Additionally, I'm happier having girls here with それに〜
Grammar Explanation: In addition to with それに〜

Kei’ichi is excited about spending four days at the beach with his automobile club from university, not to mention with the Goddess Belldandy. His excitement is cut short when he hears Sayoko call out to him.
- 螢一:
- 「田宮先輩まさか美術部と合同でやるんじゃないでしょうね」
- "Tamiya, don't tell me we're doing this with the art club!"
- 田宮:
- 「ん……ああ。自動車部を題材にしたいっていうから…… それに女の子がいた方が嬉しい…」
- "It's because they said they wanted to use the automobile club as a subject... Additionally, I'm happier having girls here."