Coming all the way up here in the mountains with 足を運ぶ
Idiom Explanation: Going out of your way to do something with 足を運ぶ

A large gathering takes place in a mansion deep in the mountains, in celebration of Reika, daughter of the head of Yotsui Group. After Reika blows out the candles on her birthday cake, her father congratulates her on turning 24, then he turns and addresses their guests.
- 四井:
- 「本日は娘のためにわざわざこんな山奥まで足を運んでいただき、感謝の念にたえません!!」
- "I can't thank you enough for coming all the way up here in the mountains today for my daughter!"
- 「今後も娘共々、我が四井グループを
どうぞ よろしく!!」 - "Please be favorable to my Yotsui as well as my daughter!"