Thinking or feeling something with 〜気がする
気がする following a word or phrase ending with a verb, adjective, or noun, has the meaning of “I feel that ~” (「〜と感じる」) or “I think that ~” (「〜と思う」).
There is a slight difference in connotation. 「〜と思う」 is used one clearly stating one’s thoughts, whereas 「〜気がする」 is more indirect. The latter may be seen as closer to 「たぶん〜と思う」 (“I think that perhaps ~”).
To express conjecture (推量), feeling (感覚), or impression (印象), ような may be used. In this case, the meaning does not change.
Further reading
- 〜気がする|日本語能力試験 JLPTにない文型 (