More miso soup with おかわり
Vocabulary Explanation: Another serving with おかわり

Yotsuba eats breakfast with her father and grandmother. The grown-ups are talking about all the cleaning Grandma is doing around the house, as she says he hasn’t cleaned the yard at all.
- 父さん:
- 「庭…なんもしとらんな」
- "The yard...I haven't done anything."
- ばあさん:
- 「なんか植えたらええ。庭作り面白いで」
- "You should plant something. Gardening is great."
- よつば:
- 「ばーちゃんみそしるおかわり!」
- "Gramma, more miso soup!"
- ばあさん:
- 「ん」
- "Mm."
- よつば:
- 「ばーちゃんのみそしるすき!」
- "I like Gramma's miso soup!"