Japanese by Example
Learning through examples in manga

放課後カルテ(3) Vocabulary

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Word English Frequency Mark as Known SRS
先生せんせい teacher; instructor; master 67 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こと thing; matter 52 Mark as Known Add to SRS
する to do; to carry out; to perform 49 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お母さんおかあさん mother; mom; mum; ma 35 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大丈夫だいじょうぶ safe; secure; sound; problem-free; without fear; all right; alright; OK; okay 34 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お前おまえ you 33 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行くいく to go; to move (in a direction or towards a specific location); to head (towards); to be transported (towards); to reach 26 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いる to be (of animate objects); to exist 25 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
be; is 23 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい good; excellent; fine; nice; pleasant; agreeable 22 Mark as Known Add to SRS
学校がっこう school 22 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今日きょう today; this day 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みんな everyone; everybody; all 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来るくる to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to arrive 21 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なに what 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見るみる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 20 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なる to become; to get; to grow; to turn; to reach; to attain 19 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言ういう to say; to utter; to declare 18 Mark as Known Add to SRS
rice field 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オレ I; me 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
帰るかえる to return; to come home; to go home; to go back 17 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やる to do; to undertake; to perform; to play (a game); to study 16 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えるみえる to be seen; to be in sight 15 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聞くきく to hear 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんな this sort of; this kind of; like this; such 14 Mark as Known Add to SRS
また again; once more; once again; another time; some other time 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しすこし small quantity; little; few; something 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話すはなす to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat 13 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちゃんと diligently; seriously; earnestly; reliably; steadily; legitimately 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この this 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できる to be able (in a position) to do; to be up to the task 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんで why?; what for? 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お姉ちゃんおねえちゃん older sister 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぼく I; me 12 Mark as Known Add to SRS
練習れんしゅう practice; training; drill; (an) exercise; workout 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知るしる to know; to be aware (of); to be conscious (of); to learn (of); to find out; to discover 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だろ seems; I think; I guess; I wonder; I hope 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
原因げんいん cause; origin; source 11 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からだ body 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昨日きのう yesterday 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
運動うんどう exercise; physical training; workout; sports; athletics 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこ where; what place 10 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見せるみせる to show; to display 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう now; soon; shortly; before long; presently 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
eye; eyeball 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アレルギー allergy 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
病気びょうき illness (usu. excluding minor ailments, e.g. common cold); disease; sickness 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ this; this one 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ここ here; this place 9 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はら field; plain; prairie; tundra; moor; wilderness 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ように in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as) 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でしょ it seems; I think; I guess; I wonder 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ずっと continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; all along; the whole time; all the way 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいつ he; she; that guy 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
検査けんさ inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; test; check; scan (e.g. MRI, PET); audit 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作文さくぶん writing (an essay, prose, etc.); composition 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それ that; it 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勉強べんきょう study 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any; nothing 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遊ぶあそぶ to play (games, sports); to enjoy oneself; to have a good time 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
友達ともだち friend; companion 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コト thing; matter 8 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ケガ injury; wound 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大会たいかい mass meeting; convention; rally; conference; assembly; gathering 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
元気げんき lively; full of spirit; energetic; vigorous; vital; spirited 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さえ clearness; clarity 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しま island 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
様子ようす state; state of affairs; situation; circumstances 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんな such; that sort of; that kind of; like that 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
症状しょうじょう symptoms; condition (of a patient) 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
治療ちりょう (medical) treatment; care; therapy; cure; remedy 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちがう to differ (from); to vary 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
探すさがす to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to seek 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
考えるかんがえる to think (about, of); to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to reflect (on); to meditate (on) 7 Mark as Known Add to SRS
保健室ほけんしつ school infirmary 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どう how; in what way; how about 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
続けるつづける to continue; to keep up; to keep on 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻るもどる to turn back (e.g. half-way) 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐに immediately; right away; at once; instantly 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
子供こども child 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かもしれない may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも always; all the time; at all times 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忙しいいそがしい busy; occupied; hectic 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すごい terrible; dreadful 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちょっと a little; a bit; slightly 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なにか something; some; any 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見つかるみつかる to be found; to be discovered 6 Mark as Known Add to SRS
well 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サッカー部サッカーぶ soccer club (at a school); football club 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ああ like that; so 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
起きるおきる to get up; to rise; to blaze up (fire) 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
治るなおる to get better; to get well; to recover (from an illness); to be cured; to be restored; to heal 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今年ことし this year 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しいたのしい enjoyable; fun; pleasant; happy; delightful 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先にさきに previously; before; earlier; formerly; recently 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暗いくらい dark; gloomy; murky 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もっと (some) more; even more; longer; further 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気になるきになる to weigh on one's mind; to bother one; to worry about; to be concerned about; to care about; to feel uneasy; to be anxious 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やめる to stop (an activity); to cease; to discontinue; to end; to quit 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼ぶよぶ to call out (to); to call; to invoke 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おそらく perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食べるたべる to eat 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うるさい noisy; loud 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
好くすく to like; to love; to be fond of 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くれる to give; to let (one) have 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただ ordinary; common; usual 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっき a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ある to be; to exist; to live 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遅いおそい slow; time-consuming; sluggish 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごめんなさい I'm sorry; my apologies; excuse me; pardon me 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必ずかならず always; without exception; necessarily; certainly; without fail; positively; invariably 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
問題もんだい question (e.g. on a test); problem 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思うおもう to think; to consider; to believe; to reckon 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
それはそれ​‌は very; extremely 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幼稚園ようちえん kindergarten 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オバケ ghost; apparition 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一人でひとりで alone; by oneself; on one's own 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
隠れるかくれる to hide; to be hidden; to conceal oneself; to disappear 5 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キャプテン captain 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放課後ほうかご after school (at the end of the day) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
疲れるつかれる to get tired; to tire; to get fatigued; to become exhausted; to grow weary 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強いつよい strong; potent; competent; domineering; tough 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎日まいにち every day 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
病院びょういん hospital; clinic; doctor's office; doctor's surgery; infirmary 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことがある (for something) to have occurred; to have done (something) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
作るつくる to make; to produce; to manufacture; to build; to construct 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボール ball 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すみません excuse me; pardon me; I'm sorry; I beg your pardon 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行ってくるいってくる to go (and then come back) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうした somehow; how; in what way; why; what kind of 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひと person; someone; somebody 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
突然とつぜん abrupt; sudden; unexpected 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お前らおまえら you (plural) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
で‌はある to be (in contrast to something that is not the case) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部活ぶかつ club activities; extracurricular activities 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場合ばあい case; situation 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食物しょくもつ food; foodstuff 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みる to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つぎ next; following; subsequent 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
反応はんのう reaction; response 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出るでる to leave; to exit; to go out; to come out; to get out 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
泣くなく to cry; to weep; to sob; to howl 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わたし I; me 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とっても very; awfully; exceedingly 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
読むよむ to read 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業じゅぎょう lesson; class work; teaching; instruction 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゅく cram school; private tutoring school; juku 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
眼鏡めがね glasses; eyeglasses; spectacles 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お父さんおとうさん father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy; dada 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気をつけるきをつける to be careful; to pay attention; to take care 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
寝るねる to sleep (lying down) 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お願いおねがい request; favour (to ask); wish 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
書くかく to write; to compose; to pen 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
待つまつ to wait 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視力しりょく eyesight; vision; visual acuity 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようになる to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
