Littering a soft drink can with ポイ捨て
Vocabulary Explanation: Littering with ポイ捨て

As Kenji Fudazuki ponders ways to increase his image as a delinquent, he hears a teacher asking who littered an empty soft drink can. Seeing an opportunity, Kenji takes credit for the misdeed. With this revelation, the teacher backs off and leaves quietly.
- Students:
- 「札月だったのか。」
- "So it was Fudazuki, huh?"
- 「しかしポイ捨てしといて全く悪びれてないぜ…」
- "But to litter, he really has no shame..."
- 「むしろ怒ってた先生ニラんでたぜ。」
- "Instead, he glared at the scolding teacher."
- 「ホント…怖いなぁ。」
- "He truly is scary."