Nearby stores with 近隣店舗
Vocabulary Explanation: Neighboring area with 近隣

Upon entering the mall, Yui notices a lottery wheel. Sacchan and Kotoha join her, the two quickly pestering Subaru, the part-timer working the lottery, with random questions. Subaru pushes on with her script.
- すばる:
- 「ただ今こちら記載の近隣店舗にてお買い物頂くとこちらの画像の福引券を配布させて頂いておりまして」
- "If you make a purchase at any of the neighborhood stores listed here, you'll receive the lottery tickets shown in the image here."
- 「これを5枚集めますと1回福引きをお楽しみ頂ける形となっております」
- "If you collect five tickets, you'll be able to enjoy one lottery draw."
- さっちゃん:
- 「そのセリフ覚えたの!?」
- "You memorized that line!?"
- すばる:
- 「はい…」
- "Yes..."