回復かいふく restoration; rehabilitation; recovery; return; replevin; improvement 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全然ぜんぜん (not) at all; (not) in the slightest 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっぱい one cup (of); one glass (of); one bowl (of); cupful; glassful; bowlful; spoonful 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怪談かいだん ghost story 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ツアー tour 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれ who 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
探険たんけん exploration; expedition 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
探しにさがしに in search of; in order to look for 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まだ still; as yet; only 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪いわるい bad; poor; undesirable 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連絡れんらく contacting; (making) contact; getting in touch; communication; correspondence; call; message 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこか somewhere 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歩くあるく to walk 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
写真しゃしん photograph; photo; picture; snapshot; snap 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関係ないかんけいない unrelated; irrelevant; unconcerned; unconnected 4 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決めるきめる to decide; to choose; to determine; to make up one's mind; to resolve; to set one's heart on; to settle; to arrange; to set; to appoint; to fix 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最近さいきん recently; lately; these days; nowadays; right now 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よく nicely; properly; well; skillfully; skilfully 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頑張るがんばる to persevere; to persist; to keep at it; to hang on; to hold out; to do one's best 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自主練習じしゅれんしゅう voluntary training; voluntary practice; free practice 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当にほんとうに really; truly 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
クラス class 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付き添うつきそう to attend on; to wait on; to accompany; to escort; to chaperone 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このまえ the other day; previously; before; earlier; recently 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担任たんにん being in charge of (esp. a class or subject); taking charge of 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本当ほんとう truth; reality; actuality; fact 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あの人あのひと he; she; that person 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出すだす to take out; to get out 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
痛いいたい painful; sore 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
平気へいき coolness; calmness; composure; unconcern 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕事しごと work; job; labor; labour; business; task; assignment; occupation; employment 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たに valley 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あし foot; paw; arm (of an octopus, squid, etc.) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先週せんしゅう last week; the week before 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうして how; in what way; by what means 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
苦しいくるしい painful; difficult; tough; hard 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もしも if; in case; supposing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優勝ゆうしょう overall victory; championship; winning the title 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんた you 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たしか sure; certain; positive; definite 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体調たいちょう physical condition; state of health 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感じるかんじる to feel; to sense; to experience 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間じかん time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
発症はっしょう outbreak of an illness; onset of an illness; appearance of symptoms 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アナフィラキシー anaphylaxis 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食材しょくざい foodstuff; ingredient 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特定とくてい specific; particular; designated; special 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
起こるおこる to occur; to happen 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その後そのあと after that; afterwards; thereafter 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
激しいはげしい violent; furious; tempestuous 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使うつかう to use (a tool, method, etc.); to make use of; to put to use 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
危険きけん danger; peril; hazard 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
続くつづく to continue; to last; to go on 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝えるつたえる to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart; to propagate; to teach; to bequeath 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
取り除くとりのぞく to remove; to deinstall; to take away; to set apart 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
用意ようい preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready; laying out (e.g. a meal) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そこ there (place relatively near listener) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなもの that's the way it is; such is life 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喜んでよろこんで with pleasure ... 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ただいま here I am; I'm home! 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱり as expected; sure enough; just as one thought 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初めてはじめて for the first time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたの what's the matter?; what's wrong? 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あめ rain 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんの what; what kind of; what sort of 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よう business; task; errand; engagement 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんな that sort of; that kind of; like that; such; so 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見えにくいみえにくい hard to see; obscured 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コンクール competition; contest 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ちきもち feeling; sensation; mood; state of mind 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ねつ heat 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんでも any; anything; whatever; whatever one likes; everything; all 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せき seat 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうしたん what's the matter?; what's wrong? 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
両目りょうめ both eyes 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あれ that; that thing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
異状いじょう something wrong; accident; change; abnormality; aberration 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とりあえず first of all; at once; right away 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい nature (of a person) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のう brain 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
限るかぎる to restrict; to limit; to confine 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心当たりこころあたり having in mind; happening to know of; idea 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こっち this way; this direction 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心の病気こころのびょうき mental illness; emotional disorder 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ない nonexistent; not being (there) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんにも (not) anything; (nothing) at all; (not) any 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連れるつれる to take (someone) with one; to bring along; to go with; to be accompanied by 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だめ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すぐ immediately; at once; right away; directly 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あげる to raise; to elevate 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姉ちゃんねえちゃん (one's) older sister; (one's) elder sister 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わるおわる to end; to come to an end; to close; to finish 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アホ fool; idiot; simpleton 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どっか somewhere 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かい mystery; wonder 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おとうと younger brother; little brother; kid brother 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そと outside; exterior 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見つけるみつける to discover; to find (e.g. an error in a book); to come across; to detect; to spot 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近付くちかづく to approach; to draw near; to get close 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面白いおもしろい interesting; fascinating; intriguing; enthralling 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人間にんげん human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こえ voice 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たくさん a lot; lots; plenty; many; a large number; much; a great deal; a good deal 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さき point; tip; end; nozzle 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度もなんども many times over; often; repeatedly; time after time 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あなた you 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
保健ほけん preservation of health; hygiene; sanitation 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むかし olden days; former 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分じぶん myself; yourself; oneself; himself; herself 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
願うねがう to desire; to wish; to hope 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姿すがた figure; form; shape 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
進むすすむ to advance; to go forward 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
to; traditional unit of volume, approx. 18 litres 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小児科しょうにか pediatrics 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くり Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
tree; shrub; bush 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受験じゅけん taking an examination (esp. for entrance to a school or university) 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
答えるこたえる to answer; to reply 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動くうごく to move; to stir; to shift; to shake; to swing 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思いおもい thought 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大切たいせつ important; significant; serious; crucial 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
選ぶえらぶ to choose; to select 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もの thing; object; article; stuff; substance 3 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カルテ patient's chart; clinical records 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終了しゅうりょう end; close; termination 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひる noon; midday 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相手あいて companion; partner; company 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
キー key (lock, keyboard, piano, clue, island, cay, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呼吸こきゅう breathing; respiration 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
チーム team 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
去年きょねん last year 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
治すなおす to cure; to heal 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
多いおおい many; numerous; a lot 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
決勝けっしょう decision of a contest; finals (in sports) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
興味ないきょうみない uninterested (in); having no interest (in) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
倒れるたおれる to fall (over, down); to collapse; to take a fall; to topple 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
渡すわたす to ferry across (e.g. a river); to carry across; to traverse 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分でじぶんで by myself; in person; by oneself 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手伝うてつだう to help; to assist; to aid 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
走るはしる to run 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集合しゅうごう meeting up; gathering; assembly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気持ち悪いきもちわるい bad feeling; feeling bad; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross; disgusting 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うで arm 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イキナリ abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きもちわるい bad feeling; feeling bad; disagreeable; unpleasant; revolting; gross; disgusting 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おや parent; parents; mother and father 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
医者いしゃ (medical) doctor; physician 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おか hill; height; knoll; rising ground 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
藤崎ふじさき Fujisaki (town), Aomori Prefecture 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先輩せんぱい senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以来いらい since; henceforth 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆめ dream 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
叶えるかなえる to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
絶対ぜったい absolutely; definitely; unconditionally 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝ち取るかちとる to win; to achieve; to gain; to obtain; to secure 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とくに particularly; especially; in particular; expressly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
変わったかわった unusual; abnormal; strange; odd; peculiar; weird; different 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
名前なまえ name 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これまで so far; up to now; hitherto 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
珍しいめずらしい unusual; rare; curious 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転ぶころぶ to fall down; to fall over 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
