Every successive try with 〜ごとに
Grammar Explanation: Every 〜 with 〜ごとに

The prime suspect in a murder has a rock-solid reason for his innocence: between the time he was on live television and the time of the murder, there’s no way he could have traveled the flights of stairs to reach the victim and return to the camera.
To test this, Inspector Megure has Detective Mouri repeatedly run the course from the television stage to the murder scene and back.
- 目暮:
- 「6分47秒か…」
- "6 minutes and 47 seconds, huh..."
- 「どーしたんだ?回を増すごとに遅くなってきとるじゃないか…」
- "What's wrong? You're getting slower with each succession..."
Note: 〜きとる here is the same as 〜きている.