Unable to fall asleep after a horror movie with 目が冴える
Idiom Explanation: Wide awake with 目が冴える

Komura and his mother watch a late-night horror movie. After his mother heads off to bed, Komura texts with Mie from class, who had also watched the movie with her father. The two switch to a phone call, and after a bit the subject of bedtimes comes up. Normally Mie can’t keep awake as late as Komura does.
- 小村:
- 「あ じゃあもう眠い…?」
- "Ah, then right now you're sleepy?"
- 三重:
- 「あ 今日は… なんか… 目が冴えちゃって…」
- "Ah, today I'm somewhat unable to fall asleep."