腫れぼったいはれぼったい puffy; somewhat swollen 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かお face; visage 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急にきゅうに swiftly; rapidly; quickly; immediately; hastily; hurriedly 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現れるあらわれる to appear; to come in sight; to become visible; to come out; to embody; to materialize; to materialise 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うそ lie; fib; falsehood; untruth 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まえ in front (of); before (e.g. a building) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部活動ぶかつどう club activities; extracurricular activities 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
特別とくべつ special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional; especial 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
条件じょうけん condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
誘発ゆうはつ inducing; causing; triggering; giving rise to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
診るみる to examine (medically) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引き起こすひきおこす to cause; to induce; to bring about; to provoke 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ショック shock (psychological) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
状態じょうたい state; condition; situation; appearance; circumstances 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アレルゲン allergen 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エビ prawn; shrimp; lobster; crayfish 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんと what; how 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
結果けっか result; consequence; outcome; effect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
摂取せっしゅ intake (e.g. of salt); ingestion 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
給食きゅうしょく provision of lunch (e.g. at office, school, etc.); providing a meal; lunch service 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体育たいいく physical education; PE; gym (class) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ストレス stress 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
昼休みひるやすみ lunch break; noon recess; noon rest period 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
予防よぼう prevention; protection (against); precaution 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持つもつ to hold (in one's hand); to take; to carry 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
辞めるやめる to resign; to retire; to quit; to leave (one's job, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
残念ざんねん regrettable; unfortunate; disappointing; vexing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目標もくひょう goal; target; aim; objective 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手にかってに arbitrarily; of its own accord; voluntarily; wilfully; willfully; as one pleases 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サッカー soccer 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幸いさいわい happiness; blessedness; luck; fortune; felicity 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やすい easy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
守るまもる to protect; to guard; to defend 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エピペン EpiPen; Epinephrine autoinjector 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生活せいかつ living; life (one's daily existence); livelihood 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家族かぞく family 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほしい wanting (to have); desiring; wishing for 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小さいちいさい small; little; tiny 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上手じょうず skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at); adept; clever 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いってくる to go (and then come back) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ママ mama; mamma; mom; mommy; mum; mummy; mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恥ずかしいはずかしい embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; humiliated; shy 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポスター poster 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目が見えるめがみえる to be able to see 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ソレ that; it 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カオ face; visage 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目が悪いめがわるい having poor eyesight 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今度こんど this time; now 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これから from now on; after this; in the future; in future 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
赤ちゃんあかちゃん baby; infant 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だからって even so; all the same; nevertheless; yes, but ... 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そんなに so much; so; like that 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんまり (not) very; (not) much 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家の人いえのひと one's family; family member 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あさ morning 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つい just (now) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
痛むいたむ to hurt; to ache; to feel a pain 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頭痛ずつう headache 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
吐き気はきけ nausea; feeling like throwing up; feeling sick 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合うあう to come together; to merge; to unite; to meet 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
矯正きょうせい correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.); remedy; rectification; redress; reform 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いくつか (a) few; some; several 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伴うともなう to accompany; to go hand in hand with; to be consequent upon 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合わせるあわせる to match (rhythm, speed, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
レンズ lens 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心因しんいん psychogenesis 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視覚障害しかくしょうがい visual impairment; vision impairment; vision loss 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一時的いちじてき temporary 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心身症しんしんしょう psychosomatic illness 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視野狭窄しやきょうさく narrowing of visual field; narrow-mindedness; lack of vision 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
環境かんきょう environment; circumstance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いずれ where; which; who 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見にいくみにいく to go to see (something, someone); to visit 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一緒にいっしょに together (with); at the same time; in a lump 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一人ひとり one person 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悩むなやむ to be worried; to be troubled 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぜ why; how 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上手いうまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奪ううばう to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そのこと that; the matter in question 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大変たいへん very; greatly; terribly; awfully 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気がするきがする to feel (as if); to have a feeling (that); to have a hunch (that); to get a sense (that) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うそ lie; fib; falsehood; untruth 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よりも in comparison to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のせいで because of; owing to; due to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どんな what kind of; what sort of; what 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わがまま selfish; egoist 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明日あした tomorrow 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とのこと I'm told; is what I heard; is how it is, apparently; is what they said 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見守るみまもる to watch over; to watch attentively 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ありがとうございます thank you 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
退院たいいん leaving hospital; discharge from hospital 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おかえり return 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
このまま as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体力たいりょく stamina; endurance; physical strength; resilience; resistance to disease 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来年らいねん next year 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手術しゅじゅつ surgery; operation; procedure 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先天性せんてんせい hereditary; congenital 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心疾患しんしっかん heart disease 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日常にちじょう everyday; daily; ordinary; usual; routine; regular 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃げるにげる to escape; to run away 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
恐怖きょうふ fear; dread; dismay; terror; horror; scare; panic 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
sum 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ビビる to feel nervous; to feel afraid; to feel self-conscious; to lose one's nerve; to get cold feet; to get the jitters 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しん truth; reality; genuineness 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喋るしゃべる to talk; to chat; to chatter 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
図工室ずこうしつ drawing and manual arts room; arts and craft room 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理科りか science (inc. mathematics, medicine, etc.); natural science 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何年生なんねんせい what grade (in school) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
連れ出すつれだす to take (someone) out (for a walk, to lunch, etc.) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
内緒ないしょ secrecy; confidentiality; privacy; secret 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休むやすむ to be absent; to take a day off 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遠いとおい far; distant; far away; a long way off; in the distance 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とにかく anyhow; at any rate; anyway; somehow or other; generally speaking; in any case; at least 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うわさ rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その that; the 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足音あしおと sound of footsteps 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人おとな adult; grown-up 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もし if; in case; supposing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
廊下ろうか corridor; hallway; passageway 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生徒せいと pupil; student; schoolchild 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひとつ one 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教師きょうし teacher (classroom) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
化け物ばけもの goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre; specter 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くだらない trivial; trifling; insignificant; not worth bothering with; worthless; useless; good-for-nothing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ありがとうございました thank you 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最後さいご end; conclusion 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
着替えきがえ changing clothes; change of clothes 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
安心あんしん relief; peace of mind 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心配しんぱい worry; concern; anxiety; uneasiness; fear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自信じしん self-confidence; confidence (in oneself) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つながる to be tied together; to be connected to; to be linked to 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どれだけ how long; how much; to what extent 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
父親ちちおや father 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あと behind; rear 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
調子ちょうし tune; tone; key; pitch; time; rhythm 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
相談そうだん consultation; discussion; discussing; asking (someone) for advice 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
母親ははおや mother 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迎えむかえ meeting; greeting; welcome 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
途中とちゅう on the way; en route 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生きるいきる to live; to exist 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝手かって one's own convenience; one's way; selfishness 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
振り回すふりまわす to wield; to brandish; to flourish; to wave (about); to swing 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつまで how long?; till when? 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
言葉ことば language; dialect 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
階段かいだん stairs; stairway; staircase 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上るのぼる to ascend; to go up; to climb 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっぱ too; also; likewise; either 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
記事きじ article; news story; report; account 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やつ fellow; guy; chap 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受験勉強じゅけんべんきょう studying for a test (esp. school or university entrance examinations) 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さぼる to be truant; to slack off; to play hooky; to skip school; to cut class; to skip out 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
壁新聞かべしんぶん wall newspaper; wall poster 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とっくに long ago; already; a long time ago 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だいたい outline; main points; gist; substance; essence 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バンソーコ adhesive bandage; sticking plaster; band-aid 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心理的しんりてき psychological; mental 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
身体からだ body 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向かうむかう to face 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と言ってといって however; because; as 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はなし talk; speech; chat; conversation 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホント truth; reality; actuality; fact 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
べつに (not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially 2 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スゲー incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上達じょうたつ improvement (e.g. in skill, ability); advance; progress 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
としても even if ...; even supposing that ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ストレッチ stretch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
上がるあがる to rise; to go up; to come up; to ascend; to be raised 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
片付けるかたづける to tidy up; to put in order; to straighten up; to put away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ランニング running 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
メニュー menu 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ポスト postbox; mailbox; mail box; pillar box 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
プレー play; recreation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
背中せなか back (of body) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おさえる to keep within limits (e.g. spending); to restrain (e.g. emotions); to control; to curb; to hold in check 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しっかり tightly (holding on); firmly; securely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手本てほん copybook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだか (a) little; somewhat; somehow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
熱いあつい hot (to the touch) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
風邪かぜ (common) cold; influenza; flu; ague; inflammatory respiratory system illness (in general) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
初戦しょせん first match (in a series) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あっか (suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration; corruption 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
合同ごうどう combination; union; incorporation; amalgamation; fusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
勝つかつ to win; to gain victory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気合きあい (fighting) spirit; motivation; effort 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近いちかい near; close; short (distance) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
逃すのがす to miss (e.g. a chance); to lose; to let get away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はりきる to be in high spirits; to be full of vigor (vigour); to be enthusiastic; to be eager; to stretch to breaking point 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぜひ certainly; without fail 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
近所きんじょ neighbourhood; neighborhood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
現場げんば actual spot; scene (of a crime, accident, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
居合わせるいあわせる to happen to be present 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
変わりないかわりない no change; no difference 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一応いちおう more or less; though not quite satisfactorily; after a fashion; pretty much; roughly; so far as it goes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
用紙ようし blank form 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コピー copy; photocopy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
要はよう​‌は in short; the point is; the important thing is; in a word; basically 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いいかげん irresponsible; perfunctory; careless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
態度たいど attitude; manner; behaviour; demeanour; bearing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
成長せいちょう growth; development; growing up; becoming an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
協力的きょうりょくてき cooperative; helpful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数日後すうじつご several days later 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
関心かんしん concern; interest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
怒るおこる to get angry; to get mad 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ならう to imitate; to follow; to emulate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先発せんぱつ starting in advance; starting first; going first; going ahead 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
控えるひかえる to be temperate in; to refrain; to abstain; to hold back; to restrain oneself from excessive ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ミニゲーム minigame; mini game; subgame; microgame 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
調子が悪いちょうしがわるい in bad shape; not doing well; not going well; out of condition; in poor form 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いまだ still; as yet; only 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
念のためねんのため (just) making sure; just to be sure; just in case; for caution's sake 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
洗うあらう to wash; to cleanse; to rinse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無理むり unreasonable; unnatural; unjustifiable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中断ちゅうだん interruption; suspension; break 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
石けんせっけん soap 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
入れ替えいれかえ replacement; substitution; change 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めちゃくちゃ absurd; unreasonable; nonsensical; preposterous; incoherent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
面倒めんどう trouble; bother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目元めもと eyes; expression of the eyes 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何年なんねん how many years; how long 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ヤツ fellow; guy; chap 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
副顧問ふくこもん assistant counsel; deputy counsel; sub-adviser 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のぞきこむ to look into; to peer in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんなん chatteringly; wittering on; prattling on; blathering on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大したことないたいしたことない trivial; not amounting to much 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひっぱる to pull; to draw; to pull tight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フロ bath; bathing; bathtub; bathroom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガンガ small toy sold with food 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ダメ no good; not serving its purpose; useless; broken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エース ace (playing card) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
骨折こっせつ bone fracture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悲惨ひさん disastrous; tragic; miserable; wretched; pitiful; woeful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
実力じつりょく (real) ability; true strength; merit; efficiency; competency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
運がないうんがない unlucky 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
表情ひょうじょう facial expression; countenance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
タオル towel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
金曜きんよう Friday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんともない it's no big deal; it's no problem; it's nothing to worry about; safe (and sound); all right 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やってくる to come along; to come around; to turn up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
試合中しあいちゅう during a game; in the middle of a match 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうすぐ soon; shortly; before long; nearly; almost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そりゃ very; extremely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
久しぶりひさしぶり a long time (since the last time); first in a long time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
試合しあい match; game; bout; contest 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつも通りいつもどおり as always; as usual 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゼッケン cloth bib displaying a competitor's number; athlete's number 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうかした is something wrong?; what's wrong?; what's the matter? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
記録きろく record; minutes; document 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そいつ he; she; that person; that guy; that fellow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見かけるみかける to (happen to) see; to notice; to catch sight of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大したたいした considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きず wound; injury; cut; gash; bruise; scratch; scrape; scar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何回なんかい how many times 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つき Moon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みず water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きん gold (metal) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
局所的きょくしょてき local; localized; partial; topical (application) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まぶた eyelid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全体ぜんたい whole; entirety; whatever (is the matter) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
赤いあかい red; crimson; scarlet; vermilion; vermillion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
データ data; datum 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
によって according to; by (means of); due to; because of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
既往きおう the past 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覚えるおぼえる to memorize; to memorise; to commit to memory; to learn by heart; to bear in mind; to remember 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
範囲はんい extent; scope; sphere; range; span 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほか other (place, thing, person); the rest; et al. 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違和感いわかん uncomfortable feeling; feeling out of place; sense of discomfort 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
金曜日きんようび Friday 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
声をかけるこえをかける to greet; to call out (to); to start talking (to) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ボンヤリ dimly; faintly; indistinctly; vaguely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
その日そのひ that day; the very same day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通にふつうに normally; ordinarily; usually; generally; commonly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
参加さんか participation; joining; entry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自覚じかく self-consciousness; self-awareness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嘘をつくうそをつく to tell a lie; to fib 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そのとき at that time; at that moment; then; on that occasion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
疑ううたがう to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サイド side 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大きいおおきい big; large; great 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
振れるふれる to swing; to shake; to wave 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放すはなす to release; to let go; to free; to set free; to let loose; to turn loose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
真っ赤まっか bright red; deep red; flushed (of face) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気道きどう respiratory tract; air duct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むくむ to swell; to become swollen; to become puffy (e.g. face from lack of sleep); to become bloated (esp. from fluid retention) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
閉塞へいそく blockage; blockade; blocking up; stoppage; obstruction; occlusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
救急車きゅうきゅうしゃ ambulance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全身ぜんしん whole (body); full-length (e.g. portrait) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
蕁麻疹じんましん hives; nettle rash; urticaria 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アナフィラキシーショック anaphylactic shock 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
可能性が高いかのうせいがたかい very likely; very probable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
午後ごご afternoon; p.m. 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時間帯じかんたい period of time; time slot; time zone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とき time; hour; moment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
依存性いぞんせい dependence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
間違いないまちがいない certain; sure; doubtless 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
必要ひつよう necessary; needed; essential; indispensable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
改善かいぜん betterment; improvement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
最優先さいゆうせん maximum preference; maximum priority; priority handling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急性きゅうせい acute (illness) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
機能きのう function; facility; faculty; feature 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
血液けつえき blood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
判明はんめい establishing; proving; ascertaining; identifying; confirming 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普段からふだんから on a routine basis; regularly; habitually 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
開始かいし start; commencement; beginning; initiation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
個人差こじんさ individual differences; personal equation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
運動量うんどうりょう momentum 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今回こんかい this time; now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
疲労ひろう fatigue; weariness; exhaustion; tiredness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
体質たいしつ constitution (physical); physical make-up; predisposition (to disease); disposition; tendency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遺伝いでん heredity; (genetic) inheritance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
難しいむずかしい difficult; hard; troublesome; complicated; serious (disease, problem, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
以外いがい with the exception of; excepting; excluding 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
十分じゅうぶん enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自覚症状じかくしょうじょう subjective symptoms; patient's complaints 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じゃないか isn't it? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんにせよ at any rate; anyhow; anyway; in any case; because 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
重症化じゅうしょうか aggravation (of an illness); exacerbation; worsening 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持病じびょう chronic disease 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まま as it is; as one likes; because; as 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数ヵ月すうかげつ several months 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先ほどさきほど a short while ago; a moment ago; just now; some time ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むね principle; aim; main purpose; central part; pillar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しょうがねぇ there's no (other) way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
取れるとれる to come off; to be removed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
汚いきたない dirty; filthy; foul; unclean 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なさけねー miserable; pitiable; shameful; deplorable; pathetic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いままで until now; so far; up to the present 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いのち life; life force 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
危険性きけんせい riskiness; (level of) danger 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
でもある to also be (implies that as well as the earlier stated this is also the case) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
に対するにたいする regarding; in; to; towards; with regards to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
緊急きんきゅう urgency; emergency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
補助ほじょ assistance; support; aid; help 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使用しよう use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
medicine; the healing art; healing; curing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どく poison; toxicant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
による by means of; due to; because of; according to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
避くさく to avoid 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持ち歩くもちあるく to carry around; to carry on one's person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分自身じぶんじしん oneself; myself 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
理解りかい understanding; comprehension; appreciation; sympathy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付き合うつきあう to associate with; to keep company with; to go out with; to go steady with; to get on with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
簡単かんたん simple; easy; uncomplicated 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
代替だいたい substitution 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
食事しょくじ meal; dinner 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
管理かんり control; management (e.g. of a business) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
徹底てってい thoroughness; completeness; consistency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覚悟かくご readiness; preparedness; resolution; resignation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
諦めるあきらめる to give up; to abandon (hope, plans); to resign oneself (to) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことはないこと​‌は​ない there is no need to ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サポート support 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そのため hence; for that reason 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
終わりおわり end; ending; close; conclusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
中学ちゅうがく junior high school; middle school; lower secondary school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目指すめざす to aim at (for, to do, to become); to try for; to have an eye on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
確認かくにん confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation; identification 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何度かなんどか several times; once or twice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
隠すかくす to hide; to conceal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
常備じょうび standing; reserve; always having ready 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
使い方つかいかた way to use something; treatment; management (of help) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハイ high (e.g. spirits); merry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
復帰ふっき return; comeback; reinstatement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きす to fix (a time, date, etc.); to set 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
新しいあたらしい new; novel; fresh; recent; latest; up-to-date; modern 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふえる to increase; to multiply 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
この手このて this way (of doing); this method 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やわらかい soft; tender; pliant; supple; limber; limp 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あたたかい warm; mild; (pleasantly) hot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いう to say; to utter; to declare 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
hand; arm 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
力強いちからづよい powerful; strong; forceful; vigorous 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にぎる to clasp; to grasp; to grip; to clutch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こま spinning top 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いもうと younger sister 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大好きだいすき liking very much; loving (something or someone); adoring; being very fond of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
主におもに mainly; primarily 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
保つたもつ to keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
指すさす to point 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハギ bush clover; Japanese clover (any flowering plant of genus Lespedeza) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おっと husband 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おんぶ carrying (someone) on one's back (esp. a child); piggyback ride 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぐずる to grumble; to be unsettled; to grizzle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
楽しみにするたのしみにする to look forward to something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
参観日さんかんび parents' observation day (at school); parents' visiting day; open day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かさ umbrella; parasol 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
来週らいしゅう next week 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迎えにくるむかえにくる to call for someone; to come for someone; to pick someone up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい子いいこ good boy; good girl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嬉しいうれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
のける to put something out of the way; to move (something, someone) aside 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わるい bad; poor; undesirable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かあ cawing (of a crow) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視力検査しりょくけんさ eye test; eyesight test 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
輪っかわっか ring; loop (of rope) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウロウロ restlessly; aimlessly; without purpose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たからか loud; sonorous; ringing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ものしり well-informed person; walking dictionary; extensive knowledge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かぶる to put on (one's head); to wear; to have on; to pull over (one's head); to crown (oneself) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
エラ gills; branchia 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガリ勉がりべん person who studies very hard (at school); grind; swot; drudge 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
サガ saga 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ことになる to have been decided (so) that; to have been arranged (so) that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出かけるでかける to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing); to leave; to depart; to start; to set out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すてき lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お知らせおしらせ notice; notification 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
応募作品おうぼさくひん work sent to a competition; competition entry 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さすが as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); just like (someone) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
妹さんいもうとさん younger sister 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
優しいやさしい tender; kind; gentle; graceful; affectionate; amiable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
伝わるつたわる to be handed down; to be introduced; to be transmitted; to be circulated; to go along; to walk along 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
素敵すてき lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夕飯ゆうはん evening meal; dinner; supper 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お風呂おふろ bath 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おやすみなさい good night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
酷いひどい cruel; heartless; hard; harsh; severe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失礼しますしつれいします excuse me; pardon me; I beg your pardon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ふく good fortune; happiness; blessing; good luck 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お仕事おしごと work; job; labor; labour; business; task; assignment; occupation; employment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仕方ないしかたない there's no (other) way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
留守番るすばん care-taking; house-sitting; house-watching; staying at home 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
えらい great; excellent; admirable; remarkable; distinguished; important; celebrated; famous; eminent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
凄いすごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほめる to praise; to commend; to compliment; to speak well of; to speak highly of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
危ないあぶない dangerous; risky; hazardous; perilous; precarious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
軽いかるい light (i.e. not heavy); feeling light (i.e. offering little resistance, moving easily) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
打撲だぼく blow; hit (on the body); beating 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
湿布しっぷ (wet) compress; poultice; fomentation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
替えるかえる to replace 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あたま head 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当たるあたる to be hit; to strike 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
前方ぜんぽう forward; frontward; ahead 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よける to avoid (physical contact with) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飛ぶとぶ to fly; to soar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急激きゅうげき sudden; abrupt; rapid; sharp; drastic; radical 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下がるさがる to come down; to go down; to fall; to drop; to sink; to get lower 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
充血じゅうけつ congestion (with blood); hyperemia; hyperaemia 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
低下ていか fall; decline; lowering; deterioration; degradation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生じるしょうじる to produce; to yield; to cause 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これで here; with this 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はっきり clearly; plainly; distinctly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
貸すかす to lend; to loan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視神経ししんけい optic nerve 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うける to receive; to get 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
精神的せいしんてき mental; spiritual; emotional 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当然とうぜん natural; right; proper; just; reasonable; appropriate; deserved 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
トリック trick 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い込むおもいこむ to be convinced (that); to be under the impression (that); to feel sure (that); to assume (that) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色覚異常しきかくいじょう color-vision deficiency; colour-vision deficiency; color-blindness; colour-blindness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
影響えいきょう influence; effect; impact 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ぶつかる to strike against; to collide with; to bump into; to conflict 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
左右さゆう left and right; right and left 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
視界しかい field of vision; visibility; view; visual field; (one's) ken 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
欠けるかける to chip; to be chipped; to break (off); to be damaged 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自然しぜん nature 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
病状びょうじょう patient's condition; pathology 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
長びくながびく to be prolonged; to drag on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
家庭かてい home; household; family; hearth 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とされる ... is considered to ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
要因よういん main cause; primary factor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お休みおやすみ holiday; day off; absence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だよね it is, isn't it?; I know, right?; innit? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何でなんで why?; what for? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くるま car; automobile; vehicle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お家おうち your home; your family; their home; their family 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お邪魔おじゃま hindrance; intrusion 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
借りるかりる to borrow; to have a loan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
電話でんわ telephone call; phone call 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一度もいちども (not) even once; (not) ever 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まずい bad (taste); unpalatable; unsavoury; unsavory; awful; terrible; unpleasant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
責めるせめる to condemn; to blame; to criticize; to criticise; to reproach; to accuse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
放っておくほうっておく to leave alone; to leave as is; to ignore; to neglect 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけにはいかないわけ​に‌は​いかない cannot (due to external circumstances); cannot afford to; must not; impossible to; no way one can (do) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一生懸命いっしょうけんめい very hard; with utmost effort; as hard as one can; with all one's might; for dear life; eagerly; desperately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
授業参観じゅぎょうさんかん parents' day (day when parents observe their children in school) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
発表はっぴょう announcement; publication; presenting; statement; communique; making known; breaking (news story); expressing (one's opinion); releasing; unveiling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
出展しゅってん exhibit; display 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひと言ひとこと single word; a few words; brief comment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嫌うきらう to hate; to dislike; to loathe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ときもの unsewing; clothes to be unsewn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
眼科がんか ophthalmology 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
些細ささい trivial; trifling; slight; insignificant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
再発さいはつ return; relapse; recurrence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
注意深いちゅういぶかい attentive; cautious; careful; watchful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にも also; too; not ... either; as well; even 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
用事ようじ tasks; things to do; errand; business (to take care of); affairs; engagement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バー bar; tavern; saloon; barroom 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっごい terrible; dreadful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先日せんじつ the other day; a few days ago 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
良好りょうこう good; fine; excellent; favorable; favourable; satisfactory 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
根治こんじ complete cure; radical cure; complete recovery 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
治癒ちゆ healing; cure; recovery 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
徐々にじょじょに gradually; steadily; slowly; little by little; step by step; by degrees 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
通うかよう to go to and from (a place); to go back and forth between; to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.); to ply between 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
崩すくずす to destroy; to demolish; to pull down; to tear down; to level 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いん house of parliament (congress, diet, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんらか some; any; in any way; of some kind; of some sort 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
認めるみとめる to recognize; to recognise; to observe; to notice 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
生まれつくうまれつく to be born (with); to be born (to be); to be destined 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ねこ cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戻ってくるもどってくる to come back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
集まるあつまる to gather; to collect; to assemble 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
驚かすおどろかす to surprise; to frighten; to create a stir 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人気にんき popularity; public favor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
去るさる to leave; to go away 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
校舎こうしゃ school building; schoolhouse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暗闇くらやみ darkness; the dark 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひそむ to lurk; to be hidden; to be concealed; to lie dormant; to be latent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今宵こよい this evening; tonight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人々ひとびと people; men and women 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おびやかす to intimidate; to frighten; to scare 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
解き明かすときあかす to explain; to dispel doubts 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数々かずかず many; numerous; various; large number of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奇妙きみょう strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
謎いなぞい mystifying; puzzling; perplexing; baffling; bewildering 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
百日ひゃくにち hundred days; lengthy time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
子達こたち children 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すげー incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マンガ cartoon; comic; comic strip; manga 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
セリフ (spoken) line (in a play, film, comic, etc.); one's lines 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
音楽室おんがくしつ music room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おちつける to quiet; to calm down; to compose oneself; to settle down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かい shellfish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あそこ there; over there; that place; yonder; you-know-where 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だれか someone; somebody 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ような like; similar to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ようにする (following a verb) to be sure to; to do (something) so that ...; to make sure to; to try to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
奴らやつら they; those guys 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこどこ such-and-such a place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ちえ wisdom; wit; sagacity; sense; intelligence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迷子まいご lost child; lost person; stray child; missing child 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
消えるきえる to disappear; to vanish; to go out of sight; to go away; to become lost 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
散歩さんぽ walk; stroll 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
とつぜん abrupt; sudden; unexpected 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
皆様みなさま everyone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わる to divide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
せい consequence; outcome; result; blame 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう少しもうすこし a bit more; a bit longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
急ぐいそぐ to hurry; to rush; to hasten; to make something happen sooner 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明るあかる to become bright; to become clear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
先行せんこう going ahead; going first 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時々ときどき sometimes; occasionally; at times; from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at intervals 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呪うのろう to curse; to put a curse on; to detest intensely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自画像じがぞう self-portrait 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
夜な夜なよなよな every evening; night after night 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
blood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
涙を流すなみだをながす to shed tears 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
という called; named; that says; that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんだ safe hit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スグ immediately; at once; right away; directly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ファン fan; enthusiast; lover (of) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フック hook 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
からすると judging from; on the basis of; from the point of view of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
違うちがう to differ (from); to vary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うろうろ restlessly; aimlessly; without purpose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ラン run 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スター star (cinema, sports, etc.); celebrity; idol 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もう少しでもうすこしで almost; nearly; close to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
笑うわらう to laugh 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこかしら in some way; somehow or other 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ユー you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
レイ lei (garland of flowers) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オン (switched) on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下校げこう coming home from school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
時刻じこく time; (the) hour 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
何時までいつまで how long?; till when? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やばい dangerous; risky 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なお still; yet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
女の子おんなのこ girl; daughter; baby girl 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
知り合うしりあう to get to know each other; to make acquaintance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんだっけ what is it? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
準備室じゅんびしつ preparation room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数年すうねん several years; a few years 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
動物どうぶつ animal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ホルマリン formalin 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
漬けるつける to soak (in); to steep; to dip; to dunk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
行方不明ゆくえふめい missing (of a person); lost; unaccounted for; whereabouts unknown 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
人体じんたい human body 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一部いちぶ one part; one portion; one section; some 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
交じるまじる to be mixed; to be blended with; to be combined 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
当時とうじ at that time; in those days 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
秘密ひみつ secret; secrecy; confidentiality; privacy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コレクション collection 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
殺すころす to kill; to slay; to murder; to slaughter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガタン with a bang; with a crash; with a bump; with a jolt 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心からこころから from the bottom of one's heart; heartily; sincerely 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
やっと at last; finally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なぐ to become calm; to die down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
むね chest; breast 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
顔色かおいろ complexion; one's colour; one's color 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
問題ないもんだいない no problem; all right; not an issue; unobjectionable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
乱れるみだれる to be disordered; to be disarranged; to be disarrayed; to be disheveled; to be dishevelled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
これ以上これいじょう any more; any further; any better; any longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バカ idiot; moron; fool 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事にするだいじにする to take good care of; to treasure; to value; to hold dear; to prize; to cherish 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ないといけない have to (verb); must (verb) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
受けるうける to receive; to get 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつでも (at) any time; always; at all times; whenever 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
約束やくそく promise; agreement; arrangement; one's word; contract; pact; appointment; engagement; date 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すっかり all; completely; totally; entirely; thoroughly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みつ nectar 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遊び疲れるあそびつかれる to tire of playing; to become tired after playing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うれしい happy; glad; pleased; delighted; overjoyed 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さみしい lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つと quickly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
神さまかみさま God; god 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心臓しんぞう heart 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全部ぜんぶ all; entire; whole; altogether 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こんなに so; like this; in this way 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんとなく somehow or other; for some reason or another; without knowing why 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出おもいで memories; recollections; reminiscence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手紙てがみ letter; missive; note; mail 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どうだっていい inconsequential; indifferent; not worth worrying about; trivial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
暮らすくらす to live; to get along 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まち town; block; neighbourhood; neighborhood 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
幸せしあわせ happiness; good fortune; luck; blessing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くすり medicine; pharmaceuticals; (legal) drugs; pill; ointment; salve 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
飲むのむ to drink; to gulp; to swallow; to take (medicine) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カバン bag; satchel; briefcase; basket 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
嫌がるいやがる to appear uncomfortable (with); to seem to hate; to express dislike 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほっと with a feeling of relief; with a sigh of relief 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コイツ he; she; this fellow; this guy; this person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
押すおす to push; to press 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そっち that way; that direction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
丈夫じょうぶ healthy; robust; strong; solid; durable 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あいて companion; partner; company 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
欠席けっせき absence; non-attendance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
少しずつすこしずつ little by little 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
日常生活にちじょうせいかつ everyday life; daily life 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
させる to make (someone) do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
向くむく to turn toward; to look (up, down, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
迎えに来るむかえにくる to call for someone; to come for someone; to pick someone up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不衛生ふえいせい unsanitary condition; lack of hygienic care; inattention to hygiene; unhygienic conditions 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪影響あくえいきょう bad influence; negative influence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
解るわかる to understand; to comprehend; to grasp; to see; to get; to follow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明いあかるい light; well-lit; well-lighted 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ring; circle; loop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あんなに to that extent; to that degree; so much; so 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教室きょうしつ classroom; lecture room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もちろん of course; certainly; naturally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本気でほんきで seriously; in earnest; for real; all out; really; with a will 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今後こんご from now on; hereafter 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
描くえがく to draw; to paint; to sketch 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
対応たいおう correspondence (to); equivalence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転園てんえん changing kindergartens 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もうちょっと a bit more; a bit longer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じつはじつ​‌は as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
繰り返すくりかえす to repeat; to do something over again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまくいく to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relations 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
職員室しょくいんしつ staff room 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ココ here; this place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しょっちゅう always; constantly; frequently; often; nonstop 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そちら that way; that direction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お電話おでんわ telephone call 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つま wife 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しりあう to get to know each other; to make acquaintance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
会うあう to meet; to encounter; to see 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
話が見えないはなしがみえない to not understand what someone is getting at; to not understand what is being talked about 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
息子むすこ son 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くださる to give; to confer; to bestow 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
スミマセン excuse me; pardon me; I'm sorry; I beg your pardon 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まず first (of all); firstly; to begin with; before anything else 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心臓病しんぞうびょう heart disease; heart trouble; cardiopathy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
治療中ちりょうちゅう undergoing treatment (medical); receiving treatment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
段階だんかい stage; step; phase 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
引っ越しひっこし moving (dwelling, office, etc.); changing residence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ため good; advantage; benefit; welfare 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
住むすむ to live (of humans); to reside; to inhabit; to dwell; to abide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場所ばしょ place; location; spot; position 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大学病院だいがくびょういん university hospital; teaching hospital 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
移動いどう movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
就学しゅうがく entering school; school attendance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
越すこす to cross over (e.g. mountain); to go across 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
他人たにん another person; other people; others 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わかりにくい hard to understand; incomprehensible; unintelligible 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
今朝けさ this morning 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
黙るだまる to be silent; to say nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
叱るしかる to scold; to chide; to rebuke; to reprimand 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
二人ふたり two persons; two people; pair; couple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
警察けいさつ police 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あちら that way; that direction; over there; yonder 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
姉弟してい older sister and younger brother 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そろう to be complete; to be all present; to make a full set; to be satisfied (of conditions) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
イチイチ one-by-one; separately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
商店街しょうてんがい shopping district; shopping street; downtown 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
周辺しゅうへん circumference; outskirts; environs; around; in the area of; in the vicinity of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
バカみたい foolish; idiotic; stupid; ridiculous; absurd 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘れるわすれる to forget; to leave carelessly; to be forgetful of; to forget about; to forget (an article) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
忘るわする to lose something 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけない easy; simple 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
天気てんき weather; the elements 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
じーっと motionlessly (e.g. stand, wait); (be) still 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
遊びにいくあそびにいく to go on a trip; to go out to play; to go and visit (a friend) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
広いひろい spacious; vast; wide 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
空き地あきち vacant land; unoccupied ground; empty lot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はな flower; blossom; bloom; petal 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
咲くさく to bloom; to flower; to blossom; to open 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出すおもいだす to recall; to remember; to recollect 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
睨むにらむ to glare at; to scowl at; to glower at 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くだらん trivial; trifling; insignificant; not worth bothering with; worthless; useless; good-for-nothing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
母子ぼし mother and child 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
喧嘩けんか quarrel; brawl; fight; squabble; scuffle; argument 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
巻き込むまきこむ to roll up; to enfold; to swallow up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感傷かんしょう sentiment; sentimentality 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひたる to be soaked in; to be flooded; to be submerged 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いい迷惑いいめいわく real nuisance; becoming inconvenienced by someone else's problems (through no fault of one's own) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
呆れるあきれる to be amazed; to be shocked; to be astonished; to be astounded; to be disgusted; to be exasperated; to be fed up 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
病室びょうしつ sickroom; hospital room; ward 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
禁止きんし prohibition; inhibition; ban 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
許すゆるす to permit; to allow; to approve; to consent to 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小学生しょうがくせい elementary school student; primary school student; grade school student 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
にとって to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
手を離れるてをはなれる to become independent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
瞬間しゅんかん moment; second; instant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
襲いかかるおそいかかる to rush on; to attack; to swoop down on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
戦うたたかう to make war (on); to wage war (against); to go to war (with); to fight (with); to do battle (against) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ながらも though; although; notwithstanding; in spite of; despite 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いつか sometime; someday; one day; some time or other; the other day; in due course; in time 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ごく quite; very 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普通ふつう normal; ordinary; regular; usual; common; average 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
送るおくる to send (a thing); to dispatch; to despatch; to transmit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
と共にとともに together with; as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一番いちばん number one; first; first place 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あん red bean paste; red bean jam; anko 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お姉おねえ elder sister 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひとりで alone; by oneself; on one's own 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大騒ぎおおさわぎ clamour; clamor; uproar; tumult; furore; furor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこまで how far; to what extent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お礼おれい thanks; gratitude 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無神経むしんけい insensitive; inconsiderate; callous; thick-skinned 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
傷つけるきずつける to wound; to injure 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いろんな various 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
かくれんぼ hide-and-seek (game); hide-and-go-seek 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つくえ desk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もぐ to pluck (usually from a tree); to pick (e.g. apples) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
色んないろんな various 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部屋へや room; chamber 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
息苦しいいきぐるしい choking; suffocating; stifling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
私たちわたしたち we; us 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しんどい tired; frazzled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うんてい overhead ladder; horizontal ladder; monkey bars 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
テーマ theme; topic; subject matter; motif; project; slogan 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
担当たんとう being in charge (of an area of responsibility); being responsible (for a work role, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
全員ぜんいん all members; all hands; everyone; everybody; whole crew 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
プリント print; printing; (printed) copy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足るたる to be sufficient; to be enough 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
腹痛ふくつう stomach ache; abdominal pain 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一人ずつひとりずつ one by one; one at a time; in turn 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
気分が悪いきぶんがわるい feel sick; feel unwell 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
朝ごはんあさごはん breakfast 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
監修かんしゅう (editorial) supervision; general editorship 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よう dark; not understood; unknown 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はやし wood; woods; forest; grove; copse; thicket 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大学だいがく university; college 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
医学部いがくぶ medical faculty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
付属病院ふぞくびょういん affiliated hospital; university hospital 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
眠るねむる to sleep 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
休み時間やすみじかん recess; break time; break between classes; free period; recess time; recreation hour; time for recess 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よこ horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
よろしい good; OK; all right; fine; very well; will do; may; can 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
徹底的てっていてき thorough; exhaustive; complete 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
追い返すおいかえす to drive away; to turn away; to send away; to repel; to repulse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
もったいない wasteful; a waste 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歌声うたごえ singing voice; (sound of) singing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
へん strange; odd; peculiar; weird; curious; queer; eccentric; funny; suspicious; fishy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
毎日毎日まいにちまいにち day after day; day by day 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つまる to be packed (with); to be full (space, schedule, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
過ぎるすぎる to pass through; to pass by; to go beyond 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
修学旅行しゅうがくりょこう excursion; field trip; school trip 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
思い出話おもいでばなし reminiscent talk 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卒業そつぎょう graduation; completion (of a course) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
に向けてにむけて towards (a destination); for the purpose of; with the goal of; targeting (a group, a demographic) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
共同制作きょうどうせいさく co-production; collaboration 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
感動かんどう being deeply moved emotionally; excitement; passion; inspiration; deep emotion; strong impression 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
フィナーレ finale 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まんまと successfully; fairly; artfully; nicely; thoroughly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
公立こうりつ public (institution) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失礼しつれい discourtesy; impoliteness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ゆび finger; toe; digit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
切るきる to cut; to cut through; to perform (surgery) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
静かにしずかに calmly; quietly; gently; peacefully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あーゆー that sort of; like that 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お気に入りおきにいり favorite; favourite; pet (e.g. teacher's pet) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はだか nakedness; nudity 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カメラマン photographer 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目立つめだつ to be conspicuous; to stand out 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
撮るとる to take (a photo) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
単純たんじゅん simple; plain; uncomplicated; straightforward; simple-minded; naive 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
複雑ふくざつ complex; complicated; intricate; mixed (feelings) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
図書室としょしつ library (usu. single-room); small library 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
資料しりょう materials; data; document 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
めんどくさい bothersome; tiresome; bother to do 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
さっきから since some time ago; for some time; for quite a while 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一向にいっこうに completely; absolutely; totally 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
オマエ you 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
えま votive tablet; wooden tablet usu. filled out with a prayer and one's name and hung up at a shrine or temple; orig. picturing a horse, as a stand-in for a donation of a live horse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ウチ inside; within 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
なんか用なんかよう what do you want?; can I help you? 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いま now; the present time; just now; soon; immediately 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はっきり言うはっきりいう to speak distinctly; to speak clearly 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くせ habit (usu. a bad one); tendency 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大嫌いだいきらい hating; strongly disliking 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いますぐ at once; immediately; right now 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪くなるわるくなる to get worse; to deteriorate; to go from bad to worse; to become worse 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
お腹おなか belly; abdomen; stomach 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこにも (not) anywhere; nowhere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いっそ rather; sooner; preferably 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
鳴らすならす to ring; to sound; to chime; to beat; to snort (nose); to snap (fingers); to crack (joints) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ほね bone 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
一通りひととおり generally; in the main; briefly (look over, explain, etc.); roughly; more or less 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
転換てんかん conversion; diversion; changeover; commutation; switchover 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
障害しょうがい obstacle; impediment; hindrance; difficulty; barrier 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
苦痛くつう pain; agony; bitterness 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
置き換えるおきかえる to replace; to move; to change the position of 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
対処たいしょ dealing with; coping with 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
例えばたとえば for example; for instance; e.g. 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聴くきく to hear 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
聴覚ちょうかく the sense of hearing 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
失ううしなう to lose 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
声が出るこえがでる to emit a voice; to emit a sound 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ということはということ​‌は that is to say; so that means 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
強要きょうよう coercion; extortion; compulsion; force 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
片足かたあし one foot; one leg 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
悪化あっか (suffer) deterioration; growing worse; aggravation; degeneration; corruption 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
マヒ paralysis; palsy; numbness; stupor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
おそれ fear; horror; anxiety; concern; uneasiness; reverence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
できるだけ as much as one can; as much as possible; if at all possible 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
方がいいほうがいい had better ... 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
そうですね that's so, isn't it 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
場合によるばあいによる to depend (on the situation); to be handled case by case 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カウンセリング counseling 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
こちら this way; this direction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
高崎たかさき Takasaki (city), Gunma Prefecture 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
アイツ he; she; that guy 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
異動いどう change (personnel); transfer; reshuffle 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
小学校しょうがっこう primary school; elementary school; grade school 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
医師会いしかい medical association 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
要請ようせい appeal; call for something; request; claim; demand 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教授きょうじゅ professor 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無用むよう useless; futile 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
数日間すうじつかん several day period 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自宅じたく one's home; one's house 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
療養りょうよう recuperation; medical treatment 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
本人ほんにん the person in question; the person themselves; said person 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
次第にしだいに gradually (progress into a state) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
不安ふあん anxiety; uneasiness; worry; apprehension; fear; insecurity; suspense 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
与えるあたえる to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
普段ふだん usual; normal; everyday; habitual; ordinary 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
覗くのぞく to peek (through a keyhole, gap, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いったん once 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
カゼ casein 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
べん speech; tongue; talk; eloquence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
となり next (to); adjoining; adjacent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
教えるおしえる to teach; to instruct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
頭いいあたまいい bright; intelligent 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
根暗ねくら dark-natured; gloomy; dour; moody; insular; glum; pessimistic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まじ serious; not joking; straight 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みな everyone; everybody; all 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
あう to meet; to encounter; to see 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
下りるおりる to descend (e.g. a mountain); to go down; to come down 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まつ pine tree (Pinus spp.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
都合つごう circumstances; condition; convenience 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
叶うかなう to come true (of a wish, prayer, etc.); to be realized; to be fulfilled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ノック knock; knocking 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見にくるみにくる to come and see (someone, something); to visit 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
座るすわる to sit; to squat 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
はかどる to make (good) progress; to move right ahead (with the work); to advance 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
しばらく for a moment; for a minute 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
コレ this; this one 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
左足ひだりあし left foot 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ひだり left; left hand side 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
足りるたりる to be sufficient; to be enough 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
無口むくち taciturn; reticent; quiet; silent; untalkative 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人しいおとなしい obedient; docile; quiet 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
たが hoop (of a barrel, bucket, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
返すかえす to return (something); to restore; to put back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
情報じょうほう information; news; report; intelligence 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
導くみちびく to guide; to lead; to show the way; to conduct 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
推理すいり reasoning; inference; deduction 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
算数さんすう arithmetic 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
目に見えるめにみえる to be visible 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
世界せかい the world; society; the universe 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
くるむ to wrap up; to pack; to do up; to cover with; to dress in 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ワクワク trembling; getting nervous; excited; thrilled 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
すべて everything; all; the whole 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
意味があるいみがある to have meaning; to be meaningful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ていいん fixed number (of people); prescribed number (of regular personnel, students, etc.); quota; numerical limit; complement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
卒業式そつぎょうしき graduation ceremony; commencement 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
部外者ぶがいしゃ outsider; someone outside of a group 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
いや disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つまんない dull; boring 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
協力きょうりょく cooperation; collaboration; help; support 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
仲良くなかよく on good terms (with); on friendly terms (with); (getting along) well; in harmony; happily; peacefully 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
正解せいかい correct; right; correct interpretation (answer, solution) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
居場所いばしょ whereabouts; place; location 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
きっと surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly; most likely (e.g. 90 percent) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
同じおなじ same; identical; equal; uniform; equivalent; similar; common (origin); changeless; alike 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
心底しんそこ bottom of one's heart; depths of one's mind; innermost thoughts; real intentions 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
わけ conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
見返るみかえる to look back 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
期待きたい expectation; anticipation; hope 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どこでも anywhere 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
諍ういさかう to quarrel; to dispute 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
適当てきとう suitable; proper; appropriate; adequate; fit; fair 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
明るいあかるい light; well-lit; well-lighted 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
能力のうりょく ability; faculty 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
まっすぐ straight (ahead); direct; upright 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
みち road; path; street; lane; passage 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
自分の力じぶんのちから one's own strength or effort; (by) oneself 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
持てるもてる to be able to possess (hold, get, etc.) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大人になるおとなになる to grow up; to become an adult 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
大事だいじ important; serious; crucial 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
代表だいひょう representation; representative; delegate; delegation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
うまい skillful; skilful; clever; expert; wise; successful 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ハサミ scissors; shears; clippers 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
どれ which (of three or more) 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
だっけ was it?; I think it was ...; if I've got it right; if I'm not mistaken; remind me; tell me again 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
歴史れきし history 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
ガラ gala 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
得意とくい satisfaction; pride; triumph; elation 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS
つづく to continue; to last; to go on 1 Mark as Known Add to SRS