Don't want you to worry with 〜てほしくない
Grammar Explanation: Want you do to something with 〜てほしい

Kagetsu is overworking herself trying to write a song for her group’s upcoming performance.
With a typhoon passing by, she worries their outdoor stage may get ruined. Hototogisu offers to sneak out and check, and Mokuge goes with her.
Outside, Hototogisu says that Kagetsu stops humming when she’s worried, and it’s lonely without her humming.
- ホトトギス:
- 「だからあいつには悩んでてほしくないんだー。」
- "That's why I don't want her to be worring."
- ムクゲ:
- 「うん。はやく曲できるといいねー。」
- "Mm-hmm. It'd be nice if she could finish her song quickly."