Want you to let me explain with 〜させてほしい
Grammar Explanation: Want you do to something with 〜てほしい

Takeo tries helping the girl who likes his friend Sunakawa. When Takeo receives a call from his own girlfriend, he realizes he’s alone with another girl.
- たけお:
- 「すまん大和に事情説明させてほしい」
- "Sorry, I'd like you to let me explain the situation to Yamato."
- 「ゆきかちゃんが砂川を好きだってこと大和に話していいか?」
- "Is it all right if I tell Yamato you like Suna?"
Note: Takeo calls Sunakawa “Suna”, which is why the furigana on 砂川 is すな.