみとめる to recognize; to recognise; to observe; to notice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近づくちかづく to approach; to draw near; to get close 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
売れるうれる to sell (well) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ジャリ gravel; ballast; pebbles 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キレイ pretty; lovely; beautiful; fair 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ一番ここいちばん the crucial moment; the moment of truth; do-or-die situation; crucial juncture; crucial stage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下駄げた geta; Japanese wooden clogs 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケガ injury; wound 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
背負うせおう to carry on one's back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかげ grace (of God); benevolence (of Buddha); blessing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
懐かしいなつかしい dear (old); fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
確かたしか sure; certain; positive; definite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの頃あのころ in those days 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
前日ぜんじつ previous day; day before; eve; prior day; preceding day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戦うたたかう to make war (on); to wage war (against); to go to war (with); to fight (with); to do battle (against) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
検察官けんさつかん public prosecutor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教えるおしえる to teach; to instruct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしても by all means; at any cost; no matter what; at any rate; surely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分でじぶんで by myself; in person; by oneself 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
調べるしらべる to examine; to look up; to investigate; to check up; to sense; to study; to inquire; to search 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
俺達おれたち we; us 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
血が繋がるちがつながる to be related (by blood) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうりで indeed; it's no wonder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこか somewhere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結婚けっこん marriage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もむ to rub; to crumple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味があるいみがある to have meaning; to be meaningful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつ he; she; that guy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とする to try to ...; to be about to do ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんて言ってもなんていっても after all is said and done; no matter what people say; in the end; definitely; undeniably 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バラバラ scattered; disperse; loose; disconnected; in pieces; in drops; rustling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
口約束くちやくそく verbal promise; one's word 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
arrow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出て行くでていく to go out and away; to leave 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
他にほかに in addition; besides 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うらやましい envious; jealous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
眠るねむる to sleep 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
離すはなす to separate; to part; to divide; to keep apart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心の準備こころのじゅんび mental preparedness; being braced for; being steeled for 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
根本こんぽん root; source; origin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関係ねぇかんけいねぇ unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全いまったい complete; whole; perfect; entire 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
良いよい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だからって even so; all the same; nevertheless; yes, but ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誰かだれか someone; somebody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行動こうどう action; conduct; behaviour; behavior; mobilization; mobilisation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配しんぱい worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おとうと younger brother; little brother; kid brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
想いでおもいで memories; recollections; reminiscence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頑張り屋がんばりや someone who battles on in difficult circumstances 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
障害しょうがい obstacle; impediment; hindrance; difficulty; barrier 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無駄むだ futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
届くとどく to reach; to touch; to get to; to carry (of sound) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
内緒ないしょ secrecy; confidentiality; privacy; secret 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引っ掛かるひっかかる to be caught in; to be stuck in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その時そのとき at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしんねー may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ以上これいじょう any more; any further; any better; any longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
固まるかたまる to harden; to solidify 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝わるつたわる to be handed down; to be introduced; to be transmitted; to be circulated; to go along; to walk along 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
叶うかなう to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to be fulfilled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上がるあがる to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イヤ disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけない easy; simple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
空気くうき air; atmosphere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目に入るめにはいる to catch sight of; to come into view; to happen to see 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
難しいむずかしい difficult; hard; troublesome; complicated; serious (disease, problem, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
後悔こうかい regret; repentance; remorse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気にするきにする to mind (negative nuance); to care about; to worry; to pay undue (amount of) attention to (something) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動くうごく to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みつかる to be found; to be discovered 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
赤面せきめん blushing; getting red in the face 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
買うかう to buy; to purchase 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このように in this manner; in this way; like this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くき stalk; stem 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕口しくち method; way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作業さぎょう work; operation; manufacturing; fatigue duty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
効くきく to be effective; to take effect; to be good (for) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あい pity; sorrow; grief; misery 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今頃いまごろ about this time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣くなく to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お詫びおわび apology 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポーチ porch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とってくる to fetch; to go and get 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しむたのしむ to enjoy (oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷うまよう to lose one's way; to get lost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さか slope; incline; hill 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決まるきまる to be decided; to be settled; to be fixed; to be arranged 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おめー you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テンション (emotional) tension; anxiety 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしかしたら perhaps; maybe; perchance; by some chance; by any chance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せっかく with trouble; at great pains 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
兄貴あにき elder brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言いなりいいなり doing as one is told; yes-man 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普段ふだん usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
母ちゃんかあちゃん mum; mom; mummy; mommy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
黙るだまる to be silent; to say nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なくても even if not; even without 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家族かぞく family 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
増えるふえる to increase; to multiply 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不倫ふりん adultery; immorality; impropriety; (an) affair 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はま beach; seashore 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
責任せきにん duty; responsibility (incl. supervision of staff) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
取るとる to take; to pick up; to grab; to catch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い通りおもいどおり as one likes; as one wants; as one wishes; as one hopes; as one sees fit; to one's satisfaction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悔しいくやしい frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed; frustrating; annoying; regrettable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
任せるまかせる to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく言うよくいう to say enough (as much as required); to say plenty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこの誰どこのだれ who the heck; just who 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はんにゃ prajna (wisdom required to attain enlightenment) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
離婚りこん divorce 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バド badminton 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この前このまえ the other day; previously; before; earlier; recently 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人しいおとなしい obedient; docile; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引くひく to pull; to tug; to lead (e.g. a horse) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけがある to have a reason; to have an excuse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大阪おおさか Osaka (city, prefecture) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
置くおく to put; to place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐにでも right away; without delay; as soon as possible; very soon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遠方えんぽう long way; distant place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転勤てんきん job transfer; job relocation; intra-company transfer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歯向かうはむかう to strike back at; to bite back; to turn on; to rise against; to oppose; to defy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつら they; those guys; those fellows 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失ううしなう to lose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひる noon; midday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食うくう to eat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうした somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぼっと with a roar (of flames); with a whoosh; flaring up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しすぎる to overdo; to do too much 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出ていくでていく to go out and away; to leave 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ミノ plain tripe; cow rumen 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何とかなるなんとかなる to be able to manage somehow or another 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんの what; what kind of; what sort of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハイ high (e.g. spirits); merry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不安がるふあんがる to appear uneasy; to appear anxious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
安心あんしん relief; peace of mind 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうにも (not) in any way; in no way; at all 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暗いくらい dark; gloomy; murky 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
情けねえなさけねえ miserable; pitiable; shameful; deplorable; pathetic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひこうき aeroplane; airplane; aircraft 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くも cloud 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飛行機ひこうき aeroplane; airplane; aircraft 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思いつくおもいつく to think of; to hit upon; to come into one's mind; to be struck with an idea 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無視むし disregarding; ignoring 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
物になるものになる to prove successful; to take hold; to amount to something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
確実かくじつ certain; sure; definite; reliable; sound; solid; safe; secure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手放すてばなす to let go of; to release; to drop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
従うしたがう to obey (an order, law, etc.); to abide by (a rule, custom, etc.); to follow; to observe; to conform to; to yield to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頼りねえたよりねえ unreliable; undependable; indefinite; vague 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
肝心かんじん essential; important; crucial; vital; main 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
任すまかす to entrust; to leave to a person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガンコ stubborn; obstinate; pigheaded 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たより reliance; dependence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつかはいつか​‌は sooner or later; in due time; in due course 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必ずかならず always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人になるおとなになる to grow up; to become an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それぞれ each; respectively 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向かうむかう to face 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みち road; path; street; lane; passage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうなると if that is the case; if it becomes so; when it becomes so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自然しぜん nature 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クリスマス Christmas 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家族旅行かぞくりょこう family vacation; family trip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほとんど mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but; just about; almost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それから and then; after that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お弁当おべんとう bento; Japanese box lunch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スト strike (i.e. industrial action) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ノブ knob 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちくわ chikuwa; tube-shaped fish paste cake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たまご焼きたまごやき rolled egg; rolled omelette (omelet) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最低さいてい least; lowest; minimum 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎週まいしゅう every week 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
金曜きんよう Friday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なお still; yet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強制的きょうせいてき forced; compulsory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぎる to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ますます increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
私達わたしたち we; us 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
詰まるつまる to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことになる to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
新しいあたらしい new; novel; fresh; recent; latest; up-to-date; modern 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出来るできる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
料理りょうり cooking; cookery; cuisine; meal; food; dish; item on a menu 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヘタクソ unskilled; clumsy; lousy; poor; awkward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
子供扱いこどもあつかい treating someone like a child 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勉強べんきょう study 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よりも in comparison to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだまだ still; much more; (not) yet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姿すがた figure; form; shape 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スキン skin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケット blanket; cover 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
私たちわたしたち we; us 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足掻くあがく to paw (at) the ground 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝つかつ to win; to gain victory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正論せいろん sound argument; fair argument; just reasoning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見つかるみつかる to be found; to be discovered 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アレ that; that thing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
叫ぶさけぶ to shout; to cry; to scream; to shriek; to yell; to exclaim 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つかる to be submerged; to be soaked 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
丁度いいちょうどいい just right (time, size, length, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ものがある to be the case that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
売買契約ばいばいけいやく contract for (of) sale 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無事ぶじ safety; security; peace; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
済むすむ to finish; to end; to be completed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
売買ばいばい trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
契約書けいやくしょ (written) contract; agreement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
予定通りよていどおり as planned 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
片付けるかたづける to tidy up; to put in order; to straighten up; to put away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こいつら these guys; these fellows 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぶち壊すぶちこわす to destroy; to crush; to break by striking; to wreck 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お父おとう daddy; father; husband 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
抱きつくだきつく to cling to; to embrace 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頼りになるたよりになる to be reliable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無関心むかんしん apathetic; indifferent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コピー copy; photocopy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上等じょうとう superior; first-class; excellent; top quality 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だからこそ for this reason 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
長いながい long (distance, length) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どっか somewhere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泊まるとまる to stay at (e.g. hotel) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
援助えんじょ assistance; aid; support 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合うあう to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つづく to continue; to last; to go on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くく multiplication table; times table 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くっくっと with a chuckle; with a giggle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おまけ something thrown in (with a purchase); something extra; free gift; freebie; giveaway; premium; prize 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マンガ cartoon; comic; comic strip; manga 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大きいおおきい big; large; great 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あったかい warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心臓しんぞう heart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きこえる to be heard; to be audible; to reach one's ears 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コツコツ unflaggingly; steadily; untiringly; laboriously 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違くてちがくて different (from); not the same (as) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょうか don't you think?; indicates question 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
spirit; mind; heart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
緊張きんちょう tension; strain; nervousness; stress 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
包み込むつつみこむ to wrap up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっぽり entirely; completely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動物どうぶつ animal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふわっと floatingly; driftingly; with a sense of weightlessness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やわらかい soft; tender; pliant; supple; limber; limp 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんてね just kidding; Not! 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オバケ ghost; apparition 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おわり end; ending; close; conclusